Battling an extreme fetish. 24/M and I’m all messed up. Can’t take it anymore.

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by fumaruu, Nov 9, 2022.

  1. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I decided to open up about EVERYTHING in my life just to get this off my chest, since I cannot take it anymore. I have days where I feel like good, and feel extremely positive, and then days like this where I just feel down and sad, with no expectation in life.

    **Who am I?**
    I'm a 24 year old regular dude. Not ugly, not handsome, just pretty average and I have no problems with that. I have always been a heavy overthinker. I started growing gray hairs at a very young age and analyze everything in life. I guess you could call me "emotional" aswell. So yeah, I am just a regular dude.

    **What am I struggling with?**
    Okay.. here it is. God this is embarrasing even though I posted about this many times. I am ashamed and feel like crap whenever I talk about my "fetish" or whatever it is. So here it is: I have a fat fetish and a squashing fetish. So... basically I am "into" fat people sitting on other people for sexual gratification. Some of you might be disgusted, some of you might laugh, and I dont blame you for it. This "fetish" is so weird that you have every right to laugh.

    **Where it all started?**
    Unlike many others, I know exactly why I have this "fetish". When I was in kindergarden during the age of or 5 or 6 (cant exactly remember, somewhere around that age), I was exposed to a "scene", where my interest in this fetish first began. My then overweight kindergarden teacher literally sat on a kid that acted up. He fell asleep, so she for some reason decided to place him on a desk and just sat on that poor little child. I have no idea why she did that, and that right there, is what fucked me up, and led me to where I am today. After having seen that, I remember reading through childrens books looking at animals like elephants and hippos and imagining them squashing me/ and other animals. Another memory I have from kindergarden is that I used to play with another girl and tried to get her to sit on me.
    This is pretty much where it first started..

    **Elementary School:**
    Even as a kid, I have always been an overthinker and an analytical thinker. I remember not going to certain places because I could see what would happen before it had actually happened, and stuff like that. So I guess you could say that I was a liitttle "smarter" than the other kids at school. Same unacceptable behaviour continued in elementary school. We would play fighting and I would have bigger friends pin me down and sit on me, I would fantasize and kept the same behaviour throughout whole elementary school. During that time I was playing with other kids and out of nowhere I was forced to lick another kids feet/toe, which would also explain the "thing" I have for feet (Which is NOT strong at all (I hate showing my feet in public but catch myself eventually looking at feet in public, No Idea what that could mean).

    **Middle school**:
    Same bullshit, only this time because of puberty, things got more intense. End of elementary, beginning of middle school (Somewhere during that time), I discovered Porn for the first time. I dont know exactly what led to me using that computer, but what I can remember is what I typed in to google. "Fat girl sit on skinny man".. and then hit enter.. wow.. I got hooked immediately. Everything I fantasized about, now was in front of my eyes, and the was so much to explore. This was the time I got addicted, and I mean severely addicted to fetish porn. In real life, during school, I would intentionally try to get my bigger friends to sit on me. I have never been an outsider, never have I been really bullied. People always liked me. I mean I am not anatisocial or anything. Definitely not ugly, and not too good looking either. Just average. During P.E I played lots of sports, but most of the time I would try to get my bigger friends to sit on me. And during all this time, it was my male friends. So thats funny. In real life I would try to get my MALE friends to sit on me, but during my porn sessions I would watch tons of straight fetish porn? No Idea what to think of that. But that didnt last for long tho, after having consumed almost every single hetero fetish content there was on the internet, and after having read everry single fictional bizarre story, I started to escalate. BBW (300lb-350lb), turned into SSBBW (450lb+). Did that for years and escalated into more xtreme content where I was looking at 600lb+ squashing content. I knew that this was extremely dangerous and could kill people, but I still kept going. So much happened, I dont even know where to begin. Trying to get my male friends in real life to squash me, watching squashing porn on various tube sites for hours a day and watching bizarre content that was not only extremely dangerous but also could result in broken ribs and bones. Eventually "escalating" into the gay side of things. (Dont know If I can call it escalating since I was doing it before too ). Now I was also watching obese men sitting on smaller dudes on youtube (Either for fun, or in a wrestling match or whatever), and was watching gay squashing porn. Tube sites, forums, communites, I did it all man. This is also where all the "noticing" stuff started. I wasn't "emotionally" attracted to my bigger friends, but it was more like a want to be with/ or near them for the possibility of getting squashed. I was fantasizing during nights and was making up extremely weird fictional stories involving everyone I could think of (The mother of a friend, my friends, random dudes I saw on the streets, and so on.). Sometimes I'd catch myself staring at this big dude on the street and think of what it would be like if he would sit on me, even though I know that I would die if he did that. Its so fucked up.

