Any ex-smokers with that problem here?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by 05Mag, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. 05Mag

    05Mag Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,

    Something very weird happened to me this morning. I am about 15 days into NoFap, and apart from the regular difficulties everyone else reported, I have another issue: When I woke up, I had to refrain myself from fapping (that's a regular occurence), but when I did, I had an unbelievably violent craving for nicotine. I got up, got dressed and was actually on my way to the convenience store before I realized that I was going to buy a pack of smokes. I had been in a haze for the last 10 minutes. scary.

    I was a regular smoker for a few years, but I quit 2 years ago, and never had any cravings as bad as this one.

    Am I the only one who experienced this?
  2. ReallyWannaLive

    ReallyWannaLive Fapstronaut

    I don't know if I should even be writing this since I've never truly been addicted to smoking cigarettes. However - I drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes, cigars, marijuana, and have even done a little cocaine. I was more addicted to smoking weed to be honest. When I made the decision to stop smoking pot, I felt great - it was hard at first and I lost sleep because all I could think about was smoking - but it was great to get off that crap. After this, I started getting into porn a lot more heavily than I had ever done before. I'm no doctor, but I believe it was my brain reminding me of other ways to get a dopamine high - since I had done things like porn in the past. I literally switched addictions within about a year. I didn't need pot anymore - I had porn! Now I'm trying to recover from that! I hope the best for you man. I heard the other day from a friend that nicotine is harder to stop than heroine, for some people. Hang in there.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2014
  3. Sunyata78

    Sunyata78 Fapstronaut

    Addiction isn't really tied to one thing but more the manifestation of a behavioral problem. So if you take away one thing it usually (if always) finds another way out. In your case smoking comes up again. I stopped smoking last year but and since NoFap I sometimes feel more cravings towards smoking than before but nothing serious. If you stay strong, it will pass.