Race riots in Virginia

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. The race riots that took place in Virginia is really retarded. I feel the Gouverneur plays a huge part in this a divided people are an easy people to rule it's just another division tactic. It's a pointless distraction I won't let it take me down. Fake news I call it negative news and it will always try to hold you down. What do you guys think about this?
    Ashin_kusher likes this.
  2. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    No clue as I don't know what happened other than there was a protest or march people got pissed off and someone got killed.

    There are conflicting reports about what the protest was about. Some say it was white nationalist others say it was right wing. Apparently, some leftists showed up and fighting ensued. Seems like a slow news day non-event type thing, but maybe there was more to it.

    I did a quick Google apparently it was about removing a statue of General Lee.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
  3. CompulsiveCrab

    CompulsiveCrab Fapstronaut

    Watched trumps speech was pretty entertaining how stupid reporters are trying to play with trumps words. I'm not the biggest fan of Trump but I thought his speech went well. And it can only have been interpreted negatively if you just have an overrated opinion about Trump. Which most liberals will, because of fake news.

    Also just a PSA Hollywood is practically all liberal established. So this means everything coming out of Hollywood is practically programming . So it's no secret that a good percentage of liberals go to celebrities for political opinions instead of establishing their own. Just thought I'd make a fair point on political ideologues
    Runtilmylegsdropoff likes this.
  4. Ashin_kusher

    Ashin_kusher Fapstronaut

    Pretty much everything on the mainstream news is fake. Like a Hollywood production passed off as real. I woke up to this fact a couple years ago. You'll notice nobody ever cries actual tears at these things. They act all dramatic but no actual tears. Check out some of the Sandy Hook documentaries. Nobody died, nobody cried.

    Politics is all fake too, voting isn't real and the Dems/reps in government don't really fight with eachother it's just an act. It's like wrestling. They put on a show where they fight each other in front of the audience, but at the end of the day they are working together and getting paid by the same people. It's just another division method like you mentioned earlier.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. White privilege is when white people can march at night with torches and represent racist undertones without repercussions #Charlottesville
  6. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    ^ Because it's not illegal. White supremacists have the exact same rights you do. You have the right to any beliefs without repercussions in America. I don't like your "white privilege" belief as I know you have been far more privileged than I and I see it as a very bigoted and ignorant belief, but you got the right to believe it and I don't expect there to be repercussions since I'm not into thought crime.

    Personally, I think it's a "crime" [ manner of speaking] to tear down these statues. I wish these radical right buffoons would not exploit this sort of thing to get attention or whatever their misguided purpose is, and stay out of the protests or at least not advertise their hate groups and racism. It is counter productive and hurts the effort to preserve these statues. If I thought these people had larger brains I would have to suspect that the Radical white supremacists are actually the far left and radical blacks in white face. Likewise, the radical left is actually radical far right supporters and whites in black face, lol. But more likely they are just idiots, or maybe bored morons who don't realize their efforts are counterproductive.
  7. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    We're still feeling the effects of the barry obummer presidency. That guy was racist af and pushed his racism all the time.
  8. Wait a minute, what happens to all those people then... Where do they go if they don't die?
  9. ConstraintsTheory

    ConstraintsTheory Fapstronaut

    Look, I denounce violence regardless of where you stand on the spectrum of politics. However, everybody has the right to demonstrate and speak their minds. Just because something offends you doesn't mean you get to silence someone.

    What I am sick of are these people playing identity politics. Institutional racism and white privilege and all these other buzz words they sling around is nonsense. Which institutions are racist? The notion that a person has an advantage in life based on their skin color is inherently racist don't you see that?

    I am of mixed ethnicity myself I've dealt with racial discrimination on both sides of my family. I don't hold it against them in the end me personally I really don't care. and a lot of this modern day pussification of people who can't deal with opposing thoughts is crap. Fuck your safe space and your thought policing you will not silence me!