    **High School/College**
    I live in Europe, so High School is considered College here.
    The same behaviour kept on going. Watching everything I could find on the internet after having consumed so much fetish content it did not matter for me if it was gay or straight content. I was watching women on man, man on women, women on women and men on men content. I did not care at all. It was as if a demon took over me and is trying to destroy my life. Binge watching wrestling videos, joining gay sites just to chat about my fetish with other fat men, joining fetish forums, looking at tumblr pages, searching for movies with a squashing scene, EVERYTHING MAN. I did everything. This fetish was my life, still is. I conusmed, watched, and read EVERYTHING there is on the internet!! And as time passed, It got more and more extreme. Now I was watching shit that would make people pass out and even break bones. And in some instances, people did pass out. I get a slight boner even from typing this, and I HATE IT!!! School back then was very busy, so not much happened besides that. One specific memory I have is during 4th grade of college. Some dude failed his previous classes and was put in my class. When he walked in to my class and I saw him for the first time, he was BIG as hell. With big I dont mean muscular, I mean Fat and overweight. It wasnt a crush that I had on him, I wouldnt even say that Im gay or anything, but I got excited when I saw him for the first time. That meant that I could possibly fulfill my need for this fetish with a "classmate"... Yeah, thats what it meant. And to this day I still go back and analyze all the shit I did and felt to justify my HOCD, but I get trapped and cannot get out of this disease man.

    During that time I also started to hang out around gay sites dedicated for bigger men. And people on that site literally were eating till death. There was a couple death instances on that site because of obesity, and apparently that would be a huge turn on for them. For me it never was, I find it gross and I never want to be fat, but having someone whos fat sitting on me gets me off... As sad this may sound. On that site I would DM hundreds of men, fantasizing and chatting about my fetish, never with the intention of meeting up with them. It was just to chat about it. I would post real pictures of myself on that site which i regret to this day. I would skip DMs from normal gay dudes but would respond to those coming from the bigger guys, just to chat about my fetish. This is how fucked up I am. In college there was no girls in my class, which I guess justified my escalation to extreme and gay content, but then I remember I used to do that even before college, and the cycle repeats, and I get severe HOCD. What could all that mean? What the hell am I? Wherever I go I notice big guys, and sometimes women aswell. And I dont even think that they are good looking or anything, its actually gross (excuse my language here), but why am I staring or "noticing" them? Is it the same as checking out? I know that I look at them because they were fat and fetish thoughts immediately gets activated in my mind and Im looking at their body all of a sudden. What is that? Why am I doing this? What is it about fat men that makes me want to look at them? Damn thats disgusting! I dont know why I do that, but this really adds to my HOCD, or whatever it is called. I am so confused man.

    **My very first crush? (Dont know if it was an actual crush)**
    I never fell in love in my life. The only time I felt attached to a normal girl was when I met this girl in school. We spoke the same language, and a friend of mine told me to ask her out. Being too shy and insecure, I didnt. But there was something there. We would talk for hours on whatsapp and instagram. I played her favorite song on my guitar and posted it on my story and she immediately responded and I remember getting very excited and feeling very proud of myself. She wanted something from me, but I did not from her or didnt realize that she was "into" me or interested in me as I was too deep in my fetish porn addiction where it left so space for healthy sex and relationships. We smiled at each other, she was too shy and just smiled from a distance whenever she saw me, and once out of nowhere she hugged me. A few years later she came to my mind and I decided to DM her on insta, which resulted in me getting blocked and rejected. Nevermind, I said, but i felt some kind of emotional attachment to her. I was thinking of marriage and having kids with her (Even though I knew that with the current addiction and habit that I have now, having sex would be impossible for me..) but I went on. I dont even know If I "forced" myself to "love" her, so I dont know what it was, all I know is that there was "something" there.

