Checking Facebook compulsively?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by SuperFan, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Just wondering if anyone else struggles with this ...

    I'm not sexually triggered by Facebook, so that's not what I mean ... but does anyone else find social media in general to be a MASSIVE time suck? I find myself checking it a dozen times a day, scrolling through every story, and it just feels like it takes up a ton of time.

    I'm not ready to delete my account because I still need it for my work and other ambitions ... but I definitely recognize that it's taken a much bigger chunk of my attention than it should be.

  2. alameda

    alameda Fapstronaut

    yeah i have exactly the same thing. its very very addictive. and a total waste of time. I wish i could spend that time reading a book, but it seems my attention span cant seem to handle it... I wonder if meditation would help, perhaps using it when you feel youre procrastinating.
  3. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Yeah, for me, Facebook falls into one of these categories of procrastination where it FEELS like you're doing an activity ("hey, I'm engaging with friends and/or having a mentally-stimulating political debate!"), but in reality you're actually accomplishing nothing.

    Reading can be the same way. Even meditating. I think those kinds of activities can be particularly tricky because, on their own, they're very healthy activities ... but when they're taking the place of other priorities, like work, or getting things done around the house, or exercise, etc. ... then they start to become problems.

    My hope is that as I continue abstaining from PMO, I'll find a gradually-greater focus and ability to work on a project instead of being constantly distracted with things like FB, reading, etc.
  4. You're not alone there mate, I know that feeling for sure.

    It is the same dopamine addiction as porn.

    I use timeStats from the chrome web store to limit my time on social media, which has been working well. At first I didn't put any limits on, I forgot about it and racked up a few months normal usage. When you see the actual figures, the scary amount of time you waste, you can begin to quantitatively curb the addiction e.g. If your are spending 3 hours a day on Facebook, set limit to 2 hours, and have in mind what you will commit the extra hour to, like exercise or meditation as you suggested. Hope this helps, keep strong my friend!!
  5. Z Dog

    Z Dog Fapstronaut

    I deactivated my account last week for around 4 days for the exact same reason- i keep absent mindedly procrastinating by going on it every 10 minutes It offers me nothing whatsoever.

    The problem is that after a while i felt disconnected from my 'friends' on there. Totally bizarre because it reduces human contact to a like and a comment. We manage our profile and only present ourselves as we want to appear.

    Therefore we are not completely honest and people get a sanitised version of us that is acceptable.

    So it is a social interaction that lack's any fulfilment whatsoever.

    It is to social interaction what porn is to sex.

    PS, I reactivated my account because I felt bored and lonely. Sad really.
  6. forthewin

    forthewin Fapstronaut

    "It is to social interaction what porn is to sex."

    You're totally correct mate! Its a habit especially in this society. Yeah theres a website called i am not sure if facebook is your main time waster but i know for a fact that it is mine. Time is a blessing and none of us should waste it :)
  7. I'm personally not really distracted by using Facebook or anything else. I go literally days without using it, unless someone sends me a message on there or something. I don't have a Twitter account. I really only use youtube, which I like quite a lot for different reasons.
  8. Deactivating my account was the best decision I ever made. You don't realize how much time you've wasted until you are off of it for a while. I quit late last year and haven't looked back...

    Also I would creep on the profiles of hot chicks I knew or was acquainted with. If they only knew...
  9. Up up and away

    Up up and away Fapstronaut

    Deleted my Facebook 2 years ago and have never looked back.
  10. prioritymail

    prioritymail Fapstronaut

    That's the only reason I use FB now. Fake profile and everything, just to look up hot women I work with. I'm ashamed to admit it and disappointed I've gotten to that point, but I'm hoping this reboot will make me realize this is not acceptable.
  11. Ikera

    Ikera New Fapstronaut

    I used to be wasting a lot of time at working scrolling thru facebook, eventually I was able to cut it and limit myself only to checking facebook at lunch time. Now need to solve the problem of constantly checking facebook at home.
  12. Brickley

    Brickley Fapstronaut

    After 8 years of Facebook -- the last two of which were spent limiting my usage -- I finally straight-up deleted my account the day before I committed to NoFap. Coincidentally, results of Facebook's unethical mood experiment came out shortly after. That reinforced my decision to quit. I do not see myself getting back on Facebook in the future.