A Trans Hitting on Me ?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Deleted Account, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. I keep having to say this, because we've been inundated with mainstream media brainwashing- attraction is not internal. It's the response/a reaction to a quality of something else... Just because something's different doesn't make it attractive, right? Difference is a comparative adjective, not a descriptive one... Forgive me if I seem pedantic, but I'm merely trying to dispel the error caused by society's brainwashing in their efforts and confusion to normalize same-sex attraction...
    I guess the real question here is @miggy4018, why do you find penises attractive?
  2. Ah, the classic "your reasons for being attracted to someone are not valid." We have a genius in our midst, folks!

    Also, this.
    Novel and unusual are descriptive qualities. So your proposition that "difference is comparative, not descriptive" isn't even logically sound to begin with.

    This is how homophobia/transphobia spreads, people. With twisted logic and misinformation.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2020
    Industriilor likes this.
  3. SeaChange

    SeaChange Fapstronaut

    This is the million dollar response and I think the best way to frame it. Honestly your sex life is yours and yours alone to judge so long as you don't cheat or catch anything. You can consider changing how you frame transgender people in your mind but that's a lot of internal debate for something that started as somebody sliding into your DMs on snapchat.
    Ghost in the Shell likes this.
  4. [​IMG]
    Sosuke Aizen likes this.
  5. What the
  6. Advising someone to ponder on what it is that they find attractive about something instead of just making assumptions about themselves or others isn't homophobia or transphobia.

    By the way, "novel" and "unusual" are comparative adjectives as well, right? Logic and a good sense of grammar would reveal that.

    Seems like this hits close to home for you.
    Ghost in the Shell likes this.
  7. You stated without evidence that something must possess some internal quality in order for it to be attractive. I dispute that. Even if they are attractive because of their differences to other people, why is that invalid?

    It seems that you think that people aren't genuinely attracted to trans people, but they think they are because of societal brainwashing. Is that correct?

    What makes you think that society is brainwashing people to be gay? And why would you want to dispel it?

    And it's cute that you say "it seems like this hits close to home for you", since you claim to be logical. This statement is a complete non-sequitur.

    Autistic Army.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2020
  8. Okay, "FellatiousD"... I... I get it. I just want to make it clear that you don't have to agree with me, right? If you find transgenders attractive, I... don't understand why, but then again, I'm just a former homosexual, right? If it hasn't been made clear yet- the last thing I'm doing is telling people the Earth is going to open up and hellfire will gobble them up about the things they find desirable at this current moment- is that okay? Do you feel better now that I've affirmed you...? and any other man that stumbles into these forums who also finds transgenders attractive? Don't ask for more, cause that's about the best I can do!

    Not because you're begging, but because this means something to you, I'll respond to... your response... and then go back to the subject at hand...

    Follow me:
    Yes, you can be initially attracted to something because of it's novelty- it's newness. Which is a superficial quality. Cause like new smartphone, a new friend, (and most relevant to this site) a new porn category- novelty wears off, right? Nothing is "new" forever.
    First, let's just take this time to acknowledge that we agree about something: attraction is a response to the possessed quality of something outside of a person, a concept I think you're still confused about because you're all confused and double-minded cause that brainwashing is yelling atcha, "Nooo don't think about that! Quick!! bootload "virtue_signalling.exe"!!! Right? Cause what better way to win a one-sided argument than to prove how much better you are than someone else by reaffirming everyone else's brainwashing. lol. That was snide. Forgive me. I would just erase this, but it's funny. See the humor in this. Please? Logic can be cold and heavy sometimes, I'm trying to insert some fun and light-heartedness.
    Anyways, humor me- we're talking about novelty, right? Novelty... Novelty fades, yes.
    Now, if attraction was an intrinsic part of every human being, then the one who is attracted to things that are novel- their attraction to transgenders are superficial, right? It's a superficial quality. So it doesn't say anything about this mysterious, esoteric innate so-called "sexuality" people possess that makes a specific class of people desirable for sex, right? Because the two aren't related. Because novelty (a superficial quality) is the variable that triggers the attraction response. Not the other way around. For every action there's a reaction. Law of Motion. If someone presents you with a chocolate cake you can lick your lips in anticipation or eating, or recoil in horror because you're trying to keep that weight down? Right? In this case we're talking about transgenders, but of course, you don't wanna eat a transgender because.... you get it.
    This is where that brainwashing part I was talking about comes in. It doesn't take a bachelors in neurology to figure this stuff out it's common sense. Logic, as you said, right? Do you get it? Right?
    Not that society is brainwashing people to be gay. I think men will do fine on their own finding things to stick their dick in for the purpose of their personal pleasure, even if that includes other men.

