Any other asexuals here on

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by bdomagala, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. bdomagala

    bdomagala Fapstronaut

    Are there any other asexuals in NoFap? I haven't found any others on this site and I was just wondering how they are coping with being PMO free. Feel free to comment on this post or message me :)
  2. VexedCoffee

    VexedCoffee Fapstronaut

    How can you be asexual and addicted to porn?
    Deleted Account and dayZero++ like this.
  3. bdomagala

    bdomagala Fapstronaut

    That's a great question. But, for everybody it is different. I am not really addicted to porn per se. I can go a very long time without watchcing porn. But, sometimes I get bored and am just like "screw it" I'm not really getting off at the porn either. I'm just using it so I can have something to distract me while I masturbate. If i masturbate without porn, it's all the same, but I get impatient with my own body quickly. Hope that helps.
  4. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Oh, I am glad this popped up again. I was going to comment and couldn't find it again.

    I have a friend that is asexual. I am one of a few she has told about it and I was honored that she told me. I get so upset when people say, oh, you aren't asexual, you just haven't found the right person. Or deny it's even a real thing. People are ignorant.

    I'm glad you answered again because I was going to ask if you thought it was a porn induced thing or if it came before porn or without porn. (Which can happen, sometimes people feel asexual or wish they were asexual.) It sounds like not, if you aren't really addicted to porn.

    Anyway, I found this yesterday, which I thought was educational on the question of masturbation for asexuals.
    bdomagala likes this.
  5. bdomagala

    bdomagala Fapstronaut

    Yes, people can be ignorant about such a topic. I have often seen people comment that asexuals should die because humans are made to breed and that we are broken. However, I feel there is hatred no matter what.

    Thank you so much for your response. I sometimes don't know how to explain things to people, so I'm glad you found my explanation to be useful.

    I'll have to check out that article. I'm sure it will be a good read.
  6. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Oh my, what an awful thing! That's horrible.
  7. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    I am curious if you have ever read a book called "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" by T.E. Lawrence? The reason I ask is that there is a subset of people who strongly believe he was asexual (there is no clear documentation of him having sexual relations with anyone over the course of his life). His life and times may be interesting to you and his thoughts may be thoughts world examining.
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  8. bdomagala

    bdomagala Fapstronaut

    I have not read this. I will check it out.
  9. Athoren

    Athoren Fapstronaut

    I had been wondering if I was asexual for awhile but have recently decided that it doesn't matter as I don't plan on having sex until I get married.
    I used to have some trans thoughts but they have stopped.
  10. VirtualEunuch

    VirtualEunuch Fapstronaut

    Hey bdomagala, I used to identify as an asexual earlier but now I'm more in the grey area between asexual and sexual so I don't use the identity for me but I can still relate to this!

    I'm wondering, when and why did you start identifying as asexual and was it before you started M or after?
  11. bdomagala

    bdomagala Fapstronaut

    Hey now, don't oust yourself out of the ace community too soon. There's a whole spectrum of asexuality. As for your question. I found I was asexual about a year ago actually. I had begun thinking about relationships I have had and realized that I never really had a desire to be with someone. I also realized that I never really got turned on by either guys or girls, that sure I found some people more attractive than others. However, it was based solely on looks and not actual sexual attraction. As per your second question, I have done M for as long as I can remember. However, I do not think that takes away from my asexuality. Rather, it's simply giving into my body's urges and because of the pleasurable feeling one gets.
  12. VirtualEunuch

    VirtualEunuch Fapstronaut

    Ah so your story is a bit different than mine. As you said, everyone is different. I can still relate to the ace community but prefer calling myself grey-a, though most of the time I'm not actually thinking about what I am in terms of sexuality, I just am. Also I must say that P and M has moved the needle a bit more into the sexual direction because I'm curious about the experience of sexual intercourse now but can't see it happen soon.
  13. bdomagala

    bdomagala Fapstronaut

    Yes, everyone is different. Well, exploring is part of finding yourself. So, there's no shame :)
  14. SpotlessMind24

    SpotlessMind24 Fapstronaut

    I started to be asexual lately. My `penis` is alive, but its not interessed into porn, masturbation, or random girls on streets.

    Its working only when I need, and with the right person.

    Its better then being sexual for me, by far, it lets my develop into other directions very quick and far. My performances are better then ever.
  15. If anyone wants to start a group for this in the Groups section, please let us know and we'll get it set up for you.