Women's board a-holes of nofap list

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Jessa28, Jul 5, 2014.

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  1. Jessa28

    Jessa28 Guest

    Maybe in being too much of a bitch because i am sexually frustrated. I am going to delete this thread... How do I delete a thread??
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2014
  2. Bulbmin

    Bulbmin Fapstronaut

    Gingko apologized... It seems rude to call him an a-hole after am apology. Like he said, the culture is different in South Africa, he underestimated the differences in culture and for that, he apologized. I just feel there is no need to give someone a horrible reputation on this site for a mistake like this.
  3. Gingko

    Gingko Fapstronaut

    Thank you for understanding and being so open-minded:) ....... Just be careful if you are to open-minded your brain might fall out heheh:p ...... I will make sure to be more careful with people out of south africa .... sorry ladies I'll make sure to incorporate that into my texts when texting .... sorry December I will be waiting for your response like a stone:)
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
  4. December

    December Fapstronaut

    I don't know what you post originally but I think we do need to warn one another when something like that happens. Rape and the abuse of women is prominent in South Africa so I was a bit more cautious and I don't feel bad for that. Like I said, he's blocked here as well as yahoo messenger. There is NO excuse for what he said to me. None. I bet he doesn't say those things to male aps.
    axiomaticcherry likes this.
  5. Bulbmin

    Bulbmin Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry but that is judgemental and it makes me sad that you are saying that December. The culture is different there. What he said was meant to be taken lightly. He said he was sorry! He has been accepting of the culture of America but is seems you aren't being accepting of the culture of South Africa.

    Sorry if that was harsh but my heart is broken. I feel like crying. I'm tired of me and other men being judged and I can't even express my pain in these words. All men aren't the same. All women aren't the same. No one is the same! Please don't base your actions on your judgements!

    Again sorry if I'm being harsh. I feel as if I have to keep saying this so I won't come off as angry. That second paragraph wasn't directed at you December. It was just me venting but those words do have meaning! They are NOT just a rant.
  6. Gingko

    Gingko Fapstronaut

    Did you just call yourself a bitch ..... Well anyway do you mean that .... do you really mean you were just acting up ?:confused:
  7. Jessa28

    Jessa28 Guest

    Ok I wanted to delete this thread but cannot figure out how. I just didn't know if it was right to single people out. However this is not a cultural issue- it is an issue of respect. I feel like a lot of the apologies are back-sided. But this is not my place to get involved. I was just trying to warn the ladies of nofap that there are a select few men in these forums who are not sincere. It's hard for us- in this subject matter we are outnumbered. I was saying maybe it was wrong to single out names in a post but that doesn't mean that what those couple of men (and I am sure what other insincere nofap men) have done is excusable in any way shale or form. Culture or not.
    axiomaticcherry likes this.
  8. Gingko

    Gingko Fapstronaut

    "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is to big a burden to bare" and "Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else: you are the one who gets burned" on top of that I also choose to forgive and forget because how many times have we disrespected God almighty both directly and indirectly and yet he still forgives us and embraces us with his everlasting love ....... Well I forgive you for not forgiving me for my Indirect, Unintended behaviour ..... In your cases inexcusable .... well excuse me for being me .... lol that was a nice Oxymoron ....and with that I bid you farewell Have a good day:)
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2014
  9. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    I understand there are a few predators on this forum, and women should be aware and careful, but this thread seems inappropriate.

    Yeah, there are a few perverts on this website, but their threats (or jokes????) shouldn't be taken seriously. What are they going to do to you through a PC screen?

    I understand why you may have felt threatened. The beginning of the NoFap journey is a very sensitive and sometimes a frustrating path.

    I suggest private messaging Alexander Rhodes, and ask him to delete it (if you still want to) :)

    Stay clean,

    ~Squeaky Soul
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2014
  10. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I am sure what other insincere nofap men. What, you cannot give a gender-biased personal opinion like that. What makes you sure? Having read this and the related thread it seems to me that a cultural misunderstanding has been turned into a witch hunt. You cannot set yourself up as a de facto moderator. In any case, I am sure that no moderator would make sexist remarks. Why not make positive remarks to others based on our collective issues instead of sowing discord with inflammatory threads and groundless accusations about the sincerity of men in general. This is not the place for subjective and pejorative generalisations about men.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2014
  11. December

    December Fapstronaut

    So making threats is okay as long as it's through the computer. Got it.
    axiomaticcherry likes this.
  12. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    Oh, Lord. Sorry if you misinterpreted it, or maybe I am wrong, but let me explain.

