14 years of PMO

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Kaala47, Sep 23, 2018.

  1. Kaala47

    Kaala47 New Fapstronaut


    First time to NoFap community. I've been reading some of the success stories and they are all amazing and motivating.

    I've decided to come clean with my problems. This is the first time i'm going to be honest about my problems. I was very good hiding and that screwed with my plans of getting rid of this addiction. I hope opening up will help me tackle this demon and defeat it. I have been masturbating for almost 14 years now. I'm 27 and that means i have spent more than 50% of my lifetime addicted to this habit. I do it everyday, on an average of 2. Sometimes it goes to 3. I just had a breakup with an amazing person two days back and kept thinking over and over what could have been the problem. My life isn't that great. I think it never was that great for the past ten years. I'm depressed, lazy, have a constant mind fog, and have this feel of defeat at all times that i don't deserve anything good in life, but most importantly and only do those works that the PMO demon lets me do. I sometimes feel like i'm it's slave. But not anymore. I cannot have this.

    I want to change and i for sure know that PMO addiction is my problem. I want to go NoFap, say goodby to porn, sexual fantasies that eat up hours of my time everyday. I want to think clearly without having a small indication that i'm doing it to get pleasure from it.

    I want to stay away from anything that gives me pleasure, which is just a click away from me. I want to earn my happiness by making efforts and not through some free internet photos/texts/ and videos. And that can be done only when i take my demon on its head and defeat it.

    Thanks for this amazing community and your super success stories for giving the motivation to come out clean for the first time and the determination to start my nofap journey. I will keep updating you on how it goes and i will read more of your works to keep moving without slipping.
  2. naruku00

    naruku00 Fapstronaut

    You can do this bro, I am with you! I believe in you!
    Kaala47 likes this.