Autistic man.. what can I do?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by veryconfused123, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. veryconfused123

    veryconfused123 Fapstronaut


    I'm new here. I am 24 years old, was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder when I was 12. Decent looking, but was very anxious around girls during high school, never talked to girls at university. Lost my virginity to a prostitute, kept visiting prostitutes for 2 more years. I never really enjoyed my visits to them, I just went there out of loneliness. I got a GF 2 years ago, things went well, but she was still married to another man. We had to stop the 'affair' as a result.

    Because of my autism, my only sexual outlet was/is masturbation and porn. I started watching porn at 15, I never had a problem with it till a few years ago. I had discovered 'transwoman porn' and found this very arousing. This made me feel very ashamed/disgusted by myself. I hate homosexual acts (even though I have nothing against homosexuals as people, I'm just repulsed by the nature of sex they engage in). I ended up watching transwoman porn almost exclusively, normal porn didn't do it for me anymore. I thought this would be the end of me and was considering suicide. I had read an article on the Internet about brain plasticity and changing sexual tastes, this made me very anxious because I thought I had changed my brain as a result of an addiction and that I would only be attracted to transwomen and not to real girls anymore. I read that I had to abstain from masturbation and porn, at least for a while, in order to become normal again. I tried, but never succeeded to go for longer than 11 days. The longer I abstain from masturbation the more anxious I feel. I even ended up in psychiatric hospital for 2 weeks because I couldn't sleep anymore. I had not slept for 7 days and was scared I'd die. This was already the second time this happened in 8 months. I felt so depressed and suicidal, I thought I could never be normal again. I knew that if I started masturbating again, I would end up on transwoman porn and maybe even visit a transwoman prostitute. I felt so scared I didn't even dare to think about sex anymore or masturbate or look at non transwoman online erotica.

    Anyway I still feel very confused today. I know I'm not capable of a relationship because of my autism (despite being reasonably good looking, I get a lot of matches on apps like Tinder). This realization has made me extremely depressed. Deep down I want a relationship but I'm just not capable of being in one. But looking at porn also makes me sad, even though I don't watch transwoman porn anymore, it got boring. I feel repulsed by any kind of sex now, I think I may even be asexual? Having a sex drive is a burden for me because I know I can never have a healthy sexuality. Can't have a relationship, looking at porn reminds me of transwoman history, masturbating reminds me of transwoman history, visits to prostitutes were never satisfactory, I fear sex will always have a negative connotation in my mind. I just dont want to have a sex drive anymore.

    What are your opinions? What can or should I do? I'm about to start a new antidepressant and I see a therapist, but maybe I don't see him often enough.. He also doesnt have all the answers as this is a very complicated problem. I wish I could be the happy teenager I used to be, I can't understand my health completely deteriorated in a few years
  2. Try to ensure that your therapist is well versed in forms of sex addiction, dopamine dependency, brain plasticity, etc. Sadly, most therapists are not. In my experience therapists that are not schooled and current about these issues can be a tremendous waste of time and potentially money. If your therapist does not seem knowledgeable in these areas, don't be afraid to move on and find another.

    Best of luck, mate.
  3. MsPants

    MsPants Guest

    I agree. You should seek a therapist that has experience with at least addiction, especially sexual addictions and also anxiety and would be beneficial for you if they are experienced with treating patients with Autism. I have been on antidepressants before and they seemed to help with my anxiousness at the time. But you may need an anti-anxiety medication in addition to or in place of an antidepressant in order to function in daily life, especially with sleep!

    I have to tell you that you are not alone with your addiction, but also with Autism. Many people with autism do find a partner. Getting the porn addiction under control will help with your future relationships and there are many women out there that are in a relationship with someone with Autism. You have to realize that your porn addiction has altered the way you interact with others right now. If you get through this part, you will be surprised to see that you are capable of having a relationship with a wonderful woman. Please do not give up on yourself, it is not hopeless. Get the help you need first and then things will start to change in your life.
  4. veryconfused123

    veryconfused123 Fapstronaut

    My current psychologist is a very good man, he has helped me a lot. he doesn't know much about addiction, but then again I'm not 100 pct sure my main problem is addiction. I have a diagnosis of OCD besides my autism/aspergers. I never saw porn or masturbation as a problem until I became obsessed with transgendered person porn. It made me feel so sick and ashamed after watching it, I was even afraid I'd go to a transgendered person escort and catch HIV. The thing is the transgendered person obsession has gone now, I'm still a bit afraid I will get back to it if I start to watch porn frequently again, but i'm not sure.