    The lowest point I reached was when I started to go swimming with every once in a while with a pretty overweight and out of shape friend of mine. Trying to get him to sit on me all the time and so on. I literally used this poor guy to satisfy my fetish needs and I hate myself for that.

    On the outside I am a normal guy, but on the inside I am dying of shame, disgust, guilt and anxiety. This behaviour, consuming fetish content, chatting on gay sites and shit would continue until last year. Last year was when It hit me. I am 23/24, never had a girlfriend, never had sex, still a virgin, pretty much unexperienced around women and felt like I failed my parents. I dont even know if what I typed above makes sense, but this is what and how I feel right now.

    Now, to be completely honest, my HOCD went away, as I realized that this is nothing more than just a fetish which pretty much altered my arousal template and completely messed it up, but the only thing that makes me anxious and depressed is the fact that I cant see a way out. I dont know if I will ever be able to reach the same sexual satisfaction with a normal women. There is nothing I want more in life than a normal relationship where there is love, bond and emotional connection. I moved on from my fetish porn addiction and dont act upon it. I am on day 16 and I dont even have urges at all but my I get erections even by the slightest thought of fetish porn. I tried accepting it all. I tried accepting that Im just gay, but that doesnt make any sense, that I might be bi, but I cant see myself having sex with a man, never, or that I might just be fucked up and my brain was destroyed forever. That I did accept: I am a fucked up human being.

    Now moving on, I realized that maybe my exposure to that scene in kindergarden might have traumatized me or wounded my inner child and porn had fueled it to the point where my tastes had morphed into something gross and ugly. That might even be true. When my kindergarden teacher sat on that kid, he looked helpless, unable to do anything and just had to accept his "fate". Sounds like domination in a sense, doesnt it? Maybe I wanted to be "used" like he was, and be dominated like was? But why mostly from male people? I dont know. Probably because I can satisfy my fetish needs easier with male friends than with a female. It is an easier to reach source of dopamine for my brain.

    Now, I quit for good, after relapsing many times and paying for content. Straight and gay content. 100% sure that this fetish left its mark in my brain, or even messed up my arousal pattern. I dont know what else I find arousing besides that BS. I am scared of the future and not being able to have normal sex with an actual women that I love. All this time I was objectifying everyone that had the potential so squash me, I never learned what its like to love and to care. I am deeply disgusted with myself I even considered suicide at one point. So confused.

    Like I said I already quit porn, and already considering therapy so I know about that. But Will I ever be able to recover or to change? Especially if I had this ever since I was a little boy??

    I apologize for the long text. I just need serious help. I feel numb and emotionless. I am in a constant state of fear. Feels like everyone is living their best life and im here wondering what the heck I actually am attracted to and just regret everything I did and have done up to this point. I am 100% sure I am straight, as this fetish isnt something that could possibly ever define a persons orientation, but I am scared that my brain is completely messed up and that I will never change. My biggest fear, is that I will never be able to get it up for my future wife. Or that I will never know whats like to love someone. I hate having this fat/squashing fetish and would do everything to get rid of this, but unfortunately... thats not how it works.... Im so disappointed in myself. Its always me, idk why.

    Any advice? Any help? Is that trauma based, am I just weird, what the heck is going on?

    And what explains my behavior towards overweight men? When I abstain from anything porn related, I experience increased sensitivity toward anything but especially that. Like I’m working out the gym, getting my reps in, all of a sudden a overweight guy walks by and even though In my mind I know that I’m not attracted because why would I, my body and says otherwise and immediately pops a unwanted boner. Maybe it is because I have conditioned my brain that whenever I especially see a fat dude that my body gets ready for arousal.

    I can only explain my behavior towards men because there were really not many girls in my life at all and my brain seeked dopamine and took advantage of the situation for an easier dopamine access?

    And also, I did some trauma work and inner work. And turns out that I’m dealing with severe self consciousness, feeling ugly all the time, feelings of worthlessness, I don’t know where all this comes from, but also realized that the reason why I have this fetish is because I want to be taken advantage of and dominated by a heavier person just like the kid I saw getting sat on by the fat teacher in kindergarten. But then again, why all the gay stuff when the teacher was a female.

