100 Days No Porn/Masturbation

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by UmbreonDreamzz, Feb 19, 2022.

  1. UmbreonDreamzz

    UmbreonDreamzz Fapstronaut

    Hey everybody,

    I have finally reached over a 100 days of no Porn/Masturbation and let me tell you that everything is BIGGER BRIGHTER with A LOT MORE ENERGY

    Day 1-20: I was feeling major depression- so serious that I had to lie in bed for 16 hours a day about 3-5 days a week. I was physically and mentally exhausted I could not even think clearly. My mental state was so exhausted from Porn/Masturbation that I couldn't no longer play video games or read past a single page in a book.

    Day 20-60: I started having hope and feelings a lot more clearly. I started feeling motivation, I started the thought of going back to school, I started to think of goals and what I am meant to do with my future. Having thoughts were a big improvement from the first 20 days of no PM because everything seemed hopeless.

    Day 60-100: For the very first time I started to have confidence again, its been years and years of hoping to bring back my spiritual soul. I am no longer tired, when it comes going out and doing stuff I am head to toe with it and my feet are already out the door. I am noticing that my confidence can MAKE ME DO ANYTHING THAT I WANT. If I told myself now that I wanna start school I can most definitely do it. If I tell myself that I can talk to three girls a day so that I can make friends I can definitely do so.

    What I have learned about NoFap:
    There are many things that people can possibly handle, some can smoke cigarets, some can drink tons of beers, some can watch Porn all day, some can have sex all day, but in the most understanding for that I cannot handle Porn and Masturbation. It is something that clearly triggers my body in the worst way. It's one of things that my body tells me "Look, the power to this addiction is way too strong, you just can't handle it." And thats the truth because just because we are on here struggling with symptoms and knowledge that we can't handle it is all possibly because WE CAN'T. There's nothing wrong with that.

    What I have benefited:
    I am motivated to reach past 150-365 Days, and I am running straight head first into the finish line. I am much more HAPPY, I am much more STRONG, I have much more DESIRES, I am just in an OVERALL SATISFIED STATE.

    "Believe me, I have come this far not because I wanted to, I have come this far because there was nothing remaining but of the fire, the only thing I had left to do was take out the flames with the last drips of water I had deep in my soul."

    Feel free to post in here, I will answer any questions you guys have


    Yin&Yang, iamShinra, jcl1990 and 10 others like this.
  2. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    This is my 3rd time having to reach 90 day go.. I haven’t got long to I reach it again .. however my sexual energy is getting stronger.. I am hoping I am not going to relapse again.. the thoughts of all this sexual fantasy is coming back and tricking me to do it again.. looking at porn or escort sites.. still I don’t have any goals.. o really don’t want to relapse again
    Qadir alone24 and Armin5533 like this.
  3. Vindicat

    Vindicat Fapstronaut

    CONGRATS MAN! Stay strong!
    But tell us a little more about your condition before noPMO,
    Did you have social anxiety, conversation problems, and all that in your head? Cos your timeline is surprisingly similar to mine one.
    Armin5533 and sam30 like this.
  4. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    Yes I had abit of everything.. however I have had people try speaking to me or smiling at me… even when I am out right now..I am
    Just walking around the town centre as I wanted to get out the house incase the urges hits slightly… but now when I am on my
    Own I do occasionally want to go back to my old
    Habits when I see some nice women about
    Armin5533 likes this.
  5. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    that's so Awesome! I'm 30 so we are in the same age group! I am inspired by your motivational story!

    It's really terrific that you were about to pull yourself out of severe depression (after days 1-20) I hope we all have such strength and resilince.
  6. UmbreonDreamzz

    UmbreonDreamzz Fapstronaut

    I had pretty much every symptom you can think of on here. I had severe anxieties (I still do but I can manage them more), I had severe conversation problems I couldn't talk to anyone I would rather isolate and shut down, I couldn't think of proper thoughts when having a conversation and I knew that Porn was making my concentration numb when conversing.

    All I can say is that stopping porn increases everything good and makes you stronger SIMPLE AS THAT
    CarlosX likes this.
  7. GP93

    GP93 Fapstronaut

    Inspiring post! Congratulations :)
    RawrDreamzz likes this.
  8. An encouraging post, for sure. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.
    RawrDreamzz likes this.
  9. UnironicallySigma

    UnironicallySigma Fapstronaut

    If you are a NEET and made it to 100 days you are an absolute beast bro. Thanks for posting this. Really motivating post.
    RawrDreamzz likes this.
  10. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Very motivational, gives me hope for the future that yea, getting rid of this addiction can create more happiness within which can directly help in real day to day life
    RawrDreamzz likes this.