    This whole thing with destroying Confederate symbols and the such is really stupid. Why? Why should we sanitize history to preserve some snowflake sensibilities? A law was passed long ago that confederate soldiers are American veterans. So if we allow this should we destroy the Vietnam memorial because it offends a group of people?

    Where does this insanity end? What's with the push to get rid of our history regardless of what you may personally believe it's the history of our nation that define who we are.

    Want to end racism stop identifying people as a certain color and start seeing them as an actual person. Thats what I do and it works great try it some time.
    Themadfapper likes this.
  10. Baroque

    Baroque Fapstronaut

    People who babble on about "white privilege" just hate white people but they don't wanna come right out and say it so they hide behind "white privilege" and regurgitate things they heard Tim Wise say.
  11. DeltaMeansChange

    DeltaMeansChange Fapstronaut

    When these people's ideology calls for the "forcible removal" or extermination of myself, my family, and my loved ones, their ideology becomes a threat and needs to be dealt with. The counterprotesters were demonstrating their disapproval and speaking their mind, too - why aren't you defending their right to do so?

    Take the judicial system: it has been well documented that, in the United States, Black defendants get longer sentences than White defendants for identical crimes committed under similar circumstances. This is an example of institutional racism, and it doesn't have to be explicit or codified into law for it to be racist. White privilege, then, refers to this privilege that White people have in such a system: they receive shorter sentences for the same crime.

    Furthermore, pointing out that a discrepancy exists because of race is not racism, as racism implies discrimination.

    Props to you for putting up with it so well, but you're still ignoring the core issue here: institutions have racist practices that affect millions of people daily, and something needs to be done about it.

    It's not about sanitizing history, it's about having monuments honoring men who literally committed treason to defend their right to own people as property. We can preserve Southern history by putting up statues of Cathay Williams, John Brown, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Wendell Phillips, or Lucretia Mott, just to name a few - true heroes of the South and defenders of human dignity.

    Great, but why aren't you telling this to the people who are actually discriminating against others based on the color of their skin? Minorities have to bring up the issue of racism because they are being discriminated against based on their race. If racism is to become a non-issue, the people implementing racist practices are the ones who need to stop.
    Spiff and Properitas like this.
  12. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    ^ Your wrong, Delta. Under the Law, these people have the same rights to free speech that you do. Your attacking them is a crime just like it's a crime to attack old people or whoever. This idea that you have the right to harm others because of their expressing their opinions is a dangerous one. For you to have it and talk like you are all tolerant and on the moral high ground at the same time is pathological.

    When it comes to openly talking about racial extermination no one does it more than black folks in the USA talking about killing off all them crackers. Or even black celebrites talking about when all the older generation of whites dies off { Oprah} there is a double-standard in the media but it doesn't favor white folks.

    As for blacks getting longer sentences. Maybe it's your lack of understanding of the law? Such as you think it's ok to attack folks because you perceive them as "racist" or that they don't have the right to free speech.

    Or maybe it's economic? Such as rich people get easier sentences due to the rich looking out for each other and also being able to hire good lawyers. If the majority of criminal blacks are getting legal aid, no shit they are getting longer sentences.
    Correlation does not imply causation

    But no it's always racism that is always the cause of everything.

    Did the Jews get their white privilege in Germany, or the Ukrainians in their genocide, or the Armenians, etc, etc. Only white supremacists and another group I won't mention in the USA believe in this fairy tale of whites all looking out for each other.
  13. DeltaMeansChange

    DeltaMeansChange Fapstronaut

    I never said anything about violence, nor did I ever state that it was against the law for them to march. I was talking about resisting their attempts at normalizing hate speech, and having counterprotests and public condemnation to drive their putrid ideology back to the dark corners it came from so that it can hopefully die off.

    Incidentally, let me ask you - do you support the right to bear arms against an oppressive government?

    Nice boogeyman. Tell me again how Black people have tarred and feathered or publicly lynched White people with full protection of the law.

