This doesnt work

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Woo234, Jun 2, 2016.

Has nofap helped your social anxiety

  1. Yes

    13 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  1. Woo234

    Woo234 Fapstronaut

    I've been doing this for 5 days And it doesnt seem to work. I know that engaging in the behavior is bad and I dont plan on doing it again but Im dissapointed in the results.
  2. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    What are you doing in it's place? This is not about just stopping PMO, it's about changing who you are and what you do. It's about finding more positive activities to replace PMO.
    If you make positive changes it will work, if you don't change anything and all you do is stop PMO you are correct, it won't work. - Good luck.
    Lightningbob1964 likes this.
  3. Calvinklein

    Calvinklein Fapstronaut

    5 days is a short time mate. You cant always fix what you have done since 5-10+ years to be fixed in 5days. So i think you should give it atleast a month. Also as nomo said you have to replace that with productive activities. With nofap you will get the time and in many case the confidence. Use that to engage in conversations. Start by sending a random person in your facebook a msg. The convo may look stupid and they may not talk to you after that. Then send it to another one. Slowely you will see the change. And you will feel soooo much better. Goodluck mate
    ILoathePwife likes this.
  4. ynnel_ynnek

    ynnel_ynnek Fapstronaut

    Man, this is a lifestyle change. It sounds crazy, yes. But how much of your life, so far, have you sifted through porn and masturbation? If you are like most of us it'll be in terms of years. Think about back to the first time you did it, and think to now. Now if it is in terms of years, you'll think, "Holy shit, has it really been that long?".

    When you realize that, you'll begin to understand that quitting PMO is pretty much changing your life (yes, your life) for the better.

    That is, and should be one of the main reasons, why you are here. If you're still surfing porn sites without masturbating, I'd consider that to be a relapse. Watch this Ted Talk and you'll get an understanding for what I'm talking about.
    Calvinklein likes this.
  5. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    Somehow.. yes
  6. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    5 days? You won't see benefits until months
    avatarivn likes this.
  7. @Woo234 I started to notice less social anxiety at around 20 to 30 day mark. It was full force at about 60 day mark and then decreased somewhat after I started to have frequent wet dreams. Patience you must have, my young Padawan.
  8. Kenzo89

    Kenzo89 Guest

    5 days too soon!!
  9. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    How long have you had this addiction? Longer than 5 days, methinks. Keep going! Five days is a good start, but it's not long enough to see results.
  10. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    I think the topic of this thread should be changed to This hasn't worked YET

    I mean, just because in 5 days you haven't seen any change it doesn't mean that the effort was for naught. When I relapse it usually takes me 20 days or more just for the social anxiety to start lowering a little, so you must hang in there.

    This is like losing weight : a lifestyle change that takes months and years to truly become a part of who we are. Expect quick fixes and you will end disappointed.
    Calvinklein likes this.
  11. Woo234

    Woo234 Fapstronaut

    Yeah guys I agree it actually does work. I have no idea why I posted this without knowing the facts
    feo1966 likes this.