35 Female New Fapstronaut-

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by LeTired, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. LeTired

    LeTired Fapstronaut

    Hi NoFap community, I can't stand to be a slave to this addiction any longer. It's deeply ingrained for over a decade and that's a lot of wasted time and shame. I hope to be a success story one day. Starting now- Need an AP ASAP. Hope you're all feeling the strength today. I am tempted nearly every time I'm by myself. Before I signed up just now, I was weak 2x today. My brain grips me and I just have a hard time fighting it, I give in and then feel like crap. I know you all know the situation. Hope this site is helping you all.
  2. Tmetostop

    Tmetostop Guest

    Welcome LeTired, you are in the right place. Don't ever feel shame in talking about what has taking over your life. We are all here for that same reason. Feel free to message me anytime. Lots of good people here willing to help
  3. LeTired

    LeTired Fapstronaut

    Thank you friend!
    Tmetostop likes this.
  4. Tmetostop

    Tmetostop Guest

  5. Secondchanceatlife

    Secondchanceatlife Fapstronaut

    Read the forums and educate yourself fully to what your brain has been doing to you. Productive hobbies or any positive application of your energies is great and will help immensely. Exercise when the urge hits. Your brain is going to make quitting suck. Your emotions thoughts are going to go crazy and hurt, but that's a good sign of quitting. That's the feeling of your brain starting to heal. If it feels uncomfortable keep going. You got this :)
    Tmetostop likes this.