Wellbeing + Peak Performance Journal

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by miracles, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. miracles

    miracles Fapstronaut

    I have been reflecting on the next phase of the recovery from PMO addiction. I'm not addicted anymore, actually. However there is a behavioural trait which I do want to unhinge and that is compulsiveness. In addition, I think the theme of the next phase of my recovery is generative rather thanremedial. For me that means:
    • strengthening my sense of wellbeing; physical, emotional, mental, right thinking, good diet and exercise, balance work/play/rest
    • creating the conditions for peak performance; goal focus, organisation, productivity
    • And of course no PMO
    Wellbeing + Peak Performance - PMO = Happy Me

    The underlying strengths required here is persistence, discipline, vision and practical action.

    What I Am Doing Already
    • I am meditating daily and practice Yoga often
    • I check-in with myself and my emotions frequently throughout the day
    • I manage my schedule and my goal-oriented tasks daily
    • I have a healthy diet

    What I Am Committed To Until 17 September 2016 (90 Day Target)
    • Refraining from any activity on the Internet which is not serving a purpose
    • Practicing curiosity rather than finding fault in others
    • No social media between morning and 17:35 on weekdays
    • Engaging with social media no more than 5 times a day
    • No browsing interesting articles between morning until 17:35 on weekdays
    • No interesting YouTube until 17:35 on weekdays
    • Be in bed as close to 22:45 each day as possible
    • Track my general wellbeing
    • Practice affirming myself twice a week
    • Practice Yoga 3 times a week
    • Spend 15 minutes journaling each night

    I think this is fairly challenging and I also think that the results should really benefit my character and many areas of my life in a positive way.

    P.S. Here is my first post just under a year ago now in which I wrote about my journey so far and my vision: http://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/my-goals-my-story-and-my-vision.42919/
    JesusGreen likes this.
  2. Nice ideas here. I really like the idea of limiting what you do during certain times of the day. I've found that lately I'm not motivated enough to work on new video ideas for my channel/business, which is causing me to have to think up ideas at the last minute right before I record. So I'm going to borrow your idea and make a set period of time each day when all I'm allowed to do during that time is think up new video ideas. I can't do anything else until the time is up so it'll motivate me to actually do it.

    You got this, you can do it! :)
    miracles likes this.
  3. miracles

    miracles Fapstronaut

    So I'm 11 days into this new challenge that I've set out in my first post.

    Things have gotten a bit out of shape with regards to the routine that I am trying to live by. Late bed times have been the theme over the last five days which have caused me to wake up late and also felt a lack of strength/energy throughout the day. This is not an encouraging sign because I am 8 months into my recovery from chronic fatigue.

    My works taken a knock too as I've had less time in front of my desk. Luckily I work for myself so I don't have an irate boss looking down at me. Though I don't want to let myself off lightly as I am in the process of nurturing my fledgling business.

    The cause of the later nights seems to have mainly been the big thing in the local news (Brexit) and my passion for the country. I'm captivated by the frightening trends in developed nations and am compelled to make myself of service somehow.

    Anyway, I've decided I will discipline myself around staying up late watching/reading news about current events and aim to be in bed close to 22:45 so that I can make use of the morning and be fully rested/renewed.
  4. miracles

    miracles Fapstronaut

    It's interesting to me that when I have an appointment with someone the following morning, how I get to bed at a more sane hour. How can I commit to the appointments I make with myself like I do with others?!