Comments on Profile Post by DBug

  1. DBug
    That's it. It won't happen again. I refuse to let that addiction dominate me anymore. I had just started thinking about starting to approach women for rewiring the people pathways and now I need to start all over agin! I want the real thing! And I want it now. And with now I mean at the end or after the flatline but that's beside the point.
    Sep 26, 2016
  2. DBug
    I'm angry and I take strengh from that and from the vision I have of my future self and turn it back around toward this fucking addiction! It won't know what hit it. Good night guys.
    Sep 26, 2016
  3. yousuff
    I too suffered from lower abdominal and back pain in the third week of my journey. Now they seem to go away. Nothing to be worried about it but it is always better to get tests about your kidneys.
    Sep 27, 2016
  4. DBug
    I only get it directly after a a reset/relapse and it goes away after 30 min. to a few hours. So I really don't think that there's something wrong with my kidneys. However the brainfog is here to stay until I reach a double digit number of days again.
    Sep 28, 2016