My reboot process

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mike76, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Mike76

    Mike76 Fapstronaut

    Hi there, just wanted to write a little about my reboot. I'm on almost 3 weeks so far, and although its admittedly still early days I feel as good as I think I've ever done. My head feels clearer, I'm more easily able to focus and on the whole my confidence in social situations and when talking to girls has improved dramatically. Last weekend however I came quite close to relapsing; I'd had a dificult day at work on the Saturday and was tired and depressed on the Sunday, not to mention home alone. I was able to avoid relapsing and for that I'm pleased, however I'm dissapointed I even considered it in the first place, seeing as the positives from cutting out PMO have been so overwhelming. Any tips on how to avoid getting this close in the future? This is about as long as I've made it without PMO so far (I did prevoiusly last 4 weeks, but during the last 2 I was reguarly watching hot youtube vids, looking up hot celeb pics etc, so I'm not counting that) so any tips on what issues in the rebboting process I may come across later and how to deal with them?

    Also, today I was watching a favourite show of mine which has just come back, which contained a short lesbian sex scene. Although the sex scene showed very little of their bodies (and I was never particuarly into lesbian porn for the record) as you can imagine having seen no sexual imagery or had any action in 3 weeks, it gave me a crazy erection. Should this be consdiered a relapse? I had no idea the show was going to contain a scene like this (it never has before).

    Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, thank you! :D
  2. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    HA try 60, 81, 118 days.
    Well no, you did not intentionally watch porn. It was an accident. But in the future please try to know if a how is going to be having sex scenes as it only takes one scene to make you wanna watch porn.
  3. spartanian

    spartanian Fapstronaut

    It doesnt count as a relapse, as long as youre by a choice clicking porn. Keep fighting strong man
  4. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    "I'd had a difficult day at work on the Saturday and was tired and depressed on the Sunday, not to mention home alone" I think anyone would agree that this situation would pressure even the Pope;).

    My suggestion is do your best to counteract this thing here by, if possible other activities; however, I totally understand being too drained to get uot of bed so. Respect to your will for not succumbing to temptation. Moreover everyone will be tempted, so I think you are way to hard on yourself for being guilty just because you thought of it!!! You're human brother, and you will always think of it. The key is to run away from it.

    GL MA MAN!:mad: