Have you heard of FANOS?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by ILoathePwife, May 19, 2016.

  1. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    Tell her fucking yesterday, or you end up where I am.
    MsPants and Mark A. like this.
  2. Paperscribe

    Paperscribe New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this. Some the concepts suggested here we're doing already including the daily check in, seeing where we both are, and of course the cuddling. A great reference!
    ILoathePwife likes this.
  3. oversexedsami

    oversexedsami Fapstronaut

    I am sharing this information with a couple I am close friends with. I think this will help them out a lot <3
    ILoathePwife likes this.
  4. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Awesome! Honestly, I think every couple would benifit. I saw somewhere else where S could stand for something other than sobriety but I forget what.
    oversexedsami likes this.
  5. oversexedsami

    oversexedsami Fapstronaut

    It is "struggles" fupornwife. I saw it when I was on the link for the original article :) For instance, with these two sobriety is not really an issue but the working towards a goal separately or together is a good alternate usage.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
    ILoathePwife likes this.
  6. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Yes, struggles!! Thank you. Head cold here. "Big head, tiny brain." (Quoting tinga, tinga, a children's show.)
    oversexedsami likes this.
  7. oversexedsami

    oversexedsami Fapstronaut

    Bless your heart! I just got over one myself, I hope you get some rest and feel better as soon as humanly possible :) that quote is spot on too haha.
  8. oversexedsami

    oversexedsami Fapstronaut

    I like it lol :) Feel better soon lady!
    ILoathePwife likes this.
  9. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    I'm bumping this because it's SO helpful and important. I want everyone in a relationship to read the first post! Also, a mental note to myself. When things get busy my husband and I neglect this. We can't do that!! It helps us so much.
    AllanTheCowboy likes this.
  10. LadyDefiant

    LadyDefiant Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for posting this info. A little over a month ago I read this info from one of you links and it has helped tremendously.
    It's been about 5 weeks, that my husband and I have been doing FANOS. And it has been beneficial for us both. At first it was difficult because I'd gotten used to ignoring my feelings and trying to escape them. In all honesty I struggled with every letter of FANOS when we started. But it became this thing we did every night before bed, and I started looking forward to it. It has spawned so many amazing conversations, and I know more about the man I've spent the last 9 years of my life with. I can't sing its praises enough.
    We did the cuddling for about a week, because when this began I didn't want be touched by my husband. During that week, with the help of FANOS, we were able to set touch boundaries and now 30 minutes of cuddling isn't necessary, we've worked out our own system.
    ILoathePwife likes this.
  11. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    I'm so happy to hear this! We are still doing FANOS too. And it's the same for us, we don't need to schedule the cuddling anymore. It helped us get past that barrier to cuddling and make it feel natural again.
  12. Elsie

    Elsie Fapstronaut

    This is my first post on the forum and while I should probably do an introduction post first, I just had to post here because I'm so excited to see FANOS! I'm an huge fan of using FANOS. My husband is a recovering PMO addict and we used FANOS several times a week right after disclosure six years ago. It was our "safe place" to talk about everything without fear of shame, judgment, or anger. We loved the affirmation part because it was a great reminder that our relationship was so much more than the addiction. I'm so glad that the word is out about FANOS! It rocks!
  13. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Awesome! Thank you for sharing that. Honestly, I think all marriages could benefit from FANOS. If there's no addiction, the S can be struggles rather than sobriety.

    Also, if you are interested, there is a private group for SOs, in addition to the main forums. Link in my signature.
  14. PugMom

    PugMom Fapstronaut

    Question - when you say "if sobriety is no longer an issue", is that a possibility? Because that is where most of my uncomfortableness comes from. My spouse doesn't seem concerned at all about any form of relapse. When I ask how he can be so sure it will never happen again, he tells me he is never going back to that place. I get it, but, that goes against the whole idea of addiction. I guess what I'm questioning is can someone actually kick an addiction. It appears this way to me in my relationship, but, it goes against what we know to be true of addiction.
  15. neto07

    neto07 Fapstronaut

    I haven't heard of neither FANOS nor scheduled cuddling until reading your post. I have promised myself quitting porn and not going back. I can already see and feel a huge difference in our relationship! My spouse too (she mentioned it this week). I'm afraid of talking about it with her. I think she couldn't bear to know I was using porn (I was disgusted of myself) for years. I am actually very ashamed of it... :(

    Yet, I think that scheduled cuddling could very much benefit our relationship. I am really looking forward to it!! :) Thank you @ILoathePwife!
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2017
  16. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    The part of my post you quote is not my language. As the post mentions, the source of FANOS is from a book but since I haven't read the book myself I'm not sure if that's exactly how it was printed in the book or not.

    I can answer your question from my perspective. My husband gave up porn more than 7 years ago with only a few short term relapses. But he continued to MO, fantasize and objectify women in his head. He was like a dry drunk and the porn reel kept running in his head. Our relationship was nearly dead when he found nofap in May. The reboot has helped him immensely. He's no longer in the brain fog, he listens, he comforts, he communicates. We still do FANOS about every other day and he still talks about sobriety, mostly about whether any fantasies started up and how easily they passed. I don't foresee him stopping talking about sobriety anytime soon, even though he has come a long long way.

    Now some questions. Is your spouse changing for the better? Communication better? Is he willing to take responsibility for how he hurt you and listen to you talk about your pain? (Not endlessly but that was part of my healing process.) Is he dismissing your fears or is he willing to talk about it? Also, PMO recovery, I believe, is about more than stopping watching porn. Is he continuing to fantasize? Objectification in real life? You don't have to answer all those questions here unless you want to but if he's just giving up porn and wanting to put the past behind him and get back to normal then I'd say you have good reason to be worried. Well, to be honest, your worry is understandable either way. 10 months and many positive changes later and I still sometimes worry he's hiding something, past or present from me. But if I look at where our relationship is now and how much he's grown, my gut tells me that's not the case.

    Finally, remember to take care of you. It's not only about his recovery. You need to heal too. EMDR therapy for trauma helped me immensely.
  17. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    I'm glad it was helpful.

    You didn't ask me my opinion on this and it's not my job to change your mind. But as a wife who was lied to for five years I can't let this pass without encouraging you to come clean. I don't personally believe it's possible to fully heal a relationship due to the effects of porn while keeping secrets. Secrets are toxic to relationships and recovery. Please read the link in my signature, should I tell my SO. If you're on your phone turn it sideways to see my signature.

    You aren't alone in feeling ashamed and scared to tell. My husband couldn't tell me until he basically had no choice but to tell me, because I was about to find out anyway. But healing that shame is another good reason to tell. Don't live with that festering inside you. Tell for your healing, tell because your wife deserves to know and tell for the sake of your relationship.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
    LizzyBlanca likes this.
  18. neto07

    neto07 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your reply. I followed the link in your signature and read the posts. I believe you're right, I should tell her. Though I really don't know how, I am too much afraid of her reaction, I fell like such a coward. I promise I'll try soon.
  19. Perhaps do some research on this forum and/or on-line regarding how to handle a disclosure like this? It's hard and horrid for both people, but there are ways to make it less damaging for her.
  20. neto07

    neto07 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your encouraging words. I'll do my best.