Diverting Energy to Something Positive

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by cchain25, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. cchain25

    cchain25 Fapstronaut

    How do I do that? I have always struggled with doing something productive when an urge arises. I can tell there is a part of me that is trying to push through that urge and trying to get me to divert that anxious energy towards something more productive, but in the end, I am unable to. I need some advice on how to truly break through those urges and create a more positive environment out of them. Thanks!
  2. Faptomist

    Faptomist Fapstronaut

    A little while back i was thinking the same but realsied you shouldnt be just thinking about doing something positive when urges arise you should do positive things and keep yourself busy all the time! In the last month or so I've joined a football team, started rock climbing weekly, committed to an 8 week midfulness course among many other things and do know what?... I don't have the urge to pmo, this is purely because my life is improving, I'm connecting with people and have better things to do than than think about pmo. I do still struggle at night though when I get into bed but that's better than fighting the urge all the time!

    So don't wait until you get the urge before you start looking at doing something else start doing things now. Look up things you might be interested in, meetup.com is great for this then get out there and start moving your life in the right direction :).