What are you're thoughts on normal orgasm and no pmo on reboot?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Daredevil99, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. Daredevil99

    Daredevil99 Fapstronaut

    I'm finding it really difficult to go even just a week without watching anything and the longest I've gone is 9 days. What I'm wondering is what are you're thought's on masturbation to fantasy instead of using porn?. I just relapsed but didn't relapse to porn but I edged for a while to that.
  2. Mywifesbabydaddy

    Mywifesbabydaddy Fapstronaut

    Porn is fantasy. Fantasy is not "normal" way to orgasm.
    Your last statement says you didn't relapse but you edged for a while. That's masturbating to porn. It seems like you are trying to justify your masturbation. Are you clear on what your goal is? No porn? No pmo altogether ?
    If you are trying to abstain from pmo, then fantasizing about whatever you're fantasizing about won't help. Keep yourself busy, do ANYTHING but watch porn or fantasize, it's not helping process at all. Don't try to justify fapping to fantasy because it's still creating something in your brain that is artificial. It's not easy but YOU have to want it bad enough. People on here can tell you it's OK , but you know yourself the best. Take a few minutes to relax and focus your attention on other things when the urge hits. Remember , fantasy is NOT REAL, just like porn. Stay up!
    I Free I likes this.
  3. dannylomora

    dannylomora Fapstronaut

    There are a few factors that come into play here, the first being do you suffer from porn induced erectile dysfunction and are you trying to quit PMO in order to have erections like a healthy man should. If you are, then I'm afraid the only avenue you have is to stop everything. If you can't on your own, maybe doing some research into getting professional help is a way to go. Now, the reason we are all here is porn and masturbating to it. If you are trying to remove all porn from your life, great, do it. Do everything you can mentally and physically to do it. In my day porn didn't really com with the psychological issues it comes with today. I would rent videos once or twice a week, pick up a nude magazine here and there. I never had issue with my erections. There is nothing wrong with healthy masturbation where you fantasize about the girl you work with or a great sexual encounter you had last year. I long for the days where I would pleasure myself to the most ridiculous of things and it NEVER had any type of effect on me. And I masturbated like this for 15 years, including porn I would rent at video stores. It wasn't until I started to masturbate to online porn that I developed porn induced erectile dysfunction and all the horrid issues that come with it.
  4. Freelliw

    Freelliw Fapstronaut

    Brain-circuits activated by porn images are easily activated by fantasizing on them too. The same chemical is happening in your brain. The real problem is not "masturbation as an act in itself" but this behaviour you educated your brain to.
    I'd strong advice you take time to learn more on PMO ... http://www.yourbrainonporn.com/ and watch often videos (another is http://www.rebootnation.org/) when urges or fantasizing comes...
  5. Daredevil99

    Daredevil99 Fapstronaut

    I know I kinda said that a bit wrong tbh like I know I should
    I have gone through stages with weak erections but i dont suffer from pied. If i dont masturbate even 3 or 4 days it feels like im gonna burst lol which can make it hard to not edge or masturbate. I guess i will just have to try harder.