What I'll do!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by bootinbull, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. bootinbull

    bootinbull Fapstronaut

    Ok, after wandering around for a while here, here is what I have figured out about the term "rebooting"

    Basically it is a promise to self that I will refrain from PMO as much as possible. I have to undergo a streak of 90 days without PMO for this reboot. Meanwhile I will be posting my feelings, ideas and problems on the forum.

    I still haven't figured out what hard mode or any other similar term is. I don't even know what a journal means. So I'll wait for some responses from you guys before going on with posting on a journal.

    So, today is day 5/90 of my (if I have figured it out correctly) rebooting.

    Good luck to my self and anyone else on the same level.
  2. xDayn

    xDayn Fapstronaut

    Hello @bootinbull
    Good luck on your way! Hope you'll get to your goal. And to your questions, hard mode is basically no PMO. There are a different variations like MO, or M and so on which aren't taken as any hard since you give your brain what it needs. Also, journal is simply your diary. You come back here everyday or every few days and you write how is your "journey" going on. Hope I could help, have a nice day :)
    bootinbull likes this.
  3. bootinbull

    bootinbull Fapstronaut

    Seems like I am on the hard mode right now. Thanks for your reply.

    I will try maintaining a journal by replying to this thread at least for this streak. New thread for new streak. That way it'll be easy for me to keep track.
    xDayn likes this.
  4. bootinbull

    bootinbull Fapstronaut

    Day 5/90:
    I only had one urge to mastrubate so far. It was when I woke up about a hour earlier than what I have set the alarm for.
    Since then nothing. I tried reading the responses from other fapstronauts regarding the problems they're facing. Got mentally prepared for the same.

    Hope there is nothing today too. I have to drop my girlfriend home after office today. But I think I'll be fine.

    Will post tomorrow now!
  5. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    In case you didn't know, the reason it is called rebooting is because, by abstaining from PMO, you are trying to reset your brain back to "factory settings". In other words, eliminating the practice of giving yourself pleasure by artificial means will over time "reboot" your brain and your body to be receptive to regular sex with a partner again.

    And 90 days is just a guideline. That amount of time will not work for everyone. Some need more time. 90 is a good thing to shoot for, though, because it shows you that if you can make it that long, you can go longer and cut it out of your life permanently.
  6. bootinbull

    bootinbull Fapstronaut

    Thanks @TheLoneDanger for taking time in replying to this thread. I will keep that in mind.