Progress after 5 days

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by BravelyKegger, Feb 1, 2023.

  1. I have been in a deep depression for quite a while now. Amazingly enough after approximately 5 days of no PMO my mood has greatly increased and my self care has improved. I believe we tend to forget just how bad it gets when in the gutters, and how much better it is outside. I want to end my addictions once and for all, I picked up smoking a few months back and I absolutely cannot continue doing it, that crap will strip you of everything. I do want to throw an idea out there for you guys. When running from something, we must have something we are running towards instead, for example, if running from sin we must turn towards Christ, if running from junk food we must turn towards health food. We must take the negative things out of our life and replace them with positive things.
  2. Daddyisuehere

    Daddyisuehere Fapstronaut

    5 days and getting results... imagine if you can get to day 90.... keep fighting guys
    BravelyKegger likes this.