100 Days Hardmode

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by flame0, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. flame0

    flame0 Fapstronaut

    Today is my 100th day on hardmode. I intend to keep this streak going until marriage.

    I am very thankful for the grace of God.

    What I did differently this time:

    • I got accountability from someone who I knew very well and who knew me very well. I cared what they thought of me, and I knew they believed in me.

    • I put my phone and the power cord to my PC (I don't have a laptop but the principle works the same) in the basement every night.

    • I quit watching ALL TV, MOVIES, OR SIGNIFICANT YOUTUBE CLIPS unless I was with someone else who wanted to watch something. This almost meant quitting TV and Movies completely. I think one of the big struggles is that we are overly sexually stimulated day after day. Removing as many visual cues as possible has made a significant difference.

    • I paid attention to my sleep patterns and attempted to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. There were a number of other disciplines that were relevant here.

    • I slept with a belt on buckled backwards to keep myself from edging in my sleep. I stopped all touching apart from bathroom, cleaning, and occasional adjusting for comfort.

    • I started monitoring other parts of my life better: hours of work, workouts, etc. I started working 50-60hrs per week. Staying busy with the right things helps immensely.

    • I kept reading books on the subject of sexual purity/pmo addiction and listening to podcasts on the subject.

    • I stayed scared. I don't want to go on a 3-6month cycle. I don't want to go back. I remember how horrible it is, and I still fear the possibility of relapse. This is a healthy concern, and motivates me to stay disciplined.
    • I was more consistent in prayer, Bible reading, Scripture memorization (attempting memorize 1 John) and worship. I monitored these things daily on a whiteboard.
  2. badeae1

    badeae1 Fapstronaut

    Good work, glory to God. Stay on this path. Revert to this forum when in doubt. Stay clean.
    flame0 likes this.
  3. The steps you have taken seems to be right and very logical. I congratulate you on this, keep it up, and keep your guard awake.
    flame0 likes this.