10 Days in and minimal progression :(

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Mike115, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. Mike115

    Mike115 Fapstronaut

    I am approaching my highest streak of 12 days without PMO and after 10 days I'm not really seeing any improvements. The only difference I see is when I workout i seem to get a better workout in. I'm not sure if that has to do with going 10 days without PMO/MO but I am still suffering from lack of concentration,memory problems,anxiety,acne and a few more things. My main concern that I'm trying to fix/cure with stopping PMO is my anxiety and memory/concentration. I have been edging which I know I isn't good. And last night I was very very close to relapsing but thank god I didn't. I had the will power to get over the urge which was a first. Can someone tell me if/when I will start to see improvements?
    Ahmed Adel likes this.
  2. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Congrats on your streaks. You are making progress. I would avoid edging! It does cause a prolonged high level of dopamine which can impair your concentration. Give it more time brother. Everybody's reboot is a little different. I wish you much success. Stay strong! Win!
  3. Mike115

    Mike115 Fapstronaut

    Thank you and I see you're on a nice streak yourself and close to your goal. Congrats man. But I know I really have to stop edging
  4. Mike115

    Mike115 Fapstronaut

    I haven't really done anything productive since I quit. If I could memorize things and remember what I read I would do that. But I don't see the point in sitting down and reading if I know I'm not going to remember it and if I'm going to zone out the whole time. I also havent edged in 2 days I believe which is really good for me. Hopefully that streak continues :)
  5. Ahmed Adel

    Ahmed Adel Fapstronaut

    NoFap is about believing that you deserve a better life so if you don't replace your bad habits with better ones then it is going to be a bumpy road. you also should try memor
  6. Mike115

    Mike115 Fapstronaut

    As I stated, the main reason I quit/am attempting to quit is because I'm trying to fix my memory and concentration and anxiety. Once those things are fixed then I will be capable of having better habits
  7. The only way to improve concentration is to concentrate. As Mr cold turkey says you need to actually do something - read a book, write, meditate. Edging is gonna hinder your progress as you are still just clicking clicking clicking - not concentrating, not giving something attention.
    Ahmed Adel likes this.
  8. Don't edge and you'll get faster and better results
  9. Mike115

    Mike115 Fapstronaut

    I'm trying not to edge. That past two days I have though :(
  10. Mike115

    Mike115 Fapstronaut

    I am trying to concentrate. Even if its on something I enjoy like a movie or TV show. I just cant do it
  11. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    You say that now but do it enough and you will be able to. I ran a marathon last month, which would have been impossible 2 years ago (literally, I was 60lbs overweight and was a couch potato), but I started training for it, ran some smaller races and before I knew it, there was the finish line. Don't get frustrated because it's hard, and don't say you can't because you can, you just have to keep at it.
    Mike115 likes this.
  12. Mike115

    Mike115 Fapstronaut

    I don't really know how I can "practice concentrating" though. Like when I watch movies or whatever I am giving it my full attention but I will forget the characters names mid way through even if they just said it