Is it okay to watch porn but not relapse?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by achyuta, Jun 6, 2023.

  1. achyuta

    achyuta Fapstronaut

    Is it okay ? Needed everyone perspective.
    donjohnson1989 and tim slim like this.
  2. KoniecZtym

    KoniecZtym Fapstronaut

    Watching porn definately will not help you.
    I had yesteray some thought that its not real. I gave so much time of my life to sth which is not real. Its pure entertaiment and is going to give you false sexual feelings.
    Better consume your life with real friends than with porn. Im 38, I know how I spent my all free time and watching porn is always providing to addiction.
  3. tim slim

    tim slim Fapstronaut

    Thankyou for asking!
    This is a great and important question.

    My answer:
    No, it's not okay. The destructive power of PMO is in the lies porn told you:

    "Size does matter."
    "Cool people have sex everyday."
    "Switching is better than commitment."
    "You don't need marital relationship to enjoy sex."
    "Feeling rejected? These sexy gals lusts your genital more than everyone does."

    Sounds familiar? This is the reason we cannot break free from this addiction.

    And this is also where the damage came from. These twisted ideas of how sex work destroys your confidence and making relationships around you meaningless.

    By dismantling these lies with the truth, you get to be free from its addictive grip. Earn back your confidence, and making relationships around you meaningful.
  4. VikarmVeda

    VikarmVeda Fapstronaut

    I believe in going slow and steady in the process of nofap!! I hope you get it!!
    TideHunter and Heypleasehelpme like this.
  5. achyuta

    achyuta Fapstronaut

    Agreed with you 100 percent , porn is a lie .
    TideHunter likes this.
  6. achyuta

    achyuta Fapstronaut

    Gotta change the mindset from now.
    Thx brother
    TideHunter and KoniecZtym like this.
  7. achyuta

    achyuta Fapstronaut

    Thx brother for your support.
    TideHunter likes this.
  8. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    Watching porn is a relapse. That's my perspective
  9. user32106

    user32106 Fapstronaut

    I've come to the conclusion that 100% abstinence from PMO is the best methodology. Only P is basically like a drug addict being around drugs. You want to maximize your chances of success which means separating oneself from everything that can lead to a reset
  10. SoberGuy

    SoberGuy Fapstronaut

    Definitely no. Telling you from personal experience, it doesn't matter how much days you are without M, if you watch P for a while (it could be many minutes), you will feel empty and lost. I mean, P is the real problem that makes you feel like a crap, M and O are just additional to help you keep away from P.
    Watch P never will be okay, only keeps you addicted and erase all benefits of Nofap
    TideHunter, nomo and Heypleasehelpme like this.
  11. achyuta

    achyuta Fapstronaut

    Got it !!!!
    TideHunter and VikingThor like this.
  12. I highly recommend not watching porn while on NoFap because it pushes you closer to a relapse. It takes remarkable willpower to not indulge in masturbation after watching porn; and no, I don't think you should reset your counter unless you've expelled your seed through self pleasure.
  13. I can kinda understand the logic of masturbating without porn (although I don't think it's a good idea) but the reverse seems a bit strange. Anyone on here telling me they have the willpower to watch porn and not be tempted to masturbate, even if they don't do it right away, is either a freak of nature or lying.
  14. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    My first time here in 2015, I thought I could watch a little porn and things would be alright, I WAS SO WRONG! This is really all about no porn. The problem with porn is I was using it to escape the reality of things that were causing minor uncomfortable feelings, like boredom, loneliness, stress, etc.
    Because I wasn't fixing any of the problems that caused me to watch porn, I found myself watching porn every chance I could. It became my life and I wasted endless hours using it. It didn't matter that I didn't MO, I was living a fake, shameful life.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2023
  15. achyuta

    achyuta Fapstronaut

    Thnx brothers, I learn new lesson in my life after failure, today I jerk off with a streak of 9 and now I am feeling very bad about myself.

    I saw porn 2 days ago for 4 hours without ejaculation but little semen was coming promptly, and yesss it took so much courage from my soul to resist and since then all my body started to ache and brain was very tired and body temperature rose as well drastically, body wanted o , and today morning I broke that , cause all the nuditynesss was present in my head , now my body temperature is okay and I'm feeling shit but I will overcome every triggers this time ,

    I can't resist myself after watching porn , it better be stop watchin bmf p.

    Hope these days will pass soon , I'm so weak , last time I did 4 relapse within 3 hours, my brain fucked.

    Sorry guys , but that's truth.
    Happy Man and TideHunter like this.
  16. No need to apologise. We are all here to support one another.
    TideHunter and Heypleasehelpme like this.
  17. achyuta

    achyuta Fapstronaut

    I quit that , I'm doing nofab hard mode.
    TideHunter likes this.
  18. Okay good, I haven't read the whole thread. Good luck
    TideHunter and Heypleasehelpme like this.
  19. henryhill

    henryhill Fapstronaut

    Nothing new to add probably but just wanted to participate in the dialogue.

    I personally think porn is worse than masturbation. So I’d feel more bad about watching porn without masturbating than I would about masturbating without porn(or at least I think the mental impact is worse)

    However, once you go down habitually watching porn on a regular basis I think you basically have to give up both in order to function properly.