    If a guy walked up to me and said he was going to beat me up, I would be worried. If someone from a country far away messaged me saying he was going to beat me up, I wouldn't take him seriously. To be honest the guy that said that seems a little ridiculous, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

    Besides his "joke" ( :) ) did he threaten you? I am a little confused.

    ~Squeaky Soul

    This counter don't lie,
  13. December

    December Fapstronaut

    The whole thing about the internet? I don't know his intentions. I don't really even know if he's in South Africa. Are you American? Have you heard about people being arrested in the US for death threats online?
    I take this shit seriously for TWO reasons:
    1. Like I said, I don't know ANYTHING about this guy for sure. He could be an ex-boyfriend for all I know.
    2. I have far too much self respect to be comfortable with anyone talking to me in an abusive manner.
    I don't understand how so many of the guys here are seriously taking that guy's side. I guess it goes to show how pornography really does destroy the male brain.
    axiomaticcherry likes this.
  14. Jessa28

    Jessa28 Guest

    Yea i think it's ok to come on the women's board and vent about the jerks who deserve it, but I am not going to make a shit-list of names. That's why I wanted to delete this thread. However I definitely encourage the women on here to continue warning the others if a guy is bothering you. Chances are if one woman turns him down he will most likely move on to another.

    December- I think most of the men on here find what the jerk said to you totally unacceptable. But are just trying to keep the peace. Yea there are a select few defending him and making up excuses which isn't right- but unfortunately part of the male-dominated society we live in where rape and abuse is excusable. Sad. But this site is going to be filled with jerks like that. I see nothing wrong with calling those jerks out by name and ruining their reputation. In fact it may even help them become better people and learn how to respect women in the future.

    Hopefully the guy is on here for positive reasons and learns how to do just that!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2014
  15. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    How is rape and abuse excusable? I find your comment very offensive.
  16. December

    December Fapstronaut

    Yep Jess and that's why I'm done with it. I was done with it but people keep telling me to get over it. I made up my mind so I don't know why it's up for debate anymore.
  17. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    I am sorry, I suppose threats serious or jokes aren't appropriate. Not taking his side, he's kind of a loser if you ask me... Whether that was a joke, or not, it was stupid.

    ~Squeaky Soul
  18. Bulbmin

    Bulbmin Fapstronaut

    You ignored everything I said! You disregarded everything! You just decided that my brain was messed up! (Plus porn doesn't affect much of the brain. Only the reward system) I feel truly hurt now :( This part of the forums feels like a hate fest against men. (I know not all of you hate us, it's just the impression I got.) I hope you forgive Gingko. You don't even have to talk to him again.
    You probably ignored me by now so... I just hope someone else sees this and sends it to you.

    P.S I know you didnt mean to hurt me, I'm just a sensitive guy.

    Also Jessa28 Why don't you think I should defend him? He apologized. If he really was such a bad person, he wouldn't be still writing on these threads. He is sorry for what he said. Like I said it's different in South Africa (I know how shocking it can be how different everyone is just because of where they are born.) the words he said we're meant to be taken lightly. All I'm asking for is why do you think it's wrong for me to defend him when there is a perfectly good reason for what he said? Also don't say there wasn't without refuting what I said.
  19. Bulbmin

    Bulbmin Fapstronaut

    Your view on other people has me shocked. I'm just being honest. That is the reason I'm trying to explain all this to you! Just please look at my post on this thread and the other thread with an open mind! Please that's all I ask! Even if you have already read it, go back and please read it again but with an open mind.
  20. December

    December Fapstronaut

    I have to apologize to you. You're only 15 years old and I shouldn't expect you to understand yet.
    But there is a certain way to speak to people, online and in reality. Perhaps in school, you'll learn that South Africa has a HIGH rate of rape/violence against women.
    Aside from that men should not talk to women in an abusive manner. If you don't understand that yet, hopefully you will in the future. (Really, no one should say abusive things to each other)
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