Do wet dreams lead to bad days?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by russel3, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. russel3

    russel3 Fapstronaut

    Yesterday was day 6 of no PMO and i had only my second wet dream ever(surprised how early in the processes it happened). I ended up having my worse day so far, low energy and fatigue the whole day. Is this something i should expect after a wet dream happens?
  2. It is normal yes, but just ignore it. The wet dreams are not your fault and they are common. They can leave chaser effects sometimes, though, so just be aware of that. All you have to do is continue to proceed on as normal.

    Your body is still fighting sexual urges even when you are asleep in your subconscious. Everyone is different, but I stopped getting wet dreams when I started meditation a couple of years back. Meditation helps with your overall will power and self control, while awake, and even within your subconscious.
  3. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I feel ya Russell. Just another challenge to overcome.

    I gotta try that AllTheRage. Mediation for wet dreams, never thought of that!
  4. Yeah. Meditation works wonders. Meditation is all about aligning your whole being together, mind, body and soul, to be in-sync. This is why self control becomes easier.
  5. Sunyata78

    Sunyata78 Fapstronaut

    Ah, this would explain why I haven't had a wet dream yet or was even able to stop it in my dream.
  6. Yeah, it's pretty cool.

    Wet dreams confirm that our lust is buried deep inside of us, to the point that it acts itself out in our dreams and forces ejaculation. Meditation cleans us inside and acts as a safeguard in a sense. Meditation cleans the dirt away, so to speak.
  7. coolmike87

    coolmike87 Fapstronaut

    be careful of the chaser affect... after sex or a wet dream or a relapse... after any ejaculation at all, the temptation usually becomes stonger... keep your mind set and don't allow any justifying or slipping behavior. good luck bro