Join me for 90

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Henry V, Sep 22, 2022.

  1. Addictionfre

    Addictionfre Fapstronaut

  2. Addictionfre

    Addictionfre Fapstronaut

    Fantastic !
  3. kellyjelly

    kellyjelly Fapstronaut

    Up to 18 days - it has been a long time since I made it this long. I have notice some discomfort from the lack of release, which puts me in a situation where I consider M to relieve that but I haven’t faltered there yet. I’m sure my body will adjust if I fight through it.

    Keep fighting guys!
    Addictionfre likes this.
  4. metamorphosed

    metamorphosed Fapstronaut

    14 days - 2 weeks.

    I'm so proud.
  5. Addictionfre

    Addictionfre Fapstronaut

  6. Addictionfre

    Addictionfre Fapstronaut

    My day streak is reset now ! Again I had to start from first ! Feels terrible.
  7. metamorphosed

    metamorphosed Fapstronaut

    Day 15. I'm 3 days away from my personal record (18).
  8. mhnmhn2021

    mhnmhn2021 Fapstronaut

    Extreme stress made me resort to fapping. I hate myself.
  9. Henry V

    Henry V Fapstronaut


    That thought has tricked me before, im glad you are still going.

    Wow this is awesome. Im so proud of you too. Its a massive insparation for me.

    Learn from your mistake. Dont think that sinse you are restarted already you can relapse more, that makes getting back out harder.

    This is so is your deppressed thoughts going?

    Im sorry to hear it man,dont let it be a full relapse. Dont watch P and dont do it again. If you dedicate yourself to that it will make this not a worse issue than it is. I dont know if you are a christain but i will pray for you. Im rooting for you and i mean it.
    mhnmhn2021 likes this.
  10. metamorphosed

    metamorphosed Fapstronaut

    Day 16.
    mhnmhn2021 likes this.
  11. Henry V

    Henry V Fapstronaut

    Awesome job man im glad you pushed through.

    Ive been doing pretty great but this is the time of year where my 60 streak last year broke. But now i know the reasons see the temptation and can fight it.
    mhnmhn2021 and metamorphosed like this.
  12. Henry V

    Henry V Fapstronaut

    its now been 14 days again free that is back to the two week mark. I always find 2-3 weeks the hardest but i wont fail.
    mhnmhn2021 likes this.
  13. metamorphosed

    metamorphosed Fapstronaut

    Day 17!
    mhnmhn2021 likes this.
  14. metamorphosed

    metamorphosed Fapstronaut

    FINALLY 18! 18 is my personal best, so tomorrow I'll have a new PR : D
  15. Henry V

    Henry V Fapstronaut

    Awesome man. Im so proud of you. You are doing so well!
    mhnmhn2021 and metamorphosed like this.
  16. Henry V

    Henry V Fapstronaut

    16 days have gone by super fast, today is going to be super stressful but things will get a lot better from tomorrow. I've been far to busy for pmo so i need toi make sure when things get easier the boredom doesn't get me and i have to be aware that my exuhsted state after today will also be susceptible.
  17. metamorphosed

    metamorphosed Fapstronaut

    19 – NEW PERSONAL BEST! Woooh.
  18. Addictionfre

    Addictionfre Fapstronaut

    Day 2! Finally I am back towards 90 days !
  19. Chezbu

    Chezbu Fapstronaut

    Finally decided to take this seriously and getting started today. Day 1 and happy to join you all on this journey. Let’s go!
  20. Henry V

    Henry V Fapstronaut

    Yay! you can keep going! increase that record to never ending heights!

    Getting started is so important, get out of that mindset that it is all ok.

    And we are happy to join you. Commit yourself, put together a strategy and you can make it. Will power alone isnt enough you need a plan.