    I'm against the over emphasis of sex in our society, I am quite conservative when it comes to sex, hence the mental hell I went through when I was looking at such deviant stuff. But I have found that abstaining from masturbation is bad for my OCD (because I always have the feeling that something is 'not right' or 'incomplete' when I don't masturbate). It makes me feel very anxious and depressed, I've never gone longer than 2 weeks without masturbating.

    So I'm unsure what I should do. I guess I can live without porn, but I like to look at youtube videos of singers such as Selena Gomez, it makes me feel happy to see a beautiful girl. I also like to masturbate as long as I don't watch transwoman porn. As I said I never saw porn as the problem until I escalated to transwoman porn (even though I think they mistreat women in porn and that is wrong).

    I just want to feel comfortable with myself and to me that means never having to watch transwoman porn again, 'normal' porn is OK for me and never made me feel bad/disgusted with myself.

    Makes sense?
  5. MsPants

    MsPants Guest

    Yes, it does make sense. But porn use escalates because you become desensitized by it after a while and then start to seek more drastic porn, which is why you ended up watching transgendered person porn. So porn itself is bad and you will end up watching things that go against your morals again eventually. I understand masterbating may ease your OCD, that makes sense. But maybe there is a way to do that occasionally without using porn or other fake stimuli like music videos as you mentioned. But having OCD means you are feeding your obsessions with the compulsion to masterbate. You don't want to exhaust yourself masterbating too much. Maybe there is a replacement for that so you don't make your condition worse
  6. veryconfused123

    veryconfused123 Fapstronaut

    What would be a good frequency of masturbating? Twice a week or so?

    I know masturbating can lead back to porn use. That was the main reason I tried to abstain from masturbation, I was scared that if I did it too often (more than once a week), I would get back to watching transgendered person porn. When I look at porn now, everything seems boring, the music videos also seem boring, when I masturbate without porn I can still get an erection but the orgasm is not especially satisfying. But when I don't masturbate for longer than a few days my OCD gets worse..

    When I take antidepressants my libido is almost non existent and they help with OCD and depression, so maybe I should be on SSRIs for life?
  7. Hello
    Thanks for sharing your story. It was a brave first step.
    Your future does not have to be dictated by your past. What you are doing now - a reboot, will change your life. When you find an amazing therapist - it will change your life. You can find support for every up and down from other humans who are also afflicted with troubles.
    Despite what you have done or seen, and who you think you are because of it, it's not true. Your creator loves you so much and he doesn't judge you by what you've done. So from now on, you can make positive change.
    I don't believe you can't get a girlfriend, but you shouldn't be seeking one until your sexuality is healed again. So yeah, I'll pray for you. :)
    MsPants likes this.
  8. MsPants

    MsPants Guest

    I am not sure about how many times is safe to masterbate, I think everyone is different. I would focus on getting a therapist that will be able to help you with your specific needs. And I believe that taking SSRIs until you can get to a better place emotionally will benefit you. Being in a better emotional state will also help with your anxiety and OCD. I don't believe you will need the medication for life. Many addicts on here have anxiety, OCD, ADHD etc and have found their symptoms reduce after they have been actively rebooting hard core mode. Take the meds for now to while you are starting your reboot, continue with therapy and you may be surprised at the results
  9. My friend, I'm an Aspie myself. Your autism won't keep you from getting a relationship unless you let it. I'm working on that goal myself. We can do this.
    MsPants likes this.
  10. veryconfused123

    veryconfused123 Fapstronaut

    I know, I became friends with some of the call girls I visited, they said they normally don't see clients in their private life, but they really liked me and said I was good looking and I also had a real relationship for a few months with the girl who was still married. So I know I am capable of having a relationship, I just don't see myself having one inthe long term. Probably because I really like to be alone most of the time (but not always obviously). I'm sure that you, as someone on the spectrum, understands the desire to be alone, at least sometimes?