    As a note: I still do consider myself as heterosexual. I want to be with a woman and have normal healthy sed with women . Have kids and a family.

    I appreciate you guys for reading till the end, and I apologize for my english.

    Thanks guys.
  2. Roosterillusion

    Roosterillusion Fapstronaut

    Well… that’s a lot. Recently just got back on myself but just for PMO issues. Just don’t ever feel like your alone man. Don’t beat yourself up. From what I’ve read It’s obviously a personal concern to you and you’re working towards addressing it. I don’t judge. I’m pretty screwed up myself. In my opinion I’d really take a hard break from that crap online and really start doing some soul searching. Get outside. Meditate. Delete and separate yourself from any triggers. Social media,google,Instagram etc. stay busy and keep yourself distracted. keep yourself accountable everyday. Seek help if really needed and don’t hold back. If you see a therapist tell them what’s going on! If it’s causing this much pain in your life man it’s gotta go! That’s just my two cents man.. no shame in seeking therapy. Recently did
    a few sessions myself and it helped me out, Recommend the better help app. But remember come clean on everything with your therapist. I say that so you’re not wasting your money and time beating around the bush talking about things that aren’t what you’re focused on deep down. Good luck buddy!
    Hobo With a House and Sondae like this.
  3. cacas254

    cacas254 Fapstronaut

  4. cacas254

    cacas254 Fapstronaut

  5. ReasonableRemark9002

    ReasonableRemark9002 New Fapstronaut

    My friend, I think you are misunderstanding your issue.

    You seem to be very preoccupied with your fetish (although I would call it a paraphilia, as the age of onset, perseverance, primacy, and unusual nature of your sexual arousal pattern fit the bill of a paraphilia). You need to understand that this something you cannot control and you can never control. You will always be aroused by that. So don't bother battling it.

    But this does not mean you're screwed. Do not think that your paraphilia/orientation/sexual interest is a problem.

    Is jacking off to porn all the time a problem? Potentially, yes. Is the depression that you have as a result of this situation a problem? Potentially, yes. Is your inability to attain intimacy with a woman a problem? Potentially, yes. There are many problems in your post - you are certainly not without problems, like any man.

    I am just trying to tell you you have misidentified what your problem is. Then you will never solve it. The truth is, it doesn't matter that a fat person crushing another person with their body (or whatever) arouses you. In fact, I am willing to bet that when you get intimate with a woman, you will find that loving sex is arousing and enjoyable. Problem is, you probably just haven't really imagined it or tried it. I am drawing on my own experience with a paraphilia here (vorarephilia, in case you're curious). Also FYI, we're the same age.

    I know you think about this issue a lot. The way you write about how embarrassing it is is proof of that. But I tell you, you have invented a problem in your head. There is nothing wrong with having a paraphilia. The only problem is if it controls you.

    When you relax and stop worrying about being embarrassed about your paraphilia, you realize you can be larger than that feeling of shame and inferiority. This doesn't mean you should announce it to the world -- it's a very awkward topic, so don't fucking go around telling people for Pete's sake -- but if someone found out by accident somehow, they wouldn't care, and neither should you.

    But crucially, you do not want to misidentify the problem, because then you will not find the solution. Let me spoil this for you now: your paraphilia is never going to go away. That just doesn't happen. It's never been observed (you can look up scientific literature on that on Google Scholar, I did years ago). You said it yourself, you've had it since you were 5. That part of you hard-wired.

    But you haven't discovered your whole self yet.

    Here's the situation, scientifically: the male brain is wired to see both beauty and hotness. They are connected, but they are definitely different things. And men can be attracted to both, but in different ways. For example, I think a woman who has swallowed another person whole is hot. It's just how I'm wired, and I can't control it. I once thought that meant I would never have intimacy, because my fantasy is not a real thing (I am not aroused by cannibalism... not that I would do that anyway, due to laws and ethics and all that jazz... haha). However, once I started having experiences with women IRL, I realized that some of them are quite beautiful, and I would want to have sex with them on that basis, even if they will fulfill this ultra-hot fantasy. It turns out there is more to life than pursuing hotness. Craving a woman's beauty means craving long-term commitment, compatibility, and genuine intimacy. It contrasts from the selfish impulse of "hotness" that men have so they spread their seed via rape / sex without commitment. You want to learn to enjoy beauty. This requires accepting that pursuing hotness is not the best way to live.

