Dysfunction cured... but I have a leaking problem.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Numfluff, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Numfluff

    Numfluff New Fapstronaut

    Hey lads!... So basically I'm 23 and used to have erectile disfunction when I was getting intimate with a girl, if I could get hard it wouldn't be for long. I did NoFap for 52 days and its been quite amazing, I've started dating a new girl and its been great... my erectile dysfunction has been cured thanks to NoFap and I can perform again.. unless I'm drunk, but soberI'm all good. The problem is however... I now get a erection very easily when I'm intimate with this girl, even kissing gives me a erection... I get aroused very easily and when I do I pre-cum quite a lot... so much its actually become a issue, If I'm simply out with her and we do something basic like kiss I get a erection and then I pre cum a little... as you can imagine its a bit of a problem... and a bit messy if you get what I mean. I now have no urge to masturbate but should I now? maybe that will solve the problem? but I'm afraid if I do I will go back to how I was... not the constant masturbating but having the erectile dysfunction again? I need your advice guys on what to do. Thanks!
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    This is a great success story. I would say that a bit of precum trickle is something you can live with. If your girlfriend notices the stickiness when you take your pants off, tell her it is a compliment and that it happens because she turns you on! I would not advise you to masturbate again. What's happening is natural, just learn to adjust and embrace your horniness ;)
  3. Numfluff

    Numfluff New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice, I'll try to calm myself when I'm intimate with her I guess, just will take some training and some time... I'll keep from masturbating still then, hah I just hope I dont by day 100 i kiss her then I explode haha!
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
  4. NotAfraid

    NotAfraid Fapstronaut

    Check the 8. item on that list.
  5. jpyahhh

    jpyahhh Fapstronaut

    Calming yourself will help. I find that kegel exercises are just as beneficiary to men as they are to women. The promote bladder control and help with sexual function as well.

    From askmen.com (I didn't want to post a link because I'm more than sure there are triggers there.)

    Every person on earth should know what a Kegel exercise is. They are nature's wonder exercise that offers important health benefits without the cardiovascular strain of most exercises. Dr. Arnold Kegel first discussed the importance of Kegel exercises in 1948. But the importance of his work was realized well after his discovery. Kegels are strength-building exercises that contract, flex and release the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles of the pelvic floor. The PC muscles stretch from your anus to your urinary sphincter. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that help hold your internal organs in place. If you imagine your body, around your waist is a bone called the pelvic bone, which has a hollow center. Your pelvic floor muscles work like a netting system in the hollow, pelvic bone center and hold up all your inner organs and intestines.
    But pelvic muscles do more than hold your internal organs inside your body. They serve a number of important functions from a medical and sexual health perspective. Let’s start with medical benefits of Kegel exercises. For many men, urinary and bowel incontinence is a big problem, especially for those who are mature in age or with poor muscle tone. Many men struggle with leakage after a cough, a sneeze or a laugh, and with overnight accidents or difficulty holding in their bowel movements. Kegel exercises have been linked to improved bladder control. Kegel exercises are also used in the treatment of male prostate difficulties such as prostatitis and BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

    In addition to urinary and bowel incontinence benefits, women who have experienced pregnancy or cesarean sections have found strengthening their PC muscles to be extremely helpful to improve vaginal and pelvic muscle tone. Kegel exercises can produce strong pelvic muscles that can help prevent pelvic prolaspe, which occurs when organs such as the uterus move or shift out of place.

    Having strong PC muscles and doing Kegel exercises also has sexual health benefits for men. Studies have shown they help improve the strength of your erection, circulation and have been used for decades as a standard technique with erectile dysfunction concerns. Kegels have also been shown in studies to be effective for many men who struggle with premature ejaculation. In addition, strong PC muscles have been associated with stronger, more intense ejaculations.

    For women, strong pelvic muscles have been associated with more intense, frequent and stronger orgasms. For some women who can ejaculate, Kegel exercises can also increase in the strength and intensity of ejaculation. Kegel exercises strengthen vaginal muscle tone and help create a tighter vaginal canal. This can aid in the woman's pleasure as she feels the fullness of girth. Also, a tighter vagina while the penis is inside can increase the man's pleasure as well.
    Learning how to squeeze and contract your PC muscles is easy. The most common way to find out is to cut the flow of urine while urinating. Another way to identify these muscles is to squeeze out the last drops of urine after you finish urinating. A good Kegel exercise only squeezes the PC muscle. There shouldn’t be other muscles involved like flexing the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll learn to contract your penis and anus sphincter muscle separately or at the same time. For more advanced muscle building, you can place a light towel over your erect penis and squeeze to “lift” the towel.

    A good regimen for doing Kegel exercises is three workouts per day — morning noon and night. You can start with doing 3 sets of 15 repetitions (rep) per workout. A rep can vary and it’s perfectly all right to make up your own routines. A few examples can be one squeeze/contraction as a rep, holding a squeeze for 3 seconds as a rep, alternating a quick contraction and a long squeeze as a rep, or holding your squeeze for a long period of time, such as 30 seconds. You can do your workouts with clothes on, during commercials, at work or in bed. Some couples do Kegel exercises together. He gets erect, penetrates her, and they alternate doing reps. For those of you who haven’t yet tried, it’s a lovely feeling to have a vagina do a Kegel exercise with your penis inside.

    Start practicing. Strengthen your pelvic muscles. With all the positive medical and sexual health benefits, everyone should be doing their daily Kegels.

    There’s no reason not to, and your medical and sexual health will increase in the long run.
  6. Nevafapagain

    Nevafapagain Fapstronaut

    I have never had a problem with PE, but I have learned to hold in my cum. It's quite simple, if you have ever had to throw up and you sort of held it In by swallowing, it's like that but with your dingdong. Just kind of get that feeling, like you are flexing that muscle down there. You can do this when you are peeing by starting and stopping, it's the same idea and that's how I hold it in when I have sex. Hope this helps!
  7. Numfluff

    Numfluff New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice guys, I'll try out both methods... its weird it just sorta happens... I fear though if I strain it may make it worse haha, but its worth a shot I guess