19 year old new to NoFap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by NewCollegeGuy, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. NewCollegeGuy

    NewCollegeGuy Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. I am 19 years old and about to turn 20 soon. I started PMOing around the age of 11. I am still a virgin and about to enter my second year of college. I used to play football and wrestle in high school and never really had a girlfriend. It was just easier to go home after a long stressful day and jerk off. I started to get concerned about my possible porn addiction when I started searching for material that doesn't truly associate with my sex interests. I would find myself getting aroused by footage that would have disgusted me before I started jerking off to porn. I have become desensitized by images and videos of monogamous relationships.

    I joined this because I didn't want to have a better relationship with a screen than an actual female. I want to get the confidence to talk to women and work towards relationships. Any guidance would be appreciated.
    JohnathanSmith and mikepian like this.
  2. mikepian

    mikepian Fapstronaut

    Hey buddy, we have some stuff in common. I'm 21, playing baseball in college in New York, and wrestled in high school. I didn't start jerking off till I was 15. It was by accident while taking a bath, but I was immediately hooked on MO. That soon moved into PMO, and some pretty nasty stuff that both disgusted me but captured me anyway. Jerked off average of 3-4 times a day, couldn't get enough. But I never got any free pleasure out of it--there was a major price to pay. How many times I literally cried myself to sleep after a PMO splurge.
    Anyway, after promising myself and God hundreds of times I would stop all pornography and masturbation, I finally stayed clean for a week last year, and then the days added up, until now I am at 365 plus days. No orgasms, either, except wet dreams, which don't count.
    Man, what a freedom. Let's get you there, guy! My guess is you haven't been enslaved to anything more perverse than I was, so it really is possible.
    I'm pulling for you, man, and praying, too.
    Keep posting, no matter what. Peace, brother.
    NewCollegeGuy likes this.
  3. NewCollegeGuy

    NewCollegeGuy Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the support man. It is so great to know that there are people out there that have been able to break free. It took me a lot of prayer to get the strength to quit. I can't imagine going an entire year.
  4. Masquerade

    Masquerade Fapstronaut

    I am 19 too.Lets do this man
  5. Speshal_K_1997

    Speshal_K_1997 Fapstronaut

  6. NewCollegeGuy

    NewCollegeGuy Fapstronaut

    I'm so glad that I found this community of people who know know what I'm going through.
    I'm new so I'm not quite sure what Gu means.
  7. Kemo

    Kemo New Fapstronaut

    hello same here I got 30 of doing nothing like porn and jerk off :/
  8. NewCollegeGuy

    NewCollegeGuy Fapstronaut

  9. I'm also 19 and new to Nofap. Nice to find a community. Hope to make some progress
    NewCollegeGuy likes this.