    Accept it: you are different from most other men. However, take it as a blessing. Many men spend much of their lives, or their entire lives, valuing hot sex and never seeing the worth of deeper things. This is your chance to get out of that mindset. If you clear your mind of your lust, in whichever ways you feel you need to do so (NoFap, or whatever), I am telling you, you will live an absolutely enhanced and blissful life. You will find that that grandeur and satisfaction and fulfillment and deep joy of life is far more enriching than any orgasms you can get from your paraphilia, as hot as they may be. You just have to realize what's truly important to you.

    I wish you well on your quest.
    GeorgeJetson likes this.
  6. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    Thank you your response. I am well aware that I’ll never get rid of this fetish or paraphilia but I have been able to get erections from vanilla onlyfans content the longer I abstain. I’m not saying that this is a good thing but it just shows that I don’t need this in my life to be able to have sex with a normal woman. The longer I abstain, the better I feel and the better things start happening. I’m just done with this fetish, that’s it. And being able to get erections from normal stuff just shows that I have been living in a false reality the last decade.
    Afunction likes this.
  7. Sote

    Sote New Fapstronaut

    Fumaruu, I want to let you know that I just joined this forum today and am struggling with a problem and life story very similar to yours, except involving tickling instead of fat fetishism. It's very heartening to hear that you're getting aroused by vanilla porn, and I hope you continue to improve as you continue your abstinence. Keep us posted about your journey.
    fumaruu likes this.
  8. Bluestar89

    Bluestar89 Fapstronaut

    Hi there

    You can beat this.

    The good news is you've identified where your "kink" came from, which is excellent. It sounds like your issue is routed in a childhood trauma (more on that later).

    The next step for you is to interpret the events differently. In my opinion, you're still viewing the world through the eyes of the child who was in that class. BUT, you're not a kid anymore - you're an adult.

    You also need to understand that your addiction is routed in something that was beyond your control. Your teacher did that, not you, so don't blame yourself. Don't beat yourself up. It's not your fault. The more you beat yourself up the lower your self-esteem will be and the more you will want to watch porn to make yourself "feel better". Let it go.

    As for the fetish, you're essentially no different from anyone else with a kink on here. What you're doing is looking for "sexual heroin" (the feeling you get from watching porn, basically), which makes normal sex seem quite vanilla. Normal sex isn't the same as "sexual heroin", but that's something you need to accept. And guess what: normal sex still feels good!

    I don't agree that this will always be a part of you. Check out Jordan Peterson's self authoring programme. There's a great video on the home page which could help you understand your issue, which relates to how the brain responds to trauma. A trauma can get trapped in a part of the brain, and once you've addressed it properly it moves it to another part of the brain. Amazing stuff. His book "Beyond Order: 12 Rules for Life" is also good. There's a chapter called "Don't Hide Unwanted Things in the Fog", which I think you will like.

    Here's some more good news: you seem like an intelligent, well-read guy, and you're only 24. You're so young. I recommend you look at the Jordan Peterson stuff and get rid of this shit once and for all. You'll be amazed at how you view the world afterwards.

    Kind regards, best wishes and grow up! :)
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2022
    Hobo With a House likes this.
  9. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    I am suffering from a very similar problem to what you're experiencing. I have a pantsing fetish. Yes, I know. A prank between friends turned into my deepest sexual fantasy. I actually related heavily to a lot of what you said despite having a vastly different fetish. I'm also guilty of objectifying people in my life that sometimes played along. I constantly surround myself with women who I know are more likely to pants me or let me pants them. In fact, there is one particular girl who I am widely appalled by and only talk to when I'm trying to live out my fantasy. In fact, I rarely do this with girls that I find genuinely attractive. The only outlier is my girlfriend, who actually hates the idea of being pantsed. I literally started hanging out with her only because I wanted to have a crack at pantsing each other, but I ended up falling in love with her instead. Now, I feel so much shame over the fact that she will never my true intentions from the beginning of our relationship.

