Deleted my Facebook

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by newman_unleashed, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. newman_unleashed

    newman_unleashed Fapstronaut

    I don't really spend much time on it, but today I deleted it. I had some girls I have never met ask to follow me on Instagram, so I went to FB to find out more about them. Next thing I knew I was looking at some girl who had pics of herself wearing next to nothing.

    I have never been a big FB fan, I usually only waste time and feel bad about myself when I am on it. Looking for that dopamine. I still have Instagram and see it as a necessary evil, since many of my close friends live far from me and it is the best way to keep in touch and know how they are doing. Just need to be really careful and limit my time and what I look at. Going to have to learn to make good choices sometime.

    If you have a FB account and do not have a necessary reason for using it, I urge you seriously think about deleting it.
  2. latin_

    latin_ Fapstronaut

    I deleted my FB account two years ago, one of the best decisions ever made. Nothing good came from there, only people trying to mimic real friendships trough a computer and to recreate past memories that won't come back.

    Yo made a good choice
    DoctorWHo and AlltheRageBackHome like this.
  3. Saoirse

    Saoirse Guest

    I deleted mine too. I had it deactivated for ages, but recently discovered that it can be permanently deleted. It is just babble, and does for friendships what P does for relationships.
  4. latin_

    latin_ Fapstronaut

    AlltheRageBackHome and Saoirse like this.
  5. fapshooter

    fapshooter Fapstronaut

    I have deleted my old Facebook account three years ago, and it freed me from a lot of bullshit. But I ended up making another account a year later because I needed to be a member in different groups. If you can't leave Facebook for any reason, I suggest you download extension that will literally remove your newsfeed, its called "News feed Eradicator for Facebook".

  6. bastion

    bastion Guest

    We use it to coordinate events and I just put thoughtful things for status. It's not that bad.
  7. Wow, I didn't know this myself... That's cool. I've only known about deactivation. Whereabouts is the part where it gives you the option to permanently delete it?
  8. Saoirse

    Saoirse Guest

  9. Saoirse likes this.
  10. Amen to this. I definitely saw Facebook as detrimental to real social life, and also as a catalyst for all sorts of delusions. Never thought to make this analogy though but it fits. Facebook re-orients your social actions and perceptions and takes away a lot of the authenticity and the elements of face to face social interaction.
  11. NetherRey

    NetherRey Guest

    I deactivated mine a few days ago but had to activate it again to communicate with my friends from high school to make plans for an upcoming overnight stay at the mountains, I've actually spe t less and less time on it nowadays and it seems that I don't care about it anymore, seriously it gives you emotional freedom. While Facebook has perks like communication and coordinating events, it just doesn't amount to the fact that it can also cause some to relapse, I guess you just have to weigh your choices now. It's up to you though, I plan to delete my facebook permanently after the overnight stay is done.