    The brainwashing part-uh is that receiving pleasure or finding something attractive means that there's an innate quality with you that determines what you find attractive. That doesn't even make sense. A dude isn't gay because he likes sticking his dick in other biological men, he identifies as gay because sticking his dick in other men is the only thing he believes will ever give him pleasure or satisfy him sexually. Do you see that? Kind of like how after years of training with a rapier I believe I'm a swordsman. I don't just claim to be a swordsman without ever wielding a sword. Right? Cause that makes no sense. You get it? You get it? Like.. you get it? Is it clear..? *Knock, knock* is this thing on? Or should I apply more shampoo for the brainwashing? Lol.... You get it? I have to ask so many times because.... you know...

    The reason I am dispelling this brainwashing tool whatever organizations are making money off of or are on some metaphysical plane energy-sucking the souls of men with.... is because it's annoying and illogical. I wish it went deeper than that, but in all honesty it really is just such... a nuisance! You know? Man's understanding of human sex organs and why we stick out penises into things for pleasure just... doesn't merit so much... complicated cat shit, to put it poignantly.
    To know I personally suffered from HOCD- and that every day, another boy suffers from HOCD- because society is inundated with just... straight up lies... annoys me. So maybe it does go deeper. Not deep enough to make a charity out of it or a website like nofap, cause duh- there's already nofap. But deep enough to be a annoyance, you know? Mosquito-buzzing-by-your-ear-making-that-nnnnnnn-sound, annoyance.

    Anyway, Mister Fellatio... don't shut off those alarm bells yet. Sorry. I haven't lost focus.
    I still think it's worth actually sitting down, alone, quiet- maybe with one's legs crossed- and meditating on what the attractive qualities are that transgenders possess; specifically those that would make a man pursue, accept or be stimulated by the thought of sexual gratification by said transgender(s). To clarify, transgenders.... that being a biological male, with temporary or permanent cosmetic alterations to give the perceived appearance of biological female qualities... most likely with their male penis still intact.

    Personally... I can't answer that, and I don't think miggy is willing to- others have taken a crack at it- but, I'm sure you'd be the one to provide a more in-depth, personal response; of course, not for the enlightenment of any of us (because everyone is different), but I'm sure for your own introspective gains, of course... Feel free to share your insights if you like...
  9. @determinedtoquit

    Response to“Yes, you can be initially attracted to something because of it's novelty- it's newness. Which is a superficial quality. Cause like new smartphone, a new friend, (and most relevant to this site) a new porn category- novelty wears off, right? Nothing is "new" forever.”

    A very large part of sexual attraction is superficial, especially with men. It is possible to be sexually attracted to a trans woman for the same reason you are attracted to a straight woman. Just because the attraction is to superficial qualities, does not make it somehow not attraction. Skin and hair and thick lips are attractive traits in women, and they degrade over time as well. It seems like you’re trying to imply that men can only be attracted to traits which are permanent. Which is a bogus statement.

