368th day. After 365 days complete challenge Nfp 18/4/23

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by EnterTheMatrix, Apr 18, 2023.

  1. EnterTheMatrix

    EnterTheMatrix Fapstronaut

    So 367 days complete from 15/4/22 16:29 to now 18/4/23 11:43am.

    So i was like full monk mode till 100 or more days past 100 . Then i am remembering till 158 days i was like without Mo ejaculation nothing, it wass hardmode. In monk mode i was not even thinking about sexual things, not talking with girls. But when i got on hard mode was when i started talking with girls so monk mode according to me streak broke that time . Since then till 158 it was hardmode i consider. Then when on 158 i dont remember but when i ejaculated i think MOing or body orgasm that time it ended hardmode streak. Still i wanted to complete 365 days because i have myself a challenge. So i didn't give up and i was still on not using porn streak. I said myself we will complete this streak atleast till 365. And now i am here today after 365 days.

    How do I feel- so right now how do I feel if i say then feeling motivated to do things. Using brains and senses. Enjoying music creativity is there. Thinks lot and and get to the conclusion and that too good one and satisfying. Also to tell i may be on double digit more than 15 days past of without Ej too. So that also may be playing the factor. I can do conversations good also if it is girl or women. Getting better everyday and from evrything. But not P is allowed so after three digits past 100 or can be more and more so that time i transfered to Online call apps and all. Tried to get away from it. It also had its own streaks of staying away from it. But then in some times i use that . Money is involved so something is going. And also there is conversation also so real like thing is that. Courage is there . Anxiety comes but overcoming it also comes because we cannot run from it or we can say our mind doesn't allow to run but to face it . No unnecessary fear but if it is there then overcoming it or our mind brings us the feeling or situation to overcome it so we get improved or we can say updated version of ourselves.
  2. Seahorsesareweird

    Seahorsesareweird Fapstronaut

    Did you experience withdrawal symtoms including late night anxiety and insomnia
    EnterTheMatrix likes this.
  3. EnterTheMatrix

    EnterTheMatrix Fapstronaut

    Anxiety is always there. Also it comes at anytime not like only in night. And yes insomnia is there .