How to raise Testostrone

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, May 5, 2017.

  1. I know semen retention from NoFap? But how else. I am going to be eating allooott healthier and working out more (weights w a little cardio for my heart health). Im also quitting most drugs/cigs if that helps with it. Anybidy else have any tips?
  2. BlueBalls

    BlueBalls Fapstronaut

    Just get a testosterone supplement from a nutrition outlet like GNC or TREK
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. No bad side effects? Like its not like viaagra, right?
  4. Enemjay

    Enemjay Fapstronaut

    Do those supplements actually work?
  5. scythx

    scythx New Fapstronaut

    No they are not like the blue pill. And yes I believe they do work. They say it builds muscle faster. When I take them before I work out I don't feel like stopping as fast. I Can't speak on what it does for libido but some say it helps
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Start taking nothing but ice cold showers.
  7. scythx

    scythx New Fapstronaut

    Although I wouldn't use them everyday or even too regularly. Sometimes what might happen ( like with most drugs) if you take an external source such as testosterone or melatonin( sleep aid) it can effectively disrupt your natural production centers in the brain. You don't want to do that. But it is okay to take it once in a while. But to be honest I'm not sure if testosterone has much to do with semen retention. You might have to do some research into that to get sperm count up.
  8. Diet definitely is one way. Reduce junk food and increase vegetables, fruit and perhaps eat some fish as well. Cut back on carbs and salt, increase protein and nutrient rich food. After that, consider lifting weights some.
  9. Enemjay

    Enemjay Fapstronaut

    Check out this link to Dr Sam Robbins' recommendations on increasing testosterone. His methods focus mostly around diet and exercise though he does recommend a couple of herbs and supplements. I'm considering trying some of these lifestyle changes. With nofap I've got more energy and willpower to take on the challenge of forming new positive habits.
  10. contrast

    contrast Fapstronaut

    Drink bull's semen, listen to Manowar and punch a brick wall 20 times a day...

    but seriously, to those recommending testosterone supplements, a quick google search suggests that's a bad idea unless you have unusually low levels (links to prostate cancer and other undesirable things) - get a doctor check your levels first
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Meditate... and for part of your meditation, focus on your balls. Don't totally resist other feelings, go ahead and notice them, but always bring the focus back to your balls.
  12. Off Topic - I've experimented with this about 2 years ago. Definitely cut down on the cigs. Or else cardio is just going to keep you in a constant state and it's going to be hard to improve. But do smoke weed before and after workouts. I used to time the first one so that I'm at the peak of my workout about 15-20 minutes before sobering up. And the obvious one is for after workouts to relax your muscles. I found that the one before the workout really focuses my mind on the individual movements and targets them.
    Check out the research done on it to learn more if you don't already know about it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. David1996

    David1996 Fapstronaut

  14. m.coming.back

    m.coming.back Fapstronaut

    I think all guys want to increase their levels of testosterone, this hormone up very slowly so number one you should be patient, number two you should keep it up, but how ?
    1- stop faping and all erections
    2- avoid stress cuz it increase cortisole which is the enemy number one of testosterone (stress up/testosterone down).
    3- much thinking, miss sleeping, hard working all these down its levels
  15. Stop fapping, eat properly and take boron. The best supplement for raising testosterone levels. Works wonders on me.
  16. SavageDeathclaw

    SavageDeathclaw Fapstronaut

    What you're doing is fine. Lift heavy and eat clean and that's enough unless you have unnaturally low testesterone. I don't recommend taking any supplements.
  17. Faptain_Harris

    Faptain_Harris Fapstronaut

    Subscribe to the WWE network and watch old Ultimate Warrior matches.
  18. Bronan the Brobarian

    Bronan the Brobarian Fapstronaut

    If you are working out be sure to NEVER skip leg day. I hate to sound like a bro-scientist but your body produces more testosterone when you work your legs. And try to stick to free weights if you have a spotter.