    I looked up the Oprah quote, she said that the older generation of racists needs to die off. The only one making the claim that anyone thinks all White people are racist here is you. Neither Oprah nor I claim that all White people, or even a majority of White people, are racist.

    This makes absolutely no sense, and I already refuted your claim that I advocate violence.

    By the way, if someone says that America should be ethnically cleansed, that makes them a racist. Many of the protesters marching in Charlottesville were marching with groups espousing these views. Their explicit association with and support of these groups makes them racist.

    Yes, and now you're opening a whole other can of worms with socioeconomic injustice. Why do White people have easier social mobility and economic opportunities, the same economic opportunities that allow them to hire better lawyers? This is what White privilege refers to.

    I'm glad we agree? What are you getting at?

    No, it's not always racism. Show me again where I made such a claim.

    You have profoundly misunderstood what White privilege is if you think it's applicable to those contexts. White privilege is not a "global" or universal phenomenon. The United States was founded under the principle that White men are superior (slavery, land ownership laws, Japanese internment camps, racial profiling, etc.), and thus many of its institutions benefit White people over people of color. Thus, White privilege is something that occurs in the United States and other nations with similar values - not Ukraine, or WWII-Germany, or Armenians in Turkey.
    Spiff and Properitas like this.
  14. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    How about OJ Simpson as an example of a black guy killing a white lady and getting away with it. Or how about all black pimps enslaving white girls [ they also do it with every race under the sun, but you made this a black n white thing ]that everyone turns a blind eye too. Tell me a modern instance where the law turned a blind eye to a black being killed by a white? You just have your imaginary boogymen like this Travon Martin bullshit and other crap that they feed the idiots and they eat it up and get more racist because of it. Every time some pedophile or mass murderer gets shot by the cops the black community comes out in full force. Someone is pulling their strings making them turn a blind eye whenever real injustice appears and riled for the most idiotic causes. Personally, I'm sick of the crap

    Again you got this fucked up idea that all whites are rich and lookout for each other, it's not fucking real! You think the Klan likes Jews [ their white] guess again. Tons of racial hatred between different ethnicities of whites in America and class discrimination. Frankly, most rich whites favor poor blacks over poor whites.

    White people don't always have better opportunities. Chinese and East Indian are richer than whites in America[ they have higher per capita income]. Nearly every single civil service job is filled by blacks often times blacks that are incompetent at their jobs. The affirmative action is out of control and it is racist. The institution of the government is favoring black folks as do many other institutions in the USA. The year is 2017, not 1800. No problems with favortism for blacks or that Chinese make more money than whites?

    Odd that you think ww2 Germany didn't have white privilege. Perhaps I don't understand what you mean.

    I don't think I said you made the claim it's always racism the black community always cry racism is what I think I said. Much like your claim that blacks get longer sentences as an indication of racism. Did you bother checking to see what kinds of prison sentences Hispanic, Chinese, and East Indians get? No, you just jumped to the conclusion of racism and white privilege and assumed something has to be done based on your childish deduction skills.

    Yes, there are really hateful bigoted people in the USA but they have the right to free speech and no you can't put them back into the dark ages. free speech allows them to hold whatever beliefs they want and to express them, and I for one support that along with the rights of the idiotic black hate groups to express themselves. They have the right to protest your rallies as well however legitimate you think your cause is and to use the same peaceful tactics against you.

    In my experience, the whole [ the bulk of it] African American community is poisoned with hate and believe they are oppressed. They are lead astray by race hustlers and instigators. They cry wolf [ racism] constantly as a group and individually And of course, the idiotic hip hop culture that glories thuggery and illiteracy. Don't get me wrong I think the black community are victims, but I don't think the white man runs things. I don't run things and people are not running things for my benefit that is obvious.

