Can't sleep!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by DohnJoe, Feb 28, 2023.

  1. DohnJoe

    DohnJoe Fapstronaut

    The past 3 nights I have had issues falling asleep. I have been lifting weights, which usually ends up with me going to sleep whenever I lay down. I've felt tired all day because I haven't been getting much sleep and I went pretty hard in the gym today. Tonight I laid down at 8:45 I wasn't on my computer or phone for an hour beforehand. I tried to empty my mind and focus. I laid there with my eyes shut for an hour and a half before I got up. I feel wide awake now. I am trying to get on a good routine and condition myself to wake up around 5-6am, but this is seriously affecting that. I'd rather not take any medications and melatonin is hit or miss. Any advice?
  2. What is going on with your life that could explain this? Toxic Job? Exam you need to take? What's up?

    Melatonin = Pure evil, if you take a pill, then your body reduces its natural creation. I used to take half a pill, then the whole pill and then two pills. I used to be addicted. Toxic job and too much on-call duty. It took me couple of years to partially reverse it.

    You can try several things but usually it is something on your mind.

    1. Binaural can help:
    2. Blue light filter can help.
    3. Yoga can help.
    4. Breathing excercise can help.
    5. Ultimately it is about facing your issues.
    6. Also consider reading about GTD from David Allen. He has a saying called Mind like Water. In his words, your mind needs to be empty to be calm. He is recording all the issues and having them addressed.
    7. Believe that it will get better.
    8. I will pray for you tonight.
    DohnJoe likes this.
  3. DohnJoe

    DohnJoe Fapstronaut

    I can't think of anything like that. I'm in a good state mentally. No stress or anything. I've been able to fall asleep by midnight, but that is way too late for the sleep I am trying to get. Hopefully tonight will be better
  4. DeepRecovery

    DeepRecovery Fapstronaut

    fyi Bruce Lee said that, though it didn't originate with him either, it's from Taoism.

    For the op, if being tired isn't doing it then you might look at the timing of things. Most of the time when people report what's going on or when offering advice there's no mention of when things are done or should be done. The one thing we have a time frame for is when you lay down, and that's for that one night. Only 1 hour of no phone or device really doesn't do very much, especially when blue light will come from just a light bulb. If you want to get your circadian rhythm dialed in start looking at the timing of everything including but not limited to diet and exercise.