    I don't think I have had any major escalations in my fetish, as there isn't really anywhere for it to go, but I have definitely become more desperate over the years. I have lost friends over it. I have risked cheating on my girlfriend for it. I have been blocked for it. I have been exposed for it. I have also experimented with guys a little bit, but I know I am not gay. I only really did it with them because I had a group of guy friends who pantsed each other for fun, so I sometimes resorted to them when I was desperate. Unfortunately, one of them found this to be weird and caught on to it pretty fast. Eventually, he spread the word to my friends, and it was the talk of the school that I wanted to "see him with his pants down".

    I haven't been able to get out of it. I am confused as to why I have this fetish. I think it actually stems largely from my original fetish being underwear slips and girl's pants sliding down, but my friend group got me into pantsing on accident. I think I just searched up "Girls getting pantsed" one day after needing something new and fell down the rabbit hole shortly after.

    I will probably make a separate thread talking about this, so I don't take up too much space here, but just know that I am in a very similar situation, and we are in this together. Best of luck to you my friend!
  10. Cessna Caravan

    Cessna Caravan Fapstronaut

    No need to feel embarrassed. I'm brand spanking new to NoFap. I'm only coming up on 2 weeks but I am really driven this time. I have a fetish that I really thought was out there myself until I discovered the Internet and realized that I wasn't alone either. I get totally excited with having women trample me and stand on my face. I actually own a facebox which puts your face at floor level. You can use your imagination. I love the fine line between pain and pleasure. And that's the short story.

    We are all goofed up to 1゚ or another. I'm told that the longer that we stay away from porn and masturbation the more cheesy these fetishes of ours become. I'm also told that if we stay away from it long enough that our brains actually rewire themselves and we become normal. That comes from a book entitled "your brain on porn." I've been seeing a sex addiction counselor and he agrees.
    Bluestar89 likes this.
  11. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    Your paraphilia is not,by ANY means, "worse" than people who feel attracted to clinically starved\anorexic individuals("thinspo"), or the people who feel arousal to levels of muscle mass only attainable trough an unhealthy lifestyle(illegal steroids+8 full meals a day,etc).
    There is a whole variety of body type attraction that doesnt involve serious damages to health and life expectancy!
    Review some medical booklets or cases, if you start associating your paraphilia with the health issues it causes on obese individuals,youll develop an approach based on Compassion(ie; feeling bad because an obese will die very soon). dont focus on your-self, your brain balance..that is important,but comes a bit later.
  12. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the messages guys. I’m officially on day 20, and sometimes I feel urges coming and catch myself fantasizing about it every now and then but that’s all normal and part of the recovery I guess. With fantasize I mean think of the videos I’ve watched. One thing I notice while being porn free and fetish free is that I kinda couldn’t care less about having this fetish. The more I abstain the more it feels like some BS phase I went through in life which is over. Can’t wait to see what day 90 is going to be like.

    even if I still have it, for some reason I couldn’t care less. I’m so sensitive at the moment too, like even the slightest and simplest thought gives me a boner. For the first time I feel like there is hope, and that my attraction to normal stuff will take over this fetish. But then again, even if I had it still I couldn’t care less. That’s not ALL there is like more than that. Either my brain is really rewiring or my brain is done stressing and worrying so that there is no energy left to feel worry and stress if that makes sense lol
    BobbyBaccala1987 and MarkosF like this.
  13. Cessna Caravan

    Cessna Caravan Fapstronaut

    Word to the wise....
    Just take it A-day at a time and don't worry about tomorrow. I get what you're saying though. It sounds to me like you are tired of the whole thing and just want it to be gone. I definitely get that!
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2022
  14. Cessna Caravan

    Cessna Caravan Fapstronaut

    You are not alone! My brain keeps on rewinding back the memories. Not giving in is definitely not easy. I'm a recovered alcoholic for a long time now. I've been trying to apply some of what I've learned in that program to this porn addiction.

    I talk to a lot of people who are early in their recovery and are struggling. I'm always telling them that we have to learn to play the scene forward.

    What happens if you drink? In our case What happens if we view porn and masturbate? We may feel good for a short period of time but sooner or later we will be right back where we started, carrying around more shame, realizing that we accomplished absolutely nothing. And now we have to start all over again.

