something i wouldn't tell to anybody.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Jungler, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. Amor

    Amor Fapstronaut

    Hearing your post, I'm even more inclined to recommend meetup. There is zero online communication and 100% emphasis on meeting up with a group of people in person. It will get you off your chair, and without a doubt get you to know people physically.

    It simply a list of events happening in your local area, you click that your going to one and when you get there you have the opportunity to meet in person like minded people who the event may be fun.

    Honestly I make plans with non-friends all the time. Friends introduce me to randoms, social groups I'm in suggest things and I contribute and meetup for the first time again with people I've never talked to before. On the street of often bump into randoms and end up catching their number and hanging out.

    Anyway it's a tool if you wish to use it :p annd congratulations on loosing weight and striking up a convo with your old crush :)
  2. DudeGuyMan

    DudeGuyMan Fapstronaut

    It's totally normal for someone to have a conversation with themselves. This doesn't sound much different. Out of curiosity, do you see these imaginary friends or are they more like voices in your head?
  3. no man, don't do it, your not going mental from what you are writing, you seem to be doing better. stick with your program, just be your self, to heck with people if they don't want to be your friend. but you got to do activities, and friends may come from that. there has to be an activity around the friendship if that makes sence, I don't have any friends, but I am a boring person, I do not do much.