My pain and suffering is my fuel

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by TheLoneWolf88, Apr 6, 2023.

  1. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    The mere thought of other people getting sex so easily, unlike me, is very unsettling. It hurts even more knowing younger people get it, and here I am. In my mid 30s, and still fighting this addiction. I was dealt the bad hand, there's no doubt about it.
    nonanino likes this.
  2. FormerLeatherneck

    FormerLeatherneck Fapstronaut

    So youre just wanting to get laid?
  3. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    Part of the reason. I can't stop kicking myself that I screwed up the only two chances I ever got
    Craig2121 and FormerLeatherneck like this.
  4. FormerLeatherneck

    FormerLeatherneck Fapstronaut

    If you got those chances before, you can get them again.
    nonanino likes this.
  5. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    It shows just how infrequently I get it. And they are YEARS apart.

    When....and if...I can get laid, everything else will fall into place. It is, by far, the biggest burden weighing me down
  6. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Define other people? In reality people who have had a father or fell into a friend group early on which actively is pursuing women they get sex. Only because they had a way to get the skills a practice them. Most people do get laid from time to time yes, but they are definitely not superstar level of banging few chicks (or more) every week. It's more of a few woemen a year when they put in the effort with dozens of women it finally happens with some.
    After most normal "people" are done with this hit and miss style they just end up in monogamous relationship where yes they get sex but it's not all sunshine and roses either.

    Sooooooooooo, who has been active in your life of mentoring you or coaching you or just giving you advice about asking women out and perhaps doing activities to get you women in some way?
    If the answer is no one, well unless you are a natural which obviously you are not, well that explains your situation :)

    Not a great situation as I happen to be in it as well. A bit younger but so what...

    I mean don't get me wrong I too feel bad wasting my teenage years and early twenties. In reality no age is great to have this addiction and the lack of skill to get women. Usually if the parents don't teach the kid to attract the opposite sex they sort of condemn it to masturbatory loneliness. Porn is a disgusting psychological addiction, which is very hard to quit especially when you are using it as coping mechanism... For years I can't do it since I don't want to, gives me easy pleasure and let's me handle the loneliness a little better but in reality makes me more depressed. My point is there is always someone worse and better than you. Try comparing yourself to yourself and the circumstances you were in the past and today not to someone who is in a completely different situation than you and appears more successful. Try getting better slowly compared to what you were in the past.

    Yeah so was I. Lots of people were tbh. Some worse than others. Crying about it won't change much, esp on a forum in the internet. Really shows how you don't have enough support in your life be it from friends or family to help you. Perhaps you should think about communicating with people who are supportive in that way? Perhaps you should go to therapy (try to research the good therapists in your area since bad therapy can worsen the situation) - that might help if there is no one close who can help. Having a victim mindset won't help with shit, that's for sure. Definitely do something about it in any case.

    Phahaha, sorry but I couldn't help to laugh. Yeah if only having an orgasm with a real woman could magically fix my life problems... Yeah I'd go to the nearest hooker and pay her instantly to get the job done. You could do it too, I assume you have the job and money to do so. But obviously it won't. Since it's a deeply rooted confidence issue. Perhaps you want to know that some woman will consider you good enough to sleep with you and that will make you worthy in your own eyes... for a while. Yeah, definitely thought like this for a while not gonna lie. Buuut it simply won't make everything fall into place. I promise you that :) Start journaling or again go to therapy to discover why are you so broken that you think everything will fall into place when you get laid. When you think about it it's such an outrageous statement.

    So yeah man it's not easy, I get where you are coming from. We've been here for years I've seen other posts from you in the years where I've also been on this forum and fight this bullshit addiction. I still haven't defeated it my counter is fake since I don't bother resetting it after each relapse. Really challenging stuff. No one is going to fix our issues other than us ourselves tho. So better start from somewhere other than nowhere.
  7. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    Well, at least on a positive note, I'm slowly eliminating my stresses in life that make me resort to fapping. Starting about 2 years ago, it had molded me into an insufferable, whiny asshole. I became a monster I never wanted to be
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  8. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    I mean I also removed the financial stresses I had before, but that really didn't help me with the addiction. Emotional stresses stayed and they trigger the addiction just as much. In fact the longest streak I've had is when I've worked for 12-16 hours a day and I didn't even have time to think about porn. I lasted whole 2 months longest in my life! Now when I'm financially stable and with more free time it's easier to fall into the trap of porn, esp. when you are addicted to it and it it fills some emotional need in a fake way.
  9. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    The longest I've ever lasted was 30 days. The way I got there is a very unconventional way. I fapped my brains out until I was physically and mentally sick of the mere thought of PMO. That was 5 years ago and I haven't touched it since. Right now, I'd be happy to make it to a week.

    I know the root causes of my fapping and that's boredom and junk food. Junk food is a huge aphrodisiac to me.
    Craig2121 and fapequalsdeath like this.
  10. Badr77

    Badr77 Fapstronaut

    Hold on i still have faith , we are going through this together ,if people did it ,somehow we will figure out a way to freedom
  11. Badr77

    Badr77 Fapstronaut

    Hold on i still have faith , we are going through this together ,if people did it ,somehow we will figure out a way to freedom