That's it

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Megasameru, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. Megasameru

    Megasameru Fapstronaut

    At some point of november I decided I'd abstain from PMO at least till new year.

    I was doing really well, but after a somewhat stressful travel, I had a quite lucid wet dream which made me "loose my streak".

    I wouldn't normally consider it to be a lost streak since it was a dream, but I knew what I was doing in my dream (though I understand I'm way less conscious), and most importantly I felt the symptoms of a lost streak immediately. Lethargic, anxious, etc, you know the drill.

    Well, I ended up binging this weekend. Six times in two days. A lot when I think about it.

    I hate loosing my streak, not because of a stupid number, but because I know I'll behave like stupid socially anxious unfocused dopamine-driven nerd for at least a few days, and I'll stay like that as long as I keep PMOing.

    That is, as long as I keep PMOing. So, I was originally making this post to say "That's it, I'm starting the new streak right now", but I'm wondering what is actually the best approach. What do you guys think? Setting a deadline for 90 days and go cold turkey? The good ol' "one day at a time"?

    Keep in mind I'm ADHD.

    I hate that now it becomes harder to not binge PMO again. Damn. It's so easy when I'm on a streak. WILL THIS STOPPP
  2. Megasameru

    Megasameru Fapstronaut

    As I have trouble regulating my own emotions, sometimes what I'm looking for with these posts is some kind of accountability. Maybe it's not the best for my human experience, but it really works having someone you look up to say to you "do exactly this".

    It feels better making a promise to someone else. It honestly doesn't feel really bad when I deceive myself. Now that I mention it, it obviously may have something to do with my own self-worth. I don't really believe my promises. Damn that sucks. Gonna work on that, I should trust myself, and maybe should actually feel bad to deceive myself.
    Epic_Abstinence_Deity likes this.
  3. Alexpath

    Alexpath Fapstronaut

    The sex dreams are hard. I'm not sure how to respond to those after they happen. So easy to let go of thoughts after they happen.
    Epic_Abstinence_Deity likes this.
  4. Megasameru

    Megasameru Fapstronaut

    Yeah it sucks, but honestly I kind of see them coming. Sometimes I "ask for it", or even if I don't, I spend the day loading up my desire, by fantasizing, or by looking at women online, on the streets, etc.

    On I side note I had a speck of dust on my screen and thought your counter said MINUS 17 Days :emoji_sob::emoji_sob: was saying why this fella got a negative streak, he planning something :emoji_skull:
  5. Megasameru

    Megasameru Fapstronaut

    Last time was sunday, but setting my counter for yesterday. Gonna do the 90 days right away
    Epic_Abstinence_Deity likes this.
  6. rave.flower

    rave.flower Fapstronaut

    Buddy. you got this mate. It's not you thats the problem. It's just the habituation of your brain. You got this. I've gotten to a practice of doing 5 min of meditation, exercise and yoga everyday and it's really been helping me stem the tide so far of my strong emotions. But I'm on day 11 and I know I have worse days ahead.

    But keep the faith man!! You got this!!
  7. rave.flower

    rave.flower Fapstronaut

    Tag along for the ride mate!! You got this!! We're in this together!!!
  8. Alexpath

    Alexpath Fapstronaut

    Somedays it feels like I'm at minus 17
    Megasameru likes this.
  9. Megasameru

    Megasameru Fapstronaut

    I'll probably use this thread from time to time as a kind of journal.

    I just started and I already had some urges and rationalizations. "I can do one more and start tomorrow". "You can start fresh next year".
    Rationalizations don't appear as much though, it's more like a feeling that is not actually bad. I just have a faint urge and I don't feel at all like is a bad thing to start watching some videos.
    Also a feeling that "I will PMO today anyway", so it feels more like delaying the unavoidable. Right now, I really feel that nothing can convince me of NOT doing it. I don't feel like NOT doing it, if you know what I'm saying.

    I feel like I will do it and I don't feel bad about it at all. And that is what concerns me.
  10. rave.flower

    rave.flower Fapstronaut

    You have to understand that this feeling exists because your mind yearning for a calm space, a safe space. At a very core sub conscious level. And the mind has trained itself to associate the chemical release of PMO to a feeling of safety, calm, content, escapism.

    You have to find ways of regularly destressing the mind (the body as well, but the mind is more important in this battle). Try meditation, going for bike rides, group sports if it helps, anything that you can do on a daily basis that forces you to get back and feel yourself and your body, to really feel sensation. Something that forces you to be present and not caught up in the whirlwind of the emotions that are dictated by the chemical mix in the body. You have to find a way to taste that space everyday!!

    I know what you feeling mate. But hang in there. you got this!!
    Megasameru likes this.