Overcoming social anxiety...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by BeachDude1992, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. This has been a real challenge for me to overcome social anxiety...do you feel like your social anxiety is crippling your life? Do you notice any improvements on social anxiety while doing NoFap? Let me know...Thanks
  2. Yes, I notice tremendous improvements the longer I progress at NoFap.

    Granted I never really had 'social anxiety' per se, it's more like I am shy and timid and preserving my sexual energy turns me into a completely different person.

    A fun loving, positive, motivated, energetic, cheerful guy that people love to be around (in real life) :D.

    I am not shy around anybody offline these days. And I tend to control group situations (with people who do not do NoFap nor practice sexual transmutation, my high levels of sexual energy get channeled into being a completely indomitable social monster) granted my celibate friends adept in the art of sex transmutation are still more social than me :p

    Everybody has a different experience :)

    Btw if I fapped today I wouldn't want to be around anybody or leave my house tomorrow, that is how drastic the difference is for me, night and day.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
    TimeToChangeB likes this.
  3. LOL at the video! Nice music though....
  4. Haha you laughin at my signature?!
  5. I like Metal. this guy is obviously angry about his mother and sister....
  6. no not your signature. the music video! lol it's so 80's...or 60's .... idk
  7. So 1984? :p

    Ya it is part of my sig I was referring to it in that sense :)

    Copied from another site:
    “Crushed” is the second single from Parkway Drive’s forthcoming album IRE. Frontman Winston McCall explained that this song represents a continuation of Parkway Drive’s musical evolution.

    Lyrically this song deals with the concept of power and control that is the basis for modern society. We live in a time when the lives of the many are lived at the will of the few. Filter information and deceit are used as controls while we are told to fear and persecute rather than understand and sympathise. We have let the balance of power slip so far that a godlike will is able to be imposed upon the masses with little to no way of breaking the cycle."

    Sometimes things aren't as they seem, appearances can be deceiving.

    Now back to social anxiety, have you been diagnosed with it? Or self diagnosed? Do you make an effort to have at least one social interaction a day?
  8. Amnonongus

    Amnonongus Fapstronaut

    To get through whatever vice you are personally battling, you need to better understand what you're actually fighting. Many times it's disguised as porn, or masturbation, or whatever the issue may personally be. But it really just comes down to normalizing dopamine levels in your brain. When your jerk it and watch porn you spike your dopamine levels so much over time that it no longer reacts to the dopamine release from real life experiences; in your case social anxiety.

    Hypothetically when those levels normalize by cutting out dopamine short cuts like social media "likes", PMO, video games, whatever it is you personally abuse, then yes, your social anxiety will get better.

    That's not to say it will go away. Social anxiety is a neurological process that dates back to the beginning of man, and is a vastly outdated program. Again, better understanding what social anxiety actually is, and why, neurologically, it happens, will help you get over it. In short, it stems from back when we traveled in tribes and you only met maybe 20 women in your life, 5 of whom were cream of the crop for replication. If you fucked up with that small margin of women, your seed would be weeded out, and your legacy forever extinguished. Back then social anxiety made sense. Now you'll never meet every woman (or man) alive, so you can fuck up infinitely and be ok.

    But I hope you don't think that this will magically go away if you quit PMO. There are no shortcuts. It takes work and getting uncomfortable. Go out and put yourself in situations that terrify you. Easier said then done, but that's the only thing that really got anyone anywhere when it comes to things they want to be better at. Go out and talk to girls. Talk to guys. Make friends. If you want to talk to someone do it and don't be afraid of what happens. Be yourself unapologetically, that's really what attracts people anyway. And when you do talk to that girl and you crash and burn horribly, you'll look back and be like that wasn't so fuckin' bad, it was actually fun and exhilarating as hell. You gotta jump in head first and learn how to swim. That's it. There will come a day when you've hit rock bottom with it and are sick of not doing what you want to do and you'll dive in. That's all there is to it.

    BeachDude1992 and ClearAsMud(Al) like this.
  9. I have researched this a lot lately and social anxiety/low self-esteem is pretty much scientifically proven to derive from MO. This is not to say that everyone with social anxiety has it as a result of fapping, but in some cases people do. It's not a "one size fits all" thing unfortunately, but I am 100% sure my anxiety is fap-related. I advise that you read up on it.
  10. Amnonongus

    Amnonongus Fapstronaut


    Agreed 100000%. I just implore that once you are healed, you jump into the fire. That is what will really make the difference.
    Chef Boy likes this.
  11. Ithink some people are less spontaneous / risk-taking / . For those people smaller steps might be helpful. I started reading a website to help with attraction and have found it very insightful & helpful. Am sure that there will be other literature or websites to build stepping stones in knowledge, which could encourage practice and result in new skills. If I find any good websites or books I'll try to remember to share them.
    Ithink this kind of thing is quite personal, so finding something that one personally likes to read is key. So, keep looking if any recommendations don't suit.
  12. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    For me I am trying to identify what I have in my life that creates my social anxiety and am looking to replace the behaviors with positive ones. Here is my personal list of what I believe creates my social anxiety (because I fully believe it is created by my choices and is reversable):

    PMO and MO
    Still going to college at 28 years old (yet to graduate)
    Working entry level retail jobs
    Not spending enough time in the gym (I got in the habit of just running by myself)
    Purposely avoiding small talk because of the fear of coming up with topics/responses
    Still living with my parents
    Never had a girlfriend (only gone on maybe 6 or 7 "dates)

    As you can see, all of these are reversible, and every time I do something to work on them I get a small boost of confidence. For me confidence is KEY. Without it I'm like a poodle of goo, ie I feel like I can't do anything. Just from cutting out pmo for 21 days I am already feeling better and find talking to strangers a lot easier.

    Helping me out is reminding myself that all of the above items in my life are reversible and not permanent. I didn't think this way when I pmo'd (part of why I pmo'd, can't get a girlfriend, well that's the next best thing, right? WRONG!!!!), but now my mindset is so much clearer that I want to fix my social anxiety issues. I think that's a major factor as well, wanting to fix it. At one point I just accepted it and used it as my excuse to be anti-social. No more!
    oooo and ClearAsMud(Al) like this.
  13. Thanks so much for this. I wish to get rid of this and gain confidence.
  14. Thanks for the feedback. I noticed that when I started to do Nofap, it diminished sloooowly. And when I relapsed, it went back. I really want to get rid of this social anxiety...So I want to reach a full reboot.