The positive side of Athiesm

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Waldo101, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    I actually love the Pope.
  2. Monster Carrot

    Monster Carrot Fapstronaut

    Yeah we really need to fear those dreadful Jewish terrorists out there.
  3. I'm not sure if you're just trolling but, I will express my thoughts about the subject here.

    Criminals in general do their crimes by their own free will, and they could believe in god or gods or they could be Atheists.

    There are simply good and bad people in the world, some can be from a religion and be pretty bad, but they can also be good, doesn't matter what you believe in, who you are is what defines you.

    That said there is a saying I agree with and it says and I quote.

    "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."

    You may not like it but this is true, sometimes people follow someone who fills their heads with lies, like a guy claiming to be a prophet of god and asking it's disciples to drink poison...

    That and many more examples but none can take an example from Atheism, usually people point to Stalin and say because he was an Atheist he committed mass murder, but in truth his Atheism had nothing to do with it, it was his ideologies that are separate from his Atheism that made him do all the evil acts. Ideas can save people, but they can also kill thousands.
  4. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Not for nothing, a-lot of you guys that say your non-believers & atheist & blah blah blah ... I feel like many of you that posts these threads on the "off topic discussion" just want to debate, make others feel "bad" for what they believe in (doesn't happen with me) or it's just a simple cry for help . I'm posting this post around just to get "my point" across and although I don't respect your opinions or beliefs, I respect who you are .
  5. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    @Waldo101 do you really want to compare violence in the name of God to violence in the name of atheism?

    Stalin: 10-50 million dead
    Mao Zedong: 45 million dead
    Pol Pot: 3 million dead

    When there is no God, there is no transcendent meaning in life, and there is no objective morality. Without God, there is no logical foundation to call some behaviors "good" and other behaviors "bad." Without God, it's all just a matter of personal opinion.

    If you want to be an atheist, be my guest ... but every atheist I've ever come across tries to cleverly 'sneak in' views that can only be logically held by a theist. You can be an atheist, or you can believe in objective morality. You cannot do both ... at least not without being wildly inconsistent within your own views.
  6. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    I'm talking regular citizens, not government.
  7. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    It makes no difference. It's easy for someone like you to sit around and say "look at all the violence committed in the name of religion", because when a religious person commits a violent act, we usually hear about it. We're told that an attacker was Muslim, or Christian, or Jewish.

    But the media doesn't say, "An atheist man in Chicago shot four people last weekend ..." Since atheism is a non-belief, it never gets mentioned. But I'd be willing to bet that if you looked at the 1.1 million instances of violent crime in America that occurred in 2013, I think you'd find that a huge majority were committed by people who identify either as atheists, or as having no religious belief whatsoever. The fact that they don't keep statistics on atheist criminals is very convenient for someone like you.

    It's much easier to commit a heinous act when you don't believe there's a higher power that will ever hold you accountable.
    Spiff likes this.
  8. Waldo101

    Waldo101 Fapstronaut

    Damn. Ok you got me. I just got owned
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  9. You don't commit acts in the name of "Atheism" but you do in the name of "God".

    Parents killing children claiming god asked them to, the same way the bible says he asked Abraham to kill his son.

    The events of 9/11 were done by extremists who actually believe 72 virgins await them in heaven.


    There used to be the burning of witches, ordered by the bible. "Exodus 22:18"

    The inquisition

    Adolf Hitler was a Christian and everything he did he justified in the name of god.


    It's easy to point out to the few individuals who identify as Atheists and did genocide (By their own accounts not in the name of atheism), but how hard it is to see that for thousands of years the blood of innumerable people have been spilled in the name of God.
    black_coyote likes this.
  10. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    Adolf Hitler was not a Christian, regardless of that photo quote there.

    Do even a little superficial research into the man and you will discover otherwise. If you would like me to back up my assertion with numerous quotes by well respected historians let me know and I'll do it later when I get home.

    You do little to help your cause with your poorly researched statements.
  11. Every Nazi had a belt with this inscription


    This translates to: "God with us"

    Go ahead and say this doesn't mean anything blah blah blah, denial is what Christians are best known for, oh and nice one ignoring every other atrocity done by Christianity and religion in general in my post, if you just bothered to eliminate the Nazi's from the list as if it belittles the rest then you're delusional.
  12. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    Im not denying that people who claim to be christians have been responsible for large scale death. If you really want to learn about that look into the slaughter of western hemisphere natives by the conquistadors and north American settlers. Look into the European wars between protestants and catholics.

    All I'm saying is make better educated statements so that you will have some credibility. Nazism was not a Christian movement... of course some had been born into Christianity since it was europe. Look into Hitlers religious beliefs and you will quickly see that he used religion (among many other things) to his political benefit when he could, but the man had nothing but contempt for the true christian faith. Humility was anathema to hitler.

    None of this really matters though... because were the Christians who did these horrendous things truly christian? They clearly did not follow the teaching of christ.

