Working out

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by youngweef, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. youngweef

    youngweef Fapstronaut

    Ive succeeded in NoFap july, which is something i thought would be alot harder,but honestly,it was pretty easy. Sure i had a few weak moments, i got weak and looked at porn a few times and edged a few times also, but I didnt have any insane urges that drove me absolutely insane. Ive been a pmo victim for close to 10 years, and pmo plagued my life almost everyday up until June 22nd of this year. If i can go 40 days without an orgasm,you can too.


    We're moving into the month of August in a little over an hour,and since July was spent abstaining from fapping, and was a success, Im gonna be moving onto another goal I will persue,which is walking,jogging,sit ups and pushups. I want to cut down on soda,and drink water,all while i stay true to NoFap. Throughout the month I will try to go porn/edge free too but its not a top priority,although I will do my best to abstain. I weigh 225 and by the end of the month I want to loose 5-10 pounds. Stay strong,everyone!
    Unas, Zoran Tomic and JesusGreen like this.
  2. Don't get disheartened if you don't fully hit your goal. I'd say 1lb of fat loss a week is about the average if you're eating little enough and doing some exercise to help the process along. Might get 1.5lbs a week, might get slightly less than 1lb, but take it slow and steady and avoid crash dieting and you'll be at your goals in no time. :) It feels really good after losing weight looking at how far you've come since there's such an immediate visual difference. :)

    Good luck with your goals!

    Also congrats on a fapless July. Did the same and plan to ensure August stays the same. We'll make it! :)
  3. KiKopowa

    KiKopowa Fapstronaut

    Dont drink sodas, that shit is dangerous.Coka cola? u can clean your toiler, battery poles, rust ,damn man hindus are even sraying it on crops so they bugs dont come near AND we drink that? i have lost 100lbs, and i ll advise u not to look the scale. Work our, walk, run whatever feels fine to you, dont push yourself too much , if your body hurts a bit thats a good thing. Make a research on foods, i would advise you to only eat homefoods.
    5-10pounds is easy and doable u can do this and remember never skip a day, NO MATTER.
  4. youngweef

    youngweef Fapstronaut

    Yeah ive been keeping up with my running/walking chart. Ive been drinking more water but ive also been drinking soda too. Quitting soda is gonna be a real doozy
  5. RogerThat

    RogerThat Guest

    One thing which helped me kick my soda problem was switching to La Croix sparkling water. Now I get my water and my "soda" fix in one drink. I still have them in moderation though.
  6. youngweef

    youngweef Fapstronaut

    Is that sparkling water really expensive? Theres a brand of flavored water that makes black cherry water,kiwi strawberry, pineapple,etc. Do you know how those compare to soda? Because I sure dont. The flavored water is delicious but i dont know if thats a good alternative. I just dont want to spend an arm and a leg on a bottle of fizzy water,ya know?
  7. RogerThat

    RogerThat Guest

    I get mine from Amazon Fresh and they're around 4.99 for single flavored 12 pack. For me I liked the carbonation in soda. These waters give me that but without all of the sugar and other crap. Whichever way you decided to go you're going to have to make a sacrifice.
  8. youngweef

    youngweef Fapstronaut

    It'll be worth it. I know soda is terrible but it tastes so damn good. Especially coke with lemon
  9. Make sure the times you do drink soda you're drinking diet soda if you're trying to lose weight.

    If you drink 2L of pepsi in a day, that's ~847 calories, more than a fairly sizeable dinner just from your drinks alone. For comparisons sake, 847 calories could be 2.5-3 slices of cheese pizza from dominos, or an oven pizza at home, or several sandwiches, or 3 bowls of cereal, etc. All going to waste on a drink when you get the non-diet versions of soda.

    If you drink 2L of diet pepsi/pepsi max/diet coke/whatever a day, that's.. a measly 4 calories. The reason for this is that most artificial sweeteners aren't broken down by the body to be used for energy, and simply provide the flavour and pass through. Even in the cases of artificial sweeteners that DO provide energy - they're usually 1000x+ sweeter than sugar, and so they can use such a tiny amount that it's only a few calories per bottle.

    That's like a difference of more than a whole meal, and some of the diet alternatives taste as good as the originals - in fact honestly I prefer Pepsi Max (which is a diet one) to Pepsi by a long way.

    Honestly for people who drink a lot of soda, that one single change from regular soda -> diet soda is sometimes enough to put them in a caloric deficit and start them losing weight.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2016
    RogerThat likes this.
  10. RogerThat

    RogerThat Guest

    Eating at a deficit and diet sodas can go hand in hand. Sometimes I will have a diet soda when I go out to eat or a Monster Zero.
  11. Unas

    Unas Fapstronaut

    You went now nearly 50 days NoFap, why not start with 7 days NoSoda? Or maybe 1 day at first. Willpower and discipline are there, and after 7 days you probably won't even miss it that much, at least this is what I experienced. "Forget" to buy it the next time (changing the environment) and see what happens.
    chaoyiyun likes this.
  12. youngweef

    youngweef Fapstronaut

    Will do Unas, soda has been in my daily diet for a long time too so the trial and error battle is definitely real
  13. willpower744

    willpower744 Fapstronaut

    If you are addicted to carbonated water (i.e. soda), try kombucha. It is a fermented, carbonated tea filled with probiotics. It's also fairly simple to make some at home, too.