
  1. C

    Day 1 - 34 Year Old Catholic-Convert PMO Addict

    What’s Up Guys? Was a miracle I re-found this place. I’ve been struggling with the PMO addiction since I was 14. A real typical millennial. Since getting the dial-up as a birthday present I’ve had porn at my fingertips since I could remember and the rest was history. It’s gotten progressively...
  2. J

    Help starting the 90 day challenge

    Hi everyone, I am new to the community. Unfortunately, I have a slight addiction to porn. After a few days without, I feel the need to go and watch a porn film and eveidently masturbate. This is something I would like to stop for multiple reasons, I have been 5 years with my girlfriend and...
  3. 2525


    Welcome to the 90 Days Challenge! The 90 Days Challenge is currently the most common challenge for fapstronauts. What is the 90-CHALLENGE ? - The challenge is easy and clear. You must reach 90 days of no PMO. - You must start on day 0 and you should post preferably every day in this...