So its time for a change

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Yuri Gagarin, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin New Fapstronaut

    Hi everybody

    I've chosen the nickname of Yuri Gagarin as it was the first man to be in space, to start a unknow and difficult journey which ultimately lead him to success, and well, this is my fist time as a Fapstronaut and willing to through it until the end, comming out fully recovered.

    As anybody here (I guess) I'm dealing with some PMO addiction. I realise now that this is a deeply rooted addiction which I came to realise I had recently. I've been having this problem for years but keept it at bay with my studies and then my job, I see now that I always avoided studying or working at home as it was a "temptation" and so, I avoided falling into a PMO circle.

    However,a year ago I quit my job in the pursue of a dream, trying to take and exam to be a high ranking officer in my country (it can only be done through a exam were only the best 5% qualify, its taken every two years the exams, and requieres full dedication)

    Well, there starts my downbound journey. Since quiting, I've spent a whole year at home and slowly but consistently fallen into a spiral of PMO up to the point that most times I get to watch porn or masturbate without even consciuosly thinking about it. It just happens.

    It hs reached a point where I am sleepy all day, with brian fog, incapable of studying and doing my job properly... I just dont know, how it came to this, but alas, Its ruining my life.

    So after searching in the web, and listening of a TED Talk about porn addiction and refering to this community I realised its time for a reboot, its time for a change, so here I am, and I'm here for good.

    As I have seen in the forum, this community is amazing and people sharing their thoughs, struggles and ideas its a wonderful way of dealing with this problem and tackling it in a wise and effective way.

    I'll keep updating as I guess it will be the best way to reinforce my commitment

    Thanks for reading and thanks for the support!

    P.S. I apologise if there are gramatical or spelling errors, english is not my mother tongue! Thanks for understanding!
  2. Saskia

    Saskia Guest

    I love your user name:) good luck on your journey - keep sharing, because it helps..
  3. IamMike

    IamMike Fapstronaut

    Hey @Yuri Gagarin . I have a similar situation in my life where I've taken a break from conventional work and I currently work from home on a life changing project like you, and yes I have had the same experience of automatic PMO and associated brain fog and the overall unhappiness with that. I know the temptations and I've also failed in my recoveries before, but I keep coming back. Right now, I'm not fully recovered yet, but it's a daily fight, step-by-step and we can do this.

    I'm here if you need support or accountability.
    Yuri Gagarin likes this.
  4. Yuri Gagarin

    Yuri Gagarin New Fapstronaut

    @IamMike, thanks for your support its wonderful to find someone in the same situation (well, wonderful its not the right word, as it would obviosuly be better to be in an other situation considering the facts, but i'd say you get my point) with whom you can share thougths and get and give support.

    I think I'll set up a diary so as to express my feelings but also to remind me why I am here and what I am fighting to overcome. Apart form that, it would be wonderful to share and exchange thoughts, opinions and struggles!

    Thanks again!
    IamMike likes this.
  5. IamMike

    IamMike Fapstronaut

    Likewise! We're in this together. Let me know when that diary is up.
    Yuri Gagarin likes this.
  6. IamMike

    IamMike Fapstronaut

    Yuri Gagarin likes this.
  7. Geyser

    Geyser Fapstronaut

    Welcome Yuri,
    You've come to the right place. We all come from different walks of life but are united by a common adversary, PMO. The diary is a great start. Also consider setting some short term and long term goals. I would also suggest you find your motivation to see this through. There will no doubt be tough days ahead. Knowing why you are doing this will be a great source of strength when you need it. And may I suggest you do this for yourself first and foremost. Your Significant Others(SO, for future reference) will benefit through association to you as well.

    One more thing a PMO tracker is another great tool to keep yourself accountable. You can get one by clicking on someone elses and following the instructions. There's one in my journal if you need one.

    Best of luck in all your future endeavors.

    Yuri Gagarin likes this.