***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

    1. I'm grateful that my supplements arrived yesterday.
    2. I'm grateful that my mother is coming home today.
    3. I'm grateful for the strength to keep pushing through.
  1. SweetTransformation

    SweetTransformation Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for my life - the ups and downs because they've shaped me into who I am today.

    2. I'm grateful for my mental health - I feel that people, including myself can take this for granted. I see people talking to themselves and doing things involuntarily only to have people mock them.

    3. I'm grateful for the random occurrences in life. Each day, we're never quite sure what will happen but they happen for a reason.

    4. I'm grateful for being able to see. There are so many beauties in life.
  2. Uke

    Uke Fapstronaut


    I am grateful for my family.
    I am grateful for chickens and their eggs.
    I am grateful for my work.

  3. Misha

    Misha Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for sunny weather
    I am grateful for education I've received so far.
    I am grateful for humour - laugh is one of the things which can save us.
    I am grateful for recovering from fasting day - it still teaches me a patience (eating wrong food cI ause pain in belly)
    I am grateful for visiting hairdresser and making my hair in order
    I am grateful that I have friends who want to meet me
    I am grateful for my ex that he showed me that I can be loved
    I am grateful for the weekend comming and possibility to meet another friends :)
    I am grateful of living in high standard aglommeration with many events :)
    I am grateful of finding Charlie Hoehn website : http://charliehoehn.com/2013/05/19/how-i-cured-my-anxiety/
  4. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for the before, during and after surgery support
    2. I am grateful my arm is healing fast;
    3. I am grateful for everything that happened to me. I am closer to my mother now.
  5. Overfloweth

    Overfloweth Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for advancing my work on different fronts today.
    I'm grateful for becoming more decisive every day.
    I'm grateful for cold water showers; the adrenaline rush and the forward mental momemtum.
  6. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    1 . I'm Grateful for the food I'm about to receive .
    2 . I'm Grateful for having tonight off from work .
    3 . I'm Grateful for my brothers wedding tomorrow .
  7. burningmidnight

    burningmidnight Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for this week long job I had.
    2. I am grateful for the positive feedback I received.
    3. I am grateful that I will be able to see Power Rangers on Sunday. It has gotten pretty positive reviews, nothing special, but I hope it will be fun.
    4. I am grateful for the conversations I had today.
    5. I am grateful that I was able to pick up my holds and getting good, new books from the library.
    6. I am grateful that after the rain, it became warm and sunny.
    7. I am grateful for the brand new wonders and surprises that the future holds.
  8. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    1 - I am grateful for my improved patience and discipline.
    2 - I am grateful for all the knowledge I have and will have in the future.
    3 - I am grateful for my open attitude towards others opinions.
  9. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for getting my coaching licence card. It's official now that I'm a level one coach.
    2. I'm grateful for car space. I found car park space.
    3. I'm grateful for the weekend. Weekend has arrived and I can focus on improvement.
  10. Misha

    Misha Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for speaking with my Czech friend from vipassana course. Positively surprised :).
    I am grateful for visiting sauna yesterday
    I am grateful for buying fluoride-free toothpaste :D
    I am grateful for discovering Hooponopono today :D https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoʻoponopono
    I am grateful for next sesame-cakes day and pizza!
  11. Username1021

    Username1021 Fapstronaut

    1. I am thankful that I found someone who I can talk to easily in real life (everyone here's easy to talk to).
    2. I am thankful that I have loving, kind, caring, compassionate parents.
    3. I am thankful for just being alive and well today.
  12. SweetTransformation

    SweetTransformation Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for all the inspiration that is around me.

    2. I am grateful for hope.

    3. I am grateful that I am alive a healthy today.

    4. I am grateful for the opportunities that I've had and will have in the future.

    Thank you Jesus:)
  13. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for the people that are supporting me;
    2. I am grateful for how I feel right now. I feel good;
    3. I am grateful for the gift of life
  14. Uke

    Uke Fapstronaut


    I am grateful for my current obstacles.
    I am grateful for the drained state I am in.
    I am grateful for receiving home made pizza.

    Whackless, JW4, LoyalKnight and 5 others like this.
  15. Overfloweth

    Overfloweth Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful I spent the day with friends; group meditation then dedication ceremony of new Buddhist centre, then shared lunch. Very special day.

    I'm grateful I completed chores I'd been putting off; cleaning my bike and dead heading garden shrubs before the new buds open.

    I'm grateful for the telephone conversation I had with my mum yesterday; and the compliments she gave me.
    Whackless, JW4, LoyalKnight and 3 others like this.
    1. I'm grateful for the new desk I bought and built yesterday. It's such a refreshing change from my old furniture. Nice and big and spacious too so I have lots of room both on the desk and under it.
    2. I'm grateful that I (finally) succeeded once again with astral projection the night before last.
    3. I'm grateful that next week my mattress will be arriving so I can set up my new bed, and hopefully also my new subwoofer will be arriving (fingers crossed, there have been some issues with that order, so hopefully I get that all resolved..)
    Overfloweth, Whackless, JW4 and 3 others like this.
  16. Misha

    Misha Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for speaking with a friend with whom I was not speaking 5 or more years
    I am grateful for coffeee with another friend
    I am grateful that people take care about me
    I am grateful for buying demineralised water in Kaufland
    I am grateful for advices about releasing emotional blocks
    I am grateful for hearing from a friend that 3 months of affirmations can change brain and way of thinking - going to check it
    I am grateful for having my family
    I am grateful for all travels I had so far
    I am grateful for all people I've met in my life because this way my life is more colorful and not boring :)
    I am grateful for sniffing cacao xD
    I am grateful for ability to run
    I am grateful that in my country there is no war
    I am grateful that I live in Europe

    Well, I know, 3 things :D but today somehow I opened to the idea of gratefulness , maybe because I summed up what I've done last 6 years :).
  17. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    1 - I am grateful for having my sweet she dog at my side, and for having rescued her seven years ago along with my family too.
    2 - I am grateful for the food I eat and the good nutritional balance I have.
    3 - I am grateful for having met wonderful people in my life, who taught me many valuable things that, at the moment, did not fully comprehend.
  18. burningmidnight

    burningmidnight Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for getting my taxes done.
    2. I am grateful for not owing any money to the IRS.
    3. I am grateful for the great lunch I had.
    4. I am grateful for the books I read.
    5. I am grateful for being caught up in my reading challenge.
    6. I am grateful for the progress I've made.