    I don't know what the outcome is going to be but I am told and I have to believe that it's much better than what we've been used to. I am told that masturbation to having sex is like looking at a Ferrari versus driving one.
  15. MarkosF

    MarkosF Fapstronaut

    Hi brother, I read your story, I feel touched. God bless you and may He preserve you from Evil and give you peace.
  16. Wow dude, that's rough. I found a site called where there was some helpful content. It sounds like you need to do some deep inner work and heal yourself. I think you may also benefit from kind of laughing at yourself a little bit? I mean it sounds like you may be suffering especially since u dont have any experience with women. The less exposure u have to women, the easier it is to get lost in fetishes. Are u religeous? Just curious because getting back in the faith could help but yeah man, its going to take some time but u can do it! Guys have had crazy scat fetishes and went onto overcome that and become sexually healthy but u need to really dedicate urself to self-improvement and getting better with women
  17. I mean when i say "laughing at yourself" i mean like the more u feel guilty the more you will fuel the compulsion in my experience. U may benefit from a more organic approach where u allow urself to fap once in a while to relieve tension. Just try shifting it to less extreme stuff. THe more gentle u are with yourself the better. This will help u get to a more positive state of mind with less shame and guilt. its easier to transition to higher levels from there but if u just try to go cold turkey u'll prob just fall back into the same BS patterns. I prefer weening off and just being a little bit balanced.
  18. Xue Hua Piao

    Xue Hua Piao Fapstronaut

    To be honest you’re probably not bi. The reason I say that is because the fetish has literally nothing to do with whether body parts distinctly male or female so you can still get off regardless of the gender. I had something which was like that and I felt completely indifferent to male or female genitalia because they just didn’t create a sexual high for me. I wouldn’t really take it as any indicator that you’re bi.

    As for no other attraction, I once had a very extreme fetish that I had my entire life. I never thought that normal sexual attraction was possible. Then I developed a crush which kept me off porn for about 2-3 months and eventually towards the end I found myself being sexually attracted to them. The best possible thing to do for your answers is to fight the fuck out of the addiction.
  19. WelcomeToReality

    WelcomeToReality Fapstronaut

    Dam men, it's been long to read. Next time try to get to the point quicker. It's would be easier to understand and help you.

    I believe myself that I have much better understanding of addiction behaviors then average person, which might be true. But after reading your story it's hard for me to be certain and clear why you got Into such fetish.

    But the bottom of that always lies on brain chemistry. Sexual excitement coctail is similar dangerous excitement. Dopamine is for seeking and adrenaline is for work and these chemical working hand to hand. I believe that building up such fetishes is in relationship between excitment from danger and desensitization - your brain adapts by lowering adrenaline receptors and you need more danger to excited you. You need more dangerous stimulus for getting more adrenaline, because of lowered receptors. And it escalate in never ending negative loop. Who knows where you might end few years later if you not cut this loop.

    Why understanding basis of how your brain works and how pas experience is affected your current life is nice, but it's not key from prison. It might release responsibility, shame, and guilt, which is good. But this understanding won't help you complete your goal. As same you don't need to understand how smarphone hardwire circuit works and how software is coded - you can have completed usage of the phone without such knowledge.
    Same with your goals. It's most frustrating place to be where you doing things which you would like to stop - It's like schizophrenia.
    But you need to understand that you can't go back in your life and watch 20years of your past looking for traumas. By my personal opinion it's pointless, because you are here now and every bit of this moment how you feel and how you act builds new of you for the next moment and the rest of the life.
    You need to understand that your past story and your thoughts isn't authentic self of you. You need to control your mind or it will control you.
    From your authentic self you told here that you wish to have great relationship and experience love. Doesn't really matter if you have filthy urges when you working towards what you really want.
    Seperate your authentic self from your past story. Your mind are only sense and ideas producing machine - not real you, your choice is to accept those ideas or not. If those ideas are not aligned with your true authentic self dreams, then you dismiss those ideas and won't accept it.
    But first you need to be clear of what you want, there are no other way. As much detail your dreams are the more control you have.
    If you decide you really like this fetish then it's okey, if you decide you want to have love and compassion instead it's great. But you have to make decisions and be certain about it. And continuously work on it. There is no other way arround it. There is no magic pill or shortcuts.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2022
  20. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    Update: having crazy urges but I have it under control. Also flatlining. Everything seems so boring all my mind wants is to watch that shit.
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