    I like to be alone, but on the other hand I know a relationship would make my life more diverse and interesting.
  11. I understand entirely. As I've said numerous times on this site, though, one of my goals is to marry and start a family. It's not easy to reconcile the two, but it is possible. I know because I've seen other Aspies pull it off.
    MsPants likes this.
  12. I admit, though, especially in High School I would go entire afternoons shut in my room just enjoying my solitude.
  13. Dan_Mann

    Dan_Mann Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I quoted only specific parts of your post - the ones that I can relate to the most. I am also "on the spectrum" as they say, and I have had these EXACT thoughts. Honestly it was blowing my mind to read your post. It is very difficult to want a relationship but then have to come to terms with the reality that it may never happen. I'm 26 and it has yet to happen for me. I have tried several times, but it is so hard to connect with someone romantically, and to manage all the emotions that come with it. It seems like once you've offended a woman she will never, ever, forgive you, and it doesn't matter if you have autism. People can't understand what it's like. I often get very frustrated when I try to communicate my feelings to a girl and she doesn't get it at all. I have told several girls who I like that I hate them, because I just lose control of my emotions. So, I feel your pain, and you're not alone. That's really all I wanted to say.

    If I can offer a positive: you say you are good-looking and get lots of tinder matches, so you've got that going for you. (I get next to zero matches on tinder.) Maybe you can turn these into some healthy sexual experiences, without a relationship. And, at the very minimum, keep in mind that porn was making you unhappy, and it doesn't need to have a place in your life.

    I don't have all the answers, or really any, but you seem like a good man, and we can never know what life will bring us, so control the things we can (like abstaining from watching porn) and hope for the best otherwise. Good luck with everything!
  14. veryconfused123

    veryconfused123 Fapstronaut

    Thank you. I really appreciate your kind words.

    Yes i guess I don't need porn. And I believe I can limit masturbation to once a week. Maybe I can use the energy to focus on more productive tasks: new hobbies and learning how to talk to girls. That will probably give me more satisfaction than being obsessed by online erotica. I have also noticed I seem to suffer from a loss of sensitivity in my genitals? What could be the cause?

    I wish I had panicked less when i stumbled upon transwoman porn, I thought to myself 'I really can't give up porn, I don't know what to do? What happened to me', but now, years later, I'm finally able to think more rationally and control my emotions. I always thought I needed porn to be happy, I may have been wrong. Just a waste of time that it took me so long to discover what may be the right lifestyle for me.
  15. veryconfused123

    veryconfused123 Fapstronaut

    However sometimes I still get urges to try sex with a transsexual. What should I do to control this? I know I can't do it, because I'd feel so ashamed about myself and the risk of catching STDs is very high.
  16. Dan_Mann

    Dan_Mann Fapstronaut

    The loss of sensitivity could be related to overuse of porn and/or masturbation. I think that is universal with people - too much stimulation to the genitals causes a decrease in sensitivity. If you only masturbate once a week, I'm sure the sensitivity will return.

    As far as the urges to sleep with a transsexual, I would suggest trying to let go of some of the anxiety around it. Try not to think of it as so wrong, but rather just a casual thought you have. I've been to lots of therapy and they always talk about your thoughts being like a leaf floating down a river. Recognize them, watch them float down, and then let them pass. I think this works better than trying to control your thoughts, although I'll admit it is easier said than done. I definitely ruminate over negative things when I should just let them go.
  17. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    I would say giving up obsessive behaviour up is easier than trying to control it. What happened is that: obsession are part of ritualistic behaviour pattern that we do over and over, all the addictions are in fact obsession but some may have physical dependance attached to it too. But the truth is, any repetitive behaviour we can not control or stop is obsessive.
    Obsessive behaviour serves one purpose only and it is to protect you from facing your uncomfortable emotions. So lets say you feel pain and then you go on and engage in repeated act of some sort, that pain goes away. Actually you do not even feel that pain as long as you engage in compulsions so you might not be aware of it existence. They offer a false sense of safety. PMO also stops us from feeling and seeing things how they are.

    So when you stop any addiction then one is faced up with shit amount of pain to process and feel and deal with and often deteriorates and becomes quite sick. So in a way, we are all here lacking emotional processing skills. But those they can be learned.

    Also never give up on yourself. If you become PMO free, that in itself will improve the level of connections you are able to form with other people. But the way out is always difficult and we feel worst before we can feel better.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016