Is there a such thing as too much testosterone ?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by thatoneguy123, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. thatoneguy123

    thatoneguy123 Fapstronaut

    Those maxed out 10/10 Testosterone men look kinda stupid. Look at the faces of fighters they just look really agressive but dumb. To me 7.5-8/10 is Perfect. After 8/10 it starts to go towards the hooga booga caveman side. What you think ?
  2. What if you had a ton of testosterone but you were smart too?
  3. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    According to the Olympic Committee and most sports, the answer is yes. You will be disqualified if your T score is too high.
  4. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

  5. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    I mean naturally, there is only so much testosterone you can produce, that goes for anyone. The look you're talking about is the sort of look athletes have when they're using steroids taking 10 times the natural dose. The insanely chiselled jaw, thick beard growth, aggression and so on.

    But yeah to answer your question, looking too masculine can actually look bad I think, you want that balance, you wanna look manly but you don't wanna look like a complete meathead that can't count to 4 due to repeated head trauma.
  6. thatoneguy123

    thatoneguy123 Fapstronaut

    Guys from Africa india Iran etc are manly as fuck. Too manly. I think that's the reason they keep promoting black men as the alpha males. They want woman especially white woman to fuck with black men so they can have high T caveman babies. White people have perfect T levels and It seems like they wanna get rid of that.they basically want woman of any race to have kids with black men. Statistics show most crimes are done by blacks and maybe it has something to do with High T. High T looks good in Mafia movies and cowboy movies but doesn't seem natural.
  7. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut


    That seems like a hella lot of "Bro Science" to me with absolutely no truth behind it lol
  8. thatoneguy123

    thatoneguy123 Fapstronaut

    I'm saying government doesn't want intilligent people. So maybe this whole white woman love black men mind control is so they'll have kids with high T. Not just white woman's all woman in general but mostly white There's got to be some reason they're promoting This. They also say Asians men are bitches. Asians also have perfect T levels. Idk what they're up to but it seems they want woman having babies with black men first, second is brown people Mexicans middle eastern etc, then whites and then Asians.
  9. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    Where the hell are you getting this information from? I don't know where you get it from that "black men have higher testosterone levels and white and Asian men have perfect testosterone levels". Testosterone levels vary from person to person regardless of skin colour or ethnicity lol. You can have an Asian guy with loads of testosterone and you can have a black guy with very low testosterone.
  10. Nouvel Homme

    Nouvel Homme Fapstronaut

    The sad question is whether modern society wants men with high testosterone.
  11. I've wondered this myself recently for various reasons.
  12. DogDaysOfLife

    DogDaysOfLife Fapstronaut

    "Is there a such thing as too much testosterone?" Medically, behaviorally, etc., the answer is yes, but it's not as common a problem as low T. Appearance-wise... obviously subjective, but you won't see many complaints from men who look like "fighters." It's just a stereotype that they're dumb, like the belief that everyone's good at one thing exactly, so someone with a strong body can't be smart. It doesn't work like that.
  13. thatoneguy123

    thatoneguy123 Fapstronaut


    No they don't. And the ones that do have high T they want them to be politician puppets and military.
  14. thatoneguy123

    thatoneguy123 Fapstronaut

    When I say high I'm talking about maxed out 10/10 leather skin super manly. Look at pictures of men from Africa or islanders . Is that too much if there's a such thing as too much
  15. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Or more appropriately, it sounds like someone who's porn interests 100% include interracial cuckold.
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  16. [​IMG]

    What even is this thread, and how do you know these men are "10/10 testosterone"? Testosterone doesn't really change how you look much except during puberty - and someone's T levels during puberty are rarely a good indicator of how they'll remain through the rest of their life. There are plenty of men with sky high testosterone who have soft round jaws and not-so-masculine features, and plenty of men with broad jaws and square faces who have extremely low testosterone.

    Also regarding your whole "africa or islanders" comment, the average testosterone in black and white men is the same.. so your theory about T-levels correlating to this look you've described doesn't match up.. you're going to need another excuse for that racist these people look like "hooga booga caveman" thinking.

    ...Or maybe it's what @SuperFan said.. Hey I'm not gonna judge. :emoji_laughing:

    Also.. from another thread of yours.

    First you're saying high T is good. Now you're saying high T is bad. Make your mind up.

    Someone might need to lay off the packaged foods.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2017
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