Will using tinder effect my reboot

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by musichealer125, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. musichealer125

    musichealer125 Fapstronaut

    I'm on day 23 of nofap and haven't been watching porn for a long time now. Do you think using tinder could be effecting or maybe slowing down my reboot? I look forward to comments and advice because I'm very curious about this
  2. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure what you are doing when you use Tinder? Are you getting dates by using Tinder or are you treating it like soft-porn? In my opinion, finding dates would be a natural thing to do and won't hurt you, but if your gawking at pictures and getting aroused without meeting a real person you are hurting your reboot. FYI - A full reboot will take at least 90-days of nofap to kick in. Someday I hope to reboot, but for now I'm happy with improving myself by not doing PMO.
    Good luck.
    Matthew5:28 likes this.
  3. musichealer125

    musichealer125 Fapstronaut

    I'm just trying to find dates but sometimes I can't help but to gawk at pictures
  4. Matthew5:28

    Matthew5:28 Fapstronaut

    Tinder is a cheap excuse of a dating site in my opinion. The point of NoFap is to change how we look at sex, how we look at women. If your using these girls you date from tinder as a means to an end, your missing the point. Are you using these girls for your own pleasure as is often the case with tinder relationships?

    My recommendation: stay off tinder!!

    Good luck musichealer125!
    Saoirse likes this.
  5. musichealer125

    musichealer125 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the input :) yea I have noticed I've been looking at some of the girls on there and thinking, yea I'd have sex with her. Probably not the best but it gets lonely sometimes you know. But honestly I often times do want to just meet girls and get to know them. Definitely a lot more so since I've started nofap. Do you think its still bad if I'm just trying to meet new girls not necessarily with sex in mind.
    Matthew5:28 likes this.
  6. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Finally, you must be honest with yourself, not with the forum.

    When you open up tinder with the hidden intent for arousing yourself, then basically you are edging.
    And that means you are wasting your energy for arousing yourself with fantasies instead with real-world-challenges.
  7. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    Tinder is for hooking up, not dating, so most of the pictures of the girls there are going to be sexual and provocative. It's basically a p-sub for us. I'd stay off until you feel like you've rebooted.
  8. Matthew5:28

    Matthew5:28 Fapstronaut

    Meeting new people is never a bad thing! Building genuine relationships with other people is onviously a good thing. I understand it does get lonely being single (I am single too), but there's something really cool about being single that I think most people miss out on because they spend all their time sulking or searching for their other. You have more freedom when you're on your own then you ever will in a relationship. Don't listen to the crap that TV and media tell you, saying "you can only be happy if you're in a relationship." Enjoy the freedom you have now and spend your time not yearning, but preparing and perfecting yourself for when you are with another. (Just an idea) Message me if you want to talk about anything else- if you do chose to go the relationship path there are hundreds of other dating sites than tinder! With tinder, relationships are centered around sex, that's why girls post such provocative profile pictures. Good luck brother, hope this helps!
  9. musichealer125

    musichealer125 Fapstronaut

    Thanks a bunch for input. This all helps a lot :)