my intro- 16yo girl. day one

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by runefactory, May 16, 2023.

  1. runefactory

    runefactory Fapstronaut

    Hey. I’m a 16 year old girl and I would probably say i’m addicted to masturbation. I’ve just hit a point where I feel like it has to stop. It makes me feel disgusting. I don’t feel gross from the act itself, but the stuff i watch to get off. I know it’s weird but I find just straight up sex kind of repulsive so i turn to other really weird stuff that leaves me feeling sick after I finish. It’s always made me feel like i’m hiding some disgusting secret. It gives me so much anxiety and self hatred it has to stop. I hit rock bottom today when i added some random guy on a messaging app and sent him a picture of myself. It didn’t have my face or any identifiable features, but i’ve never sent anyone a picture like that in my life and now i’m completely panicked. He was really nice and said he’d delete it, but i know he probably won’t and now i know that it has to stop. I’ve never been the type to send pictures like myself to anyone and i used to promise myself that if i did, it would be to someone i loved and trusted. Not to some random adult stranger.
    Carteret T, hiimbubbles and Jemestrop like this.
  2. Pmoss

    Pmoss Fapstronaut

    Young lady I have to say as a father. Never send or allow a picture of you naked. All young men all will share a picture especially if you break up with them. No bad will ever come from not sharing of allowing a picture to be taken. But you can never undo a picture in someone else's position. It's a great rule to live by.
  3. I agree with this man and I don't even have kids, what I am sick an tired of is random women and girls sending me pictures, first of all how old are you anyway second of all, I can be a degenerate, but that doesn't mean I'm completely amoral. I am sick and tired of having to delete numbers and sending all these risky photos directly to my spam. A lot of guys think this is cool and sexy, I don't to me it's obnoxious more than anything else. @Pmoss Personally everytime I get sent photos like this I assume there is another man in the picture and delete it. I'm not making this rant to virtue signal but rather to point out why these types of things are annoying to me and want absolutely nothing to do with them.
  4. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Welcome! Although you are a woman and may not experience the tired-feeling aftereffects of masturbation, you can still benefit greatly from quitting porn and masturbation.
    runefactory likes this.
  5. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

  6. Peacelooker

    Peacelooker Fapstronaut

    Be careful glad your reaching out for help, not sure of your main problem, internet sites ? Hooking up with random people , online escapades without hooking up? I wouldn't be so hard on yourself with masturbation . Alls I have to say keep reaching out for help, but be careful and set boundaries when dealing with others, and your interactions with others ! Good luck on your journey
    Carteret T and runefactory like this.
  7. runefactory

    runefactory Fapstronaut

    i have no idea why you are trying to make a 16 year old feel guilty and bothersome for being harrassed by an adult to send nudes. it wasn’t my fault and i am self aware enough to know that. he pretty much harassed me into doing it i didn’t just send it out of the blue.
    hiimbubbles likes this.
  8. runefactory

    runefactory Fapstronaut

    that’s a bit pessimistic. it was also a complete stranger so there was no ‘break up’
  9. Pmoss

    Pmoss Fapstronaut

    @ runefactory I completely understand you sending the picture. In the heat of a moment it is exciting. Just wanted to say what I would and have told my own daughter . A picture is like a secret. Everyone promises not to tell anyone, but most do. I do encourage you to give up porn. As all the stories on here say, nothing good comes from it, and we all are having a tough time getting rid of it. Stick with it. I am on day 14 and was close to breaking the streak last night.
    Carteret T and runefactory like this.
  10. runefactory

    runefactory Fapstronaut

    I get what you mean:) Sorry if my other message came off as aggressive, I was just in a tough place at the time. Good luck on quitting:)
    Carteret T likes this.
  11. I'm sorry if that was how you interperated my post, I'm just sick and tired of getting sent photos by bored/troubled women who probably sent the photos to at least one other guy. I understand that it isn't your fault many people do stupid things they later regret in life because of passion. If you still have that adults number, you might want to consider calling the police, because that's a crime if you live up near my area. Another reason why I delete the photos beacause the last thing I want is to accept a photo from a girl who's 16 but claims she's older.
  12. hiimbubbles

    hiimbubbles Fapstronaut

    Hi there im glad you found a place to get some support. Im new here too so I cant offer much in the way of advice but I do wish you all the best and I hope things go well for you
    Ank07 and White Sheep like this.
  13. GV92

    GV92 Fapstronaut

    Shit, what a shitty responses to a 16 year old girl. Welcome I would say! And great that you recognize the problem. That's the first step. Recognizing the problematic behviour. Don't be ashamed or whatsoever. You are the one trying to handle the problem. That's something to be proud of. Good luck on your journey! The fact that you did one thing you would normally not do, doesn't make you a bad person. I guess most of the people on this forum did things they thought they would never do. Good luck!
  14. ArchonBlue

    ArchonBlue Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't feel bad about it, sending nudes/watching porn is exciting and thrilling. Is it healthy or adaptive? Probably not, but you are learning that at a young age. I wish I had the self-awareness and emotional maturity to realize porn was detrimental to my mental health at 16. I'm in a relationship now but before that I totally sent nudes to people I didn't know well (casually dating) and didn't even think anything of it, although looking back I can see it wasn't healthy.

    One thing I would suggest is talking to your parents about your struggles, or if not, a therapist. As you can see from the comments by Pmoss and Virtual Alpine Grenadier, not everyone is going to respond to you appropriately or helpfully. Getting into therapy and getting some real help from a professional as well as here online will help you before this behavior potentially escalates to something unsafe, such as giving out personal info to an adult man and not just cropped nudes.
  15. hhh999

    hhh999 Fapstronaut

    Hello friend. Try not to panic. One of my male friends had a similar issue when he was blackmailed by a scammer who convinced him to send naked pictures. In the end, the scammer was just bluffing, and nothing bad happened to my friend, but I'm sure it was terrifying to him when it happened. One way or another, please try to stay safe.