bounced from one to another.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by kumarach, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. kumarach

    kumarach Fapstronaut

    so it's like i have bounced from one addiction to another.
    earlier i was addicted to only porn, right now i feel like i am addicted to porn and to web series.
    base line being that nothing can be good if it provides free dopamine, it isn't free it has a hidden cost, the cost being oneself and our time.
    what does a web series get us?? suspense with nothing real time happening. not even an event small enough to affect our daily life. but what it does affect is our ability to concentrate and focus. from now on i need to focus on 3 things primarily.

    • breaking the addiction-to porn,webseries, sugar. (basically avoiding anything that gives me a free dopamine high)
    • working towards getting a good dopamine rush. i.e working to achieve a dopamine flow in my head
    • stabilizing it as a lifestyle so as to keep myself happy for a long time and not just short bursts of hours or spans of days in which i watch loads of series
    I want myself to start craving the dopamine, the free fuel of enjoyment that is poured down in our lives making us feel like it's all great when in reality it makes us crave more of the same thing.

    I've read that dopamine fast increases a variety of receptors in the brain making us more sensitive to the pleasure derived from small things like eating an ice cream and listening to a song, and personally i acan say that earlier when i used to get my hair standing listening to songs, now i can't seem to enjoy watching web series, i just sit in front of the screen and do it to end the series...idk why??!

    this needs to improve. i don't wanna live like an addict.
  2. Олександр

    Олександр Fapstronaut

    Брат твои дофаминовые рецепторы восстанавливаются, когда ты получаешь удовольствие от мелких вещей) советую медитировать бро мне она помогла медитируй по 10 минут а там как пойдёт когда есть ломка медитируй
  3. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    I find that with time in addiction I've lost some ability to focus well on normal things and can be more enthralled with things that do give dopamine. If our dopamine system is shot, then it only makes sense that we'd be drawn to higher and consistent dopamine sources, since that's the only ones that we feel. It's worst when I relapse, especially if it continues over days or longer. The longer I am sober though, it does get better, at least to a point. Once I'm in flatline territory it kind of stays the same. I do still use video games, so I feel that it might get better if I could stay clean of both.