    It's not like that in other nations. I grew up honestly not looking at different colors as different at all and that includes blacks where I lived who adopted the nation's culture. America is completely fucked and they have all their idiotic crap [social programming] they spew and wish they would keep inside America and not let it out. In America, blacks n whites are different so are Hispanic and there is a big divide [litterally with segregated neiborhoods]. Bitching about white privilege and they endless shit that reminds of feminism [ the patriarchy] with its stupidity is creating an ever greater divide.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2017
  15. DeltaMeansChange

    DeltaMeansChange Fapstronaut

    You're just incoherently rambling, rather than debating any points and backing up your allegations with any sources. You are failing to grasp even my most basic points (White privilege is not saying that all White people are rich and look out for each other) and are filling your discourse with claims I'm not even implying or alluding to (the KKK doesn't hate Jews? What makes you think I believe that?).

    You are being intellectually dishonest and you have shown your true colors with this post (Nazi apologia and blatant racism), and I'm not going to waste my time on you.

    I hope you find inner peace one day.
  16. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    ^ You're just incoherently rambling rather than debating any points and backing up your allegations [ as if you could] You are failing to grasp even my most basic points [ which of course is my fault for being a bad communicator]

    You can't define what "white privilege " is can you? Thus any definition is wrong. What you stated it is, is the same thing I said it is! Who is doing the preferential hiring of whites? "institutions" are people, laws are upheld by people. What is this mysterious force that is preferring whites if it's not whites guys looking out for each other? Explain this esoteric knowledge with the rest of us. I guess it's maybe the laws that treat everyone equally[ the very laws you want to do away with] or is it because someone said something racist 200 years ago?

    Anyway's I'm done with as you are likely some white power asshole race agitator pretending to be black to get whites pissed off and sympathetic to their cause.

    And where the fuck did you get "Nazi apologist" from? You're the guy claiming that there was no White privilege in Nazi Germany. I was asking what you thought of the Jews "white privilege" over in Nazi Germany
  17. ConstraintsTheory

    ConstraintsTheory Fapstronaut

    First of all I am defending the rights of everyone to speak their minds and demonstrate as they see fit. I draw the line at physical violence. you don't have to like what some body is saying to you but just because you do not like it that doesn't give you the right to bash them over the head with a baseball bat because you disagree with them. allow me to reiterate once more I'm all for demonstrating and protesting and free speech in whatever it is that you may believe in, but when the speech turns into incitement of violence and that provocation leads to physical violence taking place that is no long free speech I don't care where you fall on the political or ideological spectrum.

    Okay, there is a lot of points made here so I'm going to tackle them one at a time.
    before I talk about blacks receiving more time for crimes than whites I would ask this question first. women that commit the same crimes as a man under similar circumstances can expect reduced sentences. does this mean that there is institutional sexism? is this female privilege? https://www.law.umich.edu/newsandinfo/features/Pages/starr_gender_disparities.aspx

    moving on to the topic at hand concerning the disparities of crime between whites and blacks.
    So lets do some math and look at some data just for some fun

    According to the 2010 U.S. Census

    White population: 63% with a +/- 1% for margin of error

    Black Population: 13.2% with a +/- 1% margin of error

    Other population: 14% +/- 1% margin of error

    How about crime?

    2012 UCR people killing people (including things like homicide and the such)

    4,101 committed by whites

    4,203 committed by blacks

    Now all of this might look about equal but if we consider the 13.2% of the population that blacks make up we can conclude that blacks are doing 4 times the killing.

    Based off the crime stats of the DOJ UCR

    A white person walking down the street is 40X more likely to be assaulted by a black person. 90% of all blacks killed is committed by other blacks and 83% of all whites killed is committed by other whites. So, does that mean killing people is a racially segregated thing?

    but I am sure you are aware of all that lets talk about the bread and butter of all white privilege arguments racial profiling in crime. The police are out to get black people without evidence. Hearing white officers shoot black people for no good reason. This is absolute bullshit

    more white people in the United States die at the hands of cops than black people. blacks are more likely to be killed by police than whites on a percentage basis HOWEVER, police are less likely to kill black people in the same circumstances. According to professor Peter Mascis of John Jay College of Criminal Justice “if one adjusts for the racial disparity in the homicide rate or the rate at which police are feloniously killed, whites are actually more likely to be killed by police than blacks". In other words if you take a look at the murder rate in the black community which is significantly higher than the murder rate in the white community and use those statistics rather than just general population statistics what you will see is that the cops over represent in terms of the number of whites that they kill as opposed to blacks that they kill.

