john tabrik
Last Activity:
Oct 30, 2020
Jun 8, 2015
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Jan 14, 1989 (Age: 35)
Software Engineer

john tabrik

Fapstronaut, Male, 35, from Texas

Over 4 months without porn and masturbation and life is better than it ever has been. May 5, 2019

john tabrik was last seen:
Oct 30, 2020
    1. john tabrik
      john tabrik
      Day 1 reboot. Haven't updated my status in a long time but have been failing. Today things change
    2. john tabrik
      john tabrik
      So I failed over the weekend but I am going to fight even harder this week to maintain and push through to being PMO Free.
    3. john tabrik
      john tabrik
      Difficult day when I got off work but I stayed strong. Day 2 in the NO PMO Month. Realizing this is going to be harder than I thought!
    4. john tabrik
      john tabrik
      Today was day 1 and it was not too difficult but I know I will start feeling the temptation after work tomorrow. Starting /30 day challenge
    5. john tabrik
      john tabrik
      Today is Day 0 for me. I am going to try and update a post on here everyday to make myself responsible to this new challenge.
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  • About

    Jan 14, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Software Engineer
    Journal Thread Link:
    View my Journal
    I am 30 years old and have been working on this journey with NoFap for over 3 years. I have had a few successful 90 day reboots and a ton of failures over the years. I work a program of recovery in SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous) and have a sponsor who I work the steps with.

    Along the way in my journey of quitting porn and reclaiming my sexuality and inner peace I have quit using cigarettes, nicotine, marijuana, alcohol and eating meat (my choice but understand if that is not for everyone). These were natural progressions for me as I felt I could not give up my addiction to porn until I dealt with these other ways I was numb myself and try to escape. Marijuana was particularly important for me to quit as I started using it at a very young age and had very serious negative consequences from abusing it over the years. I attended Marijuana Anonymous for several years to overcome this addiction and yes I do believe Marijuana can be addictive for some people, it was for me.

    Knowing someone else has done or is doing what you are trying to do is a game changer for me as it shows me what is possible so I hope I can share my experience, strength and hope with others who may be stuck in the relapse cycle as I was for many years.