    If someone goes on a trans porn site with the intent of jerking off to a trans model, he might look at 10 models and find only 2 of them arousing. But surely they are of similar “novelty”, all being biological males with some feminine traits and male genitalia. So why is he only aroused by some of them? Because just like with women, there is a range of physical traits which are either attractive or unattractive. So it seems like you are presupposing that men are ONLY attracted to trans women because of their novelty.

    Response to “Now, if attraction was an intrinsic part of every human being, then the one who is attracted to things that are novel- their attraction to transgenders are superficial, right? It's a superficial quality.”

    Yeah you can be attracted to literally anyone for superficial reasons. This is not unique to men who like trans women.

    Response to “Not that society is brainwashing people to be gay. I think men will do fine on their own finding things to stick their dick in for the purpose of their personal pleasure, even if that includes other men.”

    Yeah, that’s good enough for me.

    Response to “The brainwashing part-uh is that receiving pleasure or finding something attractive means that there's an innate quality with you that determines what you find attractive. That doesn't even make sense.”

    Sure it does. One reason person A (cis male) might like person B (trans female) is because person A is submissive, and person B is dominant. Being submissive makes trans women a lot more attractive because they are well-equipped to have a dominant role.

    Response to “Anyway, Mister Fellatio... don't shut off those alarm bells yet.”

    Heyyy, you got my name! Most people don’t say anything about that.

    Response to “I still think it's worth actually sitting down, alone, quiet- maybe with one's legs crossed- and meditating on what the attractive qualities are that transgenders possess; specifically those that would make a man pursue, accept or be stimulated by the thought of sexual gratification by said transgender(s). To clarify, transgenders.... that being a biological male, with temporary or permanent cosmetic alterations to give the perceived appearance of biological female qualities... most likely with their male penis still intact.”

    Well, it doesn’t really take a lot of meditation to know what you’re attracted to. Most of the time you know as soon as you see it. Some guys like women with deep voices, maybe taller women, they like the aesthetic of male genitals, while also liking more feminine things like long hair, shaved bodies, breasts, etc. These are all valid reasons to be attracted to trans women.

    Autistic Army.
  10. Ugh... not what. Why. Why is the question. You missed it entirely to the point where I think you're having an entirely different interaction in your own head.

    To be frank, it appears as if you seem to be very... preoccupied... with sex (to the extent you would put it in yor username); If that's the case I can understand why you're not "getting it."

    What I'm calling into question is why a perceived attraction should lead to desirability and pursuit of sexual interaction. It's the why. But honestly... at this point I don't even care to know. I didn't before, and I surely have no interest now. It seems that the majority of people let "for pleasure's sake" be the ruling of their reasoning, and with all due respect... from what you've written and the shallow understanding beneath it, I can see you're not one of the outliers...
  11. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    Yes, you should NOT entertain such conversations. Ask yourself what's your purpose on nofap? If your action defeats this purpose then you know the answer.
  12. Why does someone want to have sex with people they're attracted to? What kind of question is that?

    And what the fuck is "perceived attraction"? Oh yeah I think that I'm attracted to X, but I might not really be. You either are or you aren't, holy shit.
    Sosuke Aizen likes this.
  13. I put it in a spoiler. Delete the quote bro.
  14. Yeah and thanks to post modernism, I bet you could read that out and most people would see no issue with it right? Cause it's all about living your own truth now.

    This is why I really don't think it's not gonna be the porn industry that takes down nofap— it's going to be these brainwashed zombies that come on here because their dick stopped working, or because they're bored and then spew their "pleasure is lord" message and render null the effectiveness of this platform.

    Like nofap goes so much deeper. It's a place for people to learn about self control, to question themselves, to see their own potential and to become the authority in their own lives. But you have these people coming in and pleasure is the master of their mind and are clearly happy with it so it's like why the f**k are they even here, you know? Jeez. Not that I think they should leave per se... Ok maybe some of them. Cause I can guarantee some of them are wolves in sheep's clothing. Especially the ones with triggers in their username. Sorry. I'm b****ing now. I'm done.