    What about racial profiling when it comes to speeding? Back in the 1990s there was this huge settlement action in the state of New Jersey in which the state of new jersey was accused of discriminating against black drivers. So the DOJ and the New Jersey Attorney General commissioned a study in which they clocked the speed of all the drivers instead of just assuming that everybody drives the same speed regardless of race. Because of this study it turns out the black drivers sped disproportionately. Blacks were twenty five percent of all the people speeding and twenty three percent of all the people getting speeding tickets. So the idea that just because there’s a disproportionality that is evidence of racism it’s just not true.

    Sentencing disparities the idea that black people and white people who commit the same crime they go to jail/prison for different periods of time and then people like to cite the disparity between crack and powder cocaine sentences. The fact of the matter is that the reason why there is a disparity between crack and powder cocaine sentences is because it is easier to distribute, sell and get high off crack. The thing is the people who are behind the crack / powder cocaine disparity are the black legislators in inner cities who didn’t want people selling crack cocaine in their communities. An overwhelming majority of black legislators voted in favor of disparities in terms of crack versus powder cocaine.

    As early as 1994 the justice department surveyed felony cases in the country’s 75 largest areas. They found lower felony prosecution rates for blacks than for whites. To be honest one of the biggest problems plaguing black communities right now is under policing not over policing. It’s the not finding people who kill people and not finding serious criminals and sending their asses to prison is the problem.

    A great book called the 'ghettoside' by a leftist journalist named Jill Leovy she talks specifically about this. She states that one of the things that is necessary if you want a better lifestyle in inner-city black communities is more law enforcement and that you need people to feel protected.

    sounds great lets honor all people that made great contributions, but I don't see how having a statue of General Lee who is considered a great military leader is some how proliferating slavery. you should know Lee didn't want anything to do with the war but he couldn't see himself fighting against his native home of Virginia (would you want to fight your home state even if that meant you'd be potentially killing your own friends and family? or would you want to protect your friends and family even thought you might disagree with the direction of everything? interesting proposition not sure which to choose myself) which is why he ended up siding with the CSA not to defend slavery defending slavery was the CSA's agenda not his own. the same goes to many of the soldiers that died lets not forget the some 28,000+ native Americans that fought for the CSA and the African American confederate soldiers that fought as well granted it was a little to late at the time that happened but on March 13th 1865 the CSA started recruiting blacks. should we erase both of their sacrifice too because they were on the losing side?

    the CSA and it's agenda of pro-slavery can be talked about and debated until the cows come home. this isn't about the CSA its about recognizing that even though some might see these people as traitors it still doesn't change the fact that confederate soldiers are considered American Veterans and deserving of respect if you don't like that then have the law changed, but most importantly the very spirit that prompted the American revolution of defiance, to stand up for what you believe in, to over throw a tyrannical government and to form another is what those monuments and flags and symbols stand for if anything its American! you need to understand this is not for slavery, not for white supremacy or fascism or the KKK they like Hitler have perverted symbols. however we shouldn't forget about the horrors of slavery either that Africans were subject to during that time. but removing statues, and flags and other symbols is not going to solve anything.

    if you knew me well enough you would know that this is what I tell everyone and what I personally believe. I want to uplift people, I want people to be the best versions of themselves.

    You need to understand one thing and that is what I am saying here isn’t that discrimination has never existed in America’s history because that would be wrong and insulting to both our intelligence. But to suggest that it is a continuing factor in American life and putting people under the boot of the white establishment is just factually wrong.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2017
    Themadfapper likes this.