Is being sexually arroused in the company of GF harmful to reboot?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by All Married, Nov 16, 2015.

Is being sexually arroused in the company of GF harmful to reboot?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. All Married

    All Married Fapstronaut

    Long term, heavy porn addict, just restarted reboot again is my background
    This is from my journal the last 24 hours:

    6 Days PMO free :)

    Today and now I'm finding no real urge for PMO. Had nice time with GF, we decided not to have sex until married. Although we got rather passionate tonight with kisses and touching, no touching downstairs, no foreplay & no sex. Really just kissing her face off and making love, without the sex. If that makes sense.
    Now, I was arroused but not wanting PMO now, I'm just being cautious as I've heard of chaser effect so iPad staying out of the bedroom (although I haven't O'ed I was hard for some time). GF has gone home.
    This Morning:
    Hanging in there, sexual thoughts about my GF have surfaced this morning after last night (see previous post). I'm not letting these thoughts drive me to MO but I'm tempted that's for sure.

    Maybe it's best to avoid the passion arousing kissathon during my reboot.....? Any thoughts anyone? I'm concerned the thoughts coming back about my GF are undermining the reboot process.....
  2. Roshanb

    Roshanb Fapstronaut

    my thought is that its best to avoid flirting as your brain will trick you at some point and it clould end up in MO. If you are doing a 90 days reboot, think that its not a long time that you have to abstain. and it can help you know your GF for the real person she is. If sex comes on your mind whicg has been wired to porn it could make you see only the sexual side of ur GF. Let you brain heal first, and remember that sex is not a need as food and sleep are.
    All Married likes this.
  3. All Married

    All Married Fapstronaut

    I think sex is a need like food and sleep, just that PMO perverts that need.
    Your right I think, sex is related to porn in my brain and that needs to heal.
  4. All Married

    All Married Fapstronaut

    Please feel free to vote at the top, many thanks.
  5. suben380

    suben380 Guest

    I think it's best to let your brain heal before you get in to any of that again.
    Like at least a month.
    All Married likes this.
  6. Going super saiyan

    Going super saiyan Fapstronaut

    You can't see natural feelings like that as a failure. It's only bad if it leads you to fapping or watching porn. If not, it's fine.
    All Married likes this.
  7. This is something that i have had to learn. I now realise I don't need to orgasm, play with my cock and watch people having sex at all in my own presence. Nobody tells you this when you're growing up though do they.
    All Married likes this.
  8. All Married

    All Married Fapstronaut

    It's interesting how the vote on this is going, I'm surprised.
  9. Going super saiyan

    Going super saiyan Fapstronaut

    Sex isn't a need in the sense that if you don't do it, you die. But it will naturally feel like a need because if it didn't, we wouldn't have passed our genes down so well.

    If you're healthy and fit, it's what you'll feel most like doing because nature needs you to procreate.
    All Married likes this.