It's time to reborn

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mandelbrot, Jul 28, 2017.

  1. Mandelbrot

    Mandelbrot Fapstronaut

    Hello !

    I'm learning English, so be patient, please ;)

    I've tried NoFap for 5 days and I feel so energy and motivated with all my projects. It's crazy but I recognized that I gain confidence and the social anxiety was reduced. I understand today that PMO is draining my vitality and destroying, in some way, my life and all goals. In this short period like Fapstronaut, I felt like the guy that want to be.

    However, today I wake up with intense fantasy and an strong erection. I deal with this initial urge, but today the urge was very intense and I had a lot of vital energy and the urge was growing... Finally, I PMO :(

    But I know that can do it and I'll do it. I'll reboot my brain and finally reborn :) Wish me luck!!
  2. hoping to quit

    hoping to quit Fapstronaut

    I'm wishing good like bro. Fighting against pmo is not an easy fight it long war. Whatever happened don't give up.
  3. Reset_Grit22

    Reset_Grit22 New Fapstronaut

    Keep it up man! And every time you get a little bit closer, remember how good it felt when you were at the top of your game and realize that you can be that guy all the time if you just cut out the porn!
  4. Mandelbrot

    Mandelbrot Fapstronaut
