A New Beginning

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Porn No More, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. Porn No More

    Porn No More Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone my name is Steve and I am a porn addict who wants and needs to rid of the lies pornography feeds me. I hope to obtain a wealth of knowledge and support from you in order to regain control of my life.

    It all began when I was about 11 or 12 when myself and some friends found a massive stash of magazines in a park. I was instantly hooked. After a long trip of acting out for close to 3 decades I am no better than where I started. I have attended a men's sex addiction group which helped me in the past but not quite where it should be. It was heavily religious based and really wasn't my thing. I felt more guilty as a human being if I slipped. That's not what I needed. I need positivity. But it did give me the tools to clean it up enough to get married and have a child but I am right back where I have always been. I have a beautiful baby girl and a wonderful wife but we have not had sex in two years. Partially my fault. She has a low sex drive so instead of trying to work on it with her I used it as an excuse to turn to porn since she is not satisfying me and it is slowly destroying anything we have. I am so far gone as to what level I am at to turn me on its time to reset and combat this once and for all. For the sake of my marriage and my daughter
  2. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
  3. Porn No More

    Porn No More Fapstronaut

    Well today is my first day and so far so good. 89 more days to go! I have healthy meals set up all week and going back to the gym tomorrow. The good thing is the only time I am alone is very small. With everyone's support I hope to barrel through this. So basically I plan on eating better and exercising. I already take the proper supplements and am currently on anti anxiety and depression meds which should also help ease the blow of quitting porn. I'm sure there will be triggers so I have to find other things to keep me busy. Bottom line is my goal is to keep myself around people and not be alone for 90 days minimum and check in on this site every day to speak with others going through the same thing for support
    D . J . and RisingPhoenix like this.
  4. Mattsfreedom

    Mattsfreedom Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the site. Wonder why he left that stash of magazines lying around?
  5. Porn No More

    Porn No More Fapstronaut

    I ask myself that all the time. The sick part was it was in a popular park in my town by a school. It was spread throughout in garbage cans. The word spread and every kid my age was there getting them. My friends and I all developed some form of addiction in our own way and I firmly believe this is where it all stemmed from. Whoever put them there was done with a purpose
  6. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum. Sometimes our addiction grows so big and affects so many areas of our life that we get overwhelmed and don't know where to start. You found a good place to start your recovery. Getting clean for the sake of your family can be a strong motivator. @Ted Martin runs an online men's support group... maybe he can chime in and give you some details about his support group. Meanwhile focus on stopping PMO and becoming a better man. I think your wife will notice the changes. There are also articles out there on how to restart a sexless marriage. But right now just work on setting short, easily achievable goals and build on that success. Read my success story post for some ideas on how to get started. I wish you success on your journey.
  7. RisingPhoenix

    RisingPhoenix Fapstronaut

    Steve brother, you are in the right place! You're in a community of amazing people who are willing to help you every step of the way. I got started today as well and I must say the level of feedback received makes me look forward to the new man I would be at the end of these 90days. Whenever you feel as though a relapse is close, don't try to fight it alone, if you can get yourself an AP (accountability partner) that would help you even more. I wish you all the best on this journey and look forward to a transformed husband and father at the end of your 90 days!
  8. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Check out In Case You Didn't Know for strategies and tips to help you along your journey.
  9. Ted Martin

    Ted Martin Fapstronaut

    Welcome @Porn No More! You are on the right path. You can't do this alone and need to learn to lean on others for support and accountability. This forum is a great step in that direction. Unfortunately, the weekly group that I lead is not actually online, it's a face to face group that meets at a church. So unless you happen to live in south-central PA, I'm afraid that won't be of much help. ;)
    D . J . likes this.
  10. Porn No More

    Porn No More Fapstronaut

    Thank you everyone. I really appreciate the support. I do think having an AP is super important so I will be making a post about teaming up with someone. Restarting a sex life with my marriage is completely secondary right now. My main focus is being PMO free for 90 days. Last night as I closed my eyes to go to sleep those images popped into my head but I shut them down. Understanding and reading up on the science behind how our brain responds to porn really helped
  11. Ted Martin

    Ted Martin Fapstronaut

    I think accountability plays a key role in our recovery journey However, it can't just be focused on the behavior alone. It's got to be more than just that. We have to get at what is underlying the behavior. M is just a symptom of an underlying problem. It's like having a cold and all you do is focus on what type of tissues to buy for your runny nose or what kind of cough drops to get. It's focusing on a remedy for the symptoms and not getting at fixing the root issue which is the cold. Creating a safe environment for accountability to explore that is definitely critical.

    That being said, it’s also important to make sure that the accountability questions we ask each other get to heart level matters and not just how long it's been since you PMO. I see three main types of accountability. Cop accountability where the cop takes a “gotcha!” legalistic approach to the person being held accountable. There is also coach accountability where the coach tries to be very positive and encouraging and finally there is cardiac accountability where the person gets to heart level issues and matters with the person being held accountable. This gets at the underlying things that manifest with symptoms of acting out (porn, masturbation, affairs, etc.) The key with accountability is not just focusing on the symptoms which is how the person acted out (cop and coach) but to get to the underlying root issues or causes that were behind the acting out (cardiac).

    For me some of these issues included: perfectionism, guilt/shame, self-condemnation, feeling unlovable based on the level of my degradation, not being in touch with my heart and emotions, etc. I know for me when I started focusing on those root issues and heart level things and not just trying to control my PMO behavior is when I started seeing real recovery strides being made and began having success for the first time in my life. A couple of years ago I would not have thought it possible to go without M for even a week. Now in the last two years, I've only M twice. Be sure as you look to abstain the next 90 days to consider your focus too. I know when I did is when the results came. Blessings to us all as we walk this recovery road together. Remember it's about direction, not perfection.