Nocturnal Emissions ("Wet Dreams")

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Petrassi, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. Petrassi

    Petrassi Fapstronaut


    I don't post on here too often, but something recently has been a minor cause for concern on my journey. The issue of nocturnal emissions is really regarded as not being an issue whatsoever, that it doesn't reset your counter and that it is not an issue of your personal willpower meaning it does not factor into the challenge.

    But what if your nocturnal emissions were occurring frequently? Regardless of your streak, does it not reset the positive psychological outcomes based on your natural testosterone build-up if that testosterone is being emitted frequently without your consent?

    My problem is that I have been having nocturnal emissions every week. Sometimes twice in a week, or over two days or even in the same night! I'm pretty sure I'm around the 10/11th nocturnal emission since I've started, having had one the last two nights. It has been said that this is merely your body adjusting to the lack of MO and is regulating your sperm levels. But mine have been consistently frequent over the last two months and I'm just consistently losing that testosterone build-up!

    I mean I get peace of mind knowing I've been keeping off of it for this long, but is it even that challenging when you are having nocturnal emissions every few days? I feel like I'm not nearly achieving the positive effects because my body disagrees with me.

    It's a troubling matter for me and if anyone has advice/suggestions on the matter it would be highly appreciated!

    Thanks for reading and best of luck to you all :)
  2. First of all, great job making it to 63 days.

    Your rate of nocturnal emissions does sounds a bit too frequent to me. I read somewhere that mostly this happens during early morning hours, and getting up early is one way of avoiding it (as you would be awake before having such wet dreams).
  3. YellowKing

    YellowKing Fapstronaut

    As far as I know, you can´t control that kind of things. Actually they don´t really need to be dangerous for you. In my view, the important "matter" here is your determination of leaving MO, so congrats for that!

    If the "wet dreams" just keep going so frecuently maybe you should see a doctor.
  4. pls_end_this

    pls_end_this Fapstronaut

    Hey Petrassi,

    There is an ancient saying that I find useful during many difficult and/or unwanted circumstances and times in my own life.

    "This to shall pass"

    Everyone's body and mind are unique, even identical twins. Your body and mind might be adjusting to this change away from PMO in its own way. It may just be the last "death throws" so to speak of you unconscious as you move further and further away from the instant gratification of PMO.
    Shift your focus away from the nocturnal emissions being a problem and more of something that is a side effect of the amazing work you are doing. I mean your at 63 days, THATS AWESOME! you are an inspiration to guys like me who have only just gotten past a 4 day streak-reset cycle.

    And if it doesn't pass or change in frequency after another week or two, and you are still concerned get some medical advice from a urologist, sex therapist or just a good general clinician. After telling them your situation and about nofap, a little knowledge and advice from them could be the ticket.

    Stay Strong
  5. Petrassi

    Petrassi Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the timely replies!

    @direcolt, Yes that actually does make sense that they occur most frequently during early morning hours. This is probably due to waking up and falling back asleep which induces more vivid dreaming and in turn more likelihood of a nocturnal emission occuring! I'll try to improve my sleeping pattern :)

    @Yellowking, Now that I think about it, that's quite true! And after a quick Google search I've discovered it's actually normal still for someone of my age to be having this issue. My reproductive system is just displaying it's potency :p

    @pls_end_this, Thank you for your post, I do like spinning things around and regarding a problem as no cause for concern, or to stop thinking of it as a problem at all! I would have considered going to see someone, but with some online tips it seems as if it is quite normal for someone my age abstaining from masturbation to experience this. I feel as if it will lessen, but it may be a long gradual process to adjust :)

    Much appreciate the posts and encouragement! I wish you luck for your future endeavours :)
  6. Saserman

    Saserman Fapstronaut

    My opinion: wet dreams are the body's natural way of doing masturbation, which is to get rid of excess sperm. People who do not masturbate get wet dreams. This is completely normal. Masturbation on the other hand is not as normal because it is learned behaviour. So don't feel bad about wet dreams and embrace them instead. Many of us (including me) have yet to get wet dreams ever in their life and would gladly have some if it relieves us of our sexual tension during noPMO
  7. Petrassi

    Petrassi Fapstronaut

    I like your viewpoint on it, that does make it seem very natural and logical :) Thank you for the tip!