WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS! Will I ever come back to my normal state?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by hokipa, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. hokipa

    hokipa Fapstronaut

    Stopped p*rn in september, first weeks I experienced severe headaches and some nausea but in the first days of October this escalated in a panic attack out of nowhere. Some weeks later (cold turkey) I felt better, just some derealization (like I was living in a movie and not in real life, guess it was brain fog)
    Recently, at almost 90 days I had two weeks of depression, anxiety, disrupted sleep, sense of void (sensation that nothing rly makes sense in life) just when I thought I wouldn’t have experienced other withdrawals. I NEVER experienced depression before so it should be withdrawals-induced.

    I wanna know, will this cycle of periodical withdrawal ever END? I know it gets better going on but my question is when am I gonna feel like I was before? I mean, the normal me that doesn’t live in his head constantly thinking about disastrous scenarios? I hope I was clear
  2. Quitting porn does not lead to depression
    You might be thinking about quitting, getting better and better and trying to be over motivated all the time.

    Don't focus on quitting
    But create a lifestyle that inhibits you from moulding into pornographic atmosphere.

    If you feel loneliness

    Atleast in family if you don't have friends.
    Socialize yourself by any means.

    Make yourself busy in your goal
    But give time to make yourself happy also.

    Don't think too much.

    I was an overthinker
    But now I have overcome this
    Because at the end
    This is the smile on your face that matters.

    Enjoy your life my friend
  3. Abdul Moeez

    Abdul Moeez Fapstronaut

    Communication with your friends and you feel better day by day and one day you would get out of this.ok .Always Stay HAPPY
  4. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Rebooting is the process by which you’re brain puts itself back to normal. So your brain chemicals can go all over the place during this time. Stand fast and give it some more time.

    Exercise, hobbies, meditation and working on relationships can help the process.
  5. Abdul Moeez

    Abdul Moeez Fapstronaut

  6. hokipa

    hokipa Fapstronaut

    what do u mean?
  7. Abdul Moeez

    Abdul Moeez Fapstronaut

    Because of this
    Quitting porn does not lead to depression
    You might be thinking about quitting, getting better and better and trying to be over motivated all the time.

    Don't focus on quitting
    But create a lifestyle that inhibits you from moulding into pornographic atmosphere.

    If you feel loneliness

    Atleast in family if you don't have friends.
    Socialize yourself by any means.

    Make yourself busy in your goal
    But give time to make yourself happy also.

    Don't think too much.

    I was an overthinker
    But now I have overcome this
    Because at the end
    This is the smile on your face that matters.

    Enjoy your life my friend
  8. Abdul Moeez

    Abdul Moeez Fapstronaut

    and one more thing do a gym.
    when you do a gym, you easily change your mind set your hobbies and skip a lot of things you wanna skip also.
  9. hokipa

    hokipa Fapstronaut

    Thanks for ur suggestions but I actually think that porn and its absence (if you’re addicted) may lead to depression and other withdrawals symptoms as I read from other people, just wanted to know if I’ll ever come back to my normal self that doesn’t overthink everything and feels hopeless (because I never had particular anxiety or depression, on the contrary, I’ve always been a positive person, hopeful and trustful in future and life, that’s why I’m so scared of what I’ve been feeling in the past two/three weeks