    There are quacks and bad doctors who botch operations out there... does that mean I reject modern medicine?
  13. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    That's it, I'll report you. You and the people like are an insult to humanity, I wonder how do you even look in the mirror. You always join religion with bad things. I can easily go and kill anyone and say JESUS CHRIST. And ignorant blind people like you will blame the religion for it. Atheism is also responsible for mass murder. I can easily name Atheists who killed millions over the history and atheism is the reason, since that Atheism makes you believe that nothing is wrong, can you tell me why is killing wrong? All killing do is just speeding the process up, but you atheists act as if you are the purest creatures ever. You have nothing that prevent you from doing such a thing except law of course, imagine if there was no law, what would happen? I'm sick of you and the people like you.
  14. I'm sorry you feel that way, but reporting me from speaking my mind means you favor oppression, and you're point of view is prejudiced and didn't even bother to read what I said, you just went rampart and replied without thinking.

    In summary

    Good people can be Christians, religious, and Atheists

    Just that unlike Atheists...

    Good Christians can do terrible things in the name of God. Not because they're evil, but because they're ignorant.

    Examples can be people who won't let the gay community live in peace, and marry each other, adopt children. They take their rights away as if they are something lesser than human, and they don't do it because they're evil, but because they believe it's the "right thing to do"

    The more extreme cases are of those who blow themselves up to go to heaven and get 72 virgins, they don't do it because they're evil, they do it because they think it's God's will.

    You are just part of the bunch who is not evil, you think it's the right thing to do to report me because I'm speaking my mind.

    Sorry, but we're not in the middle east where free speech is none existent. People like Theo Van Gogh, a film director was shot dead when he was making a movie about how Islam oppresses women.

    I hope you open your mind and stop trying to shut away the voices of those who don't agree with you.

    Have a good day

  15. I don't hold an Authority to determine who is a "true" Christian and who isn't, but the line is very gray if you think about it. The old testament commands people to do horrible things in the name of god, and yet today people ignore most of those things because Christianity and Judaism has gone through many reforms.

    But if you look at the extreme part of Islam is not that far from what the bible expects you to do, so in a sense, the more violent, destructive a person is in the name of God, then according to the bible they are more faithful to their religion than those who cherry pick on the new testament and ignore the rest.

    You can't block away the bad and pretend your religion has nothing to do with it.

    Denying it won't erase it from reality
  16. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    Ewww.....such a kind person. I have read your post and you said that religion is an insult to humanity, didn't ya? The media is brainwashing you. Terrorists aren't Muslims and they will never be. They are doing the opposite of what the Quran teaches. And actually you're speaking from your mouth not your mind. You're just repeating the crap that every atheist says. Theo Van Gogh was shot dead isn't my problem or Islam's problem. I can easily kill people and say "F**K RELIGION" and another thing is that Islam has given women it's rights. Before Islam came, Arabs would kill females when they are born. When Islam came to prevented such a thing. I invite you to study the Islamic history.

  17. Muhammad was a pedophile, I think that's all the info I need from it, thanks

    Edit: here you go

  18. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    So this video is going to prove your point? I can easily search for any refutation in just 1 min. Please don't tell me that you are serious. People these days....
  19. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    This is usually when I know I'm talking with someone who has very little knowledge of Christianity. Christians don't follow the Old Testament. We follow Christ. Jesus said repeatedly, "it is written [in the Old Teastament scriptures] ... but I tell you ...". Jesus fulfilled the law, satisfying its strict requirements so that we wouldn't have to. It's flatly stupid to judge a Christian by how closely he or she follows Jewish law.

    Of course not, and why would you? Atheists believe in nothing higher than themselves. When someone kills "in the name of XYZ", they are killing for what they believe is a higher purpose. Atheists have no higher purpose. There is no transcendent meaning for the atheist. Just because an atheist killer doesn't kill in the name of atheism, it doesn't let atheism off the hook.

    We're not debating whether or not people kill in the name of God. We're debating whether a religious belief--or lack of it--makes people more prone to violence. And I suggest that the record of history is absolutely clear. Atheism has caused more suffering and death than every religion on the planet combined. When there is no moral authority above man, man has proven to be ruthlessly brutal in justifying all sorts of horrific atrocities.

    Let's go the other direction. How many major charities do you know that were founded by atheists? I don't know of a single one. But let's say that tomorrow, we were to ban all charities founded by Christians--you would be saying goodbye to The Red Cross, The Salvation Army, Habitat For Humanity, World Vision, Compassion International, The Children's Hunger Fund, Food For The Poor, Samaritan's Purse, The Dream Center, the YMCA, Goodwill ... should I go on? Oh--and if you suggest any charities that were started by atheists, I'll just say, "but they didn't start their charity in the name of atheism, so it doesn't count."
    Spiff likes this.
  20. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    You don't really need to write all that for a worthless hardcore atheist that